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Yssdragill.gif Ammersfield

Location River
Terrain Rural
Weather Area North-East

Ammers in the old tongue means blood, but the correct terminology is: the blood is the life, when translated correctly. The meaning of field, is field but in the context of a twisted forest. Thus Ammersfield was once a land that was drenched in blood. This harkened back to the old days when Giblot was the sister realm of Outer Tilog.

Nowadays Ammersfield is closer to what the name implies, a land rich for the harvest, a paradise which is close to everything in the realm. The population of Ammersfield is slightly different from the standard Giblet citizen. There are many reasons for this. Such as, the old ways have not fully died here (cults, ritual suicide and the study of the occult), so we are the closest to the Outer Tilog frame of mind than any other region in Giblot - bar a few (bearing in mind that there are no ties at all to Outer Tilog, merely a distant history that is shared.) Dark deeds are common place here, but the news never travels far.

Among the populace is the Wamphyri family who have managed to control this region for generations. Their family history is veiled in mystery but the common legend is that they where one of the first peoples to land here before Giblot found its independence.

More famous or possibly infamous are the Wamphyri family Vats deep under Ammersfield. Local peasant’s still try to find them for they are said to bestow life ever after. The vats have been passed down the family line and are primly used for the crafting of flesh, in which abominations are formed and even given life. There are even whispers that the undead come from this place but no evidence has ever been found to confirm this.

To outsiders Ammersfield is a land of wonder, bliss and the nocturnal delights they thought where not attainable in the flesh, but the price is high. If they do not break the spell of this place, Travellers find themselves here for life. For the knowing Ammersfield is the land of freedom but not to be entered by the unwarily after dusk.

Written by Zhar Wamphyri, Count of Ammersfield

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