Dafayo Today-o/Volume One

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Greetings artists and literates of the world!

It is I, Dafayo who writes to you here. The world is in turmoil and knee deep in wars over gold and land, while I Dafayo; choose to lead the world in a cultural evolution to rattle the very heavens! Since my arrival in Atamara I have decided to take this world and lead it into renaissance! The lands abound are all covered in filthy forms of barbaric art. The world seems to swim in lowbrow and crudely carved images not fit to adorn a commoner’s toilet room! So I have single handedly taken the job of bringing the world into a new age of culture and art. My critics number many, and my fans number more! My art speaks loud enough to back up my words. And my claim here and forever NOW is this-

“I am Dafayo Daphine Vashemere! Artist supreme! Artist Elite! The world’s FIRST mega-star artist to become wealthy off of art and art alone!”

Welcome to Dafayo Today-o, and welcome to the only printed-paper to promise class and refinement of the utmost standard and measure. I am here to bring you a slice of perfection on a loaf of heaven! Read on my adoring fans, and see why Dafayo is hailed