Vashmere Family/Vatticus

From BattleMaster Wiki

WARNING: "You may take this all as lies or just laugh your butt off. The vashmere family is part of a small group of players now among you who wish to roleplay people from another world that you may not allow in your mind to be real. If you have a problem with these players harmlessly roleplaying accidental victims of a dimensional vortex then there is no reason to read this. The players involved with this intend to make a guild or church of pagan gods and ideas of this world they hail from. Of course they can be seen as psychotic dreamers for your own happyness"

Vatticus Rex Vashmere was born to the master-merchant family of Vashmere on the land Sother. He was born the first of three brothers now all dead.

Looks:Vatticus is 6ft3, thick shouldered and always seen wearing his fancey chainmail garb, even at home. His voice is deeper then any ocean and his eyes have been described as “bloodcurdling” by even the bravest of men. His lumbering size and square head give him the look of an odd cross between an oger and a man.

Personality:Psychological war is Vatt's self proclaimed weapon of choice. He truly thinks he is a master at communication that results pften in chaos. His long letters, overly drawn out banter, poison double edged words and sick images are among his finest weapons. He has cuased whole Kingdoms to bicker and rip apart in presence of his words. His lack of respect for honor and truth allow him to lie and double-talk with ease. Though he can feel friendship and loyalty, he usually ruins both in the end of interactions. The more he is poked the worse he becomes. What he calls a strength can also be seen as a weakness. His mouth and temper are bigger then all the castles in Atamara. He also uses this ability to gain trust in Nobles who may be swaying in loyalty to the crown, giving him connections to secrets and plans within the realm. His guiltless nature makes him a dangerous jester.

Rumors and facts: Rumor of Vatt's involvment with a Cult that worships all evil, and alien gods has spread across Atamara quickly. Some say he is a very active member in the cult's creation and leadership, while others say the cult has no leaders and vatt is a simple pawn of the order.


At birth, the story of Vatticus (often called Vatt) became murky with intrigue and darkest rumor. Born twin to another brother (Tyranus Rex Vashmere) Vatt was the only child to survive the delivery. Tyranus, born stiff and still, had died in the womb with marks around his neck. The wet nurse and local doctors determined the cause of death to being tangled in the mother’s cord. Vatt has been quoted often as saying in half-jest “it was no cord that strangled that boy, it was me. I had nothing to do in her gut, so I had nine months to kill” Vatt's mother (Lady Yesenia Vashmere) was devastated by the loss of one of her twins, in result she quickly became over protective of her surviving first born.


Vatt was skilled with a sword by the age of 12, and had entered battle officially leading units by age 15. Under command of his father (Victor Von Vashmere the 2nd), Vatt entered and devastated the Jamoonian settlements to the north and east in efforts to gain back land and wealth for his father. During these years Vatt learned much about tactics and weapons- earning much respect as a general to Vashmerian forces engaged in battle with both Jamoon and Crackenseed. By age 18, reports of rape, murder, tourture and disgrace started pouring from all Local settlements. Vatts men had been accused of waging attacks on innocent farmers, merchants and small villages that had not offended the Vashmerian crest. The local governments ignored these reports for years until reports of cannibalism among Vatt himself, and his men, came pouring in. This lead to Vatticus being brought to trial in the lands of Brooksheild in front of an elected judge. The trial proved Vatt innocent of all charges. The judge was found murdered the following week with his tongue and eyes removed.


By age 20, Vatt’s father had lost almost all his wealth and pull within Sother. The family’s gold had come close to running dry and all trades between Brooksheild and Vashmere were coming to a halt swiftly. Lord Victor Von, in a moment of panic, had sent his three surviving sons on a quest.

“to go forth and locate other Kingdoms where we can begin anew. Rebuild our wealth at all costs.”

Vatt decided to travel to the East Islands in search of a Kingdom that would help in his quest, but before getting there he received word that his young brother (Victor Von the 3rd) was raising eyebrows and rabble in a nation called “Abington” claiming he was a warrior and a Noble Knight under the Vashmerian name. Vatt was both insulted and interested in his brother’s insane claims and decided to travel there to find for himself what had made young Victor so “brave” these days.


When arriving into Abington, Vatt learned that his brother had sworn a “Sir Gerd” as his liege and patron, as well as adopted the title of “Knight of Sudfern”. Vatt was amused to also find his brother was slain in a legal duel from a fellow Knight of Abington for nothing more then “words over honor”. After learning that Abington was a place that did not imprison or punish such acts as “calling duels on children” or “Slaying the naïve” he finally decided

“This is the kind of place a man like me can get things done in. Abington seems the likely spot to rebuild the family name”


After burying his brother, Vatt began his travels within Abington as a Knight of Sudfern, replacing his brother’s duty with his own. During his travels north towards Stonevill , vatt was "rumored" to be seen cuasing much comotion along the way. Local reports said he was becoming famous fast with his "crazyness" in each town he visited. This lead to the mass attack on Vatt by the realm's Nobles from the south all the way to those who were actually serving in the middle of battle in RedSpan. Rumors report Seeing Vatt's attempt to spread influence over officals, locals and certain "unnamed" officals. One Noble (the direct birth son of Lord Drago, passed king of Abington) reported the following-

While heading with my men out to the front I witnesses a strange occurence Looking across the field I saw a nobleman speaking with a rather Elvish looking maiden. I couldn't make out everything that was being said only the screams of the apparently angry lord I then witnessed:

Vatticus: (backhanding her jaw with his heavy gauntlet) I AM IMMORTAL! SAY IT!

Hmmmmm so that is the crazy man I have been hearing so much from. And now not only is he claiming to be from the most famous and noble family ever, now he claims to be immortal too. I shall stay far away from that one lest the demons that obvioulsy inhabit his brain decide to jump out when I am forced to behead him and then they jump into mine.

He ushers his men past, not fearing the man but the demons that must surely inhabit him to cause him to have such delusions of grandeur and to think himself immortal.

No man is immortal."

These sort of reports eventually lead to the entire nation bickering and losing sight of the war. More Nobles now faught the rumors of Vatticus then the actual war. vatticus used his master skills at psychological warfair to help aid a domestic chaos among all of Abington. Reports also rumor Vatts hand in cuasing a questioning among all Nobles of thier Judge and King (A bitter debate between the two led to a calling for a duel to the death by the Judge)

The streets were on fire with rumor, words of demons, witchcraft, inner kingdom duels between King and Law, Nobles losing all control and hope of ever gaining the attention of the war. Few Nobles will be able to see what happend here. They will always remember a time of chaos that not only ripped the crown apart, but also toppled the very trust of Noble-vs-Government. Many spoke of a dark day, a sickness, an infectious mind serpant that could jump from one man's skull to another. The entire Kingdom of peacful Abington was now filled with crazy Nobles doubting Vatticus was real. Swearing he was a fictional man, a False human who came from no where. One Noble called these trying times "the coming of the Gale Force Winds", others simply screamed for attention just to be heard over the sounds of Nobles fighting Nobles, Kings fighting Judges, peasents running in fear. In one Report; Peasents of Sudfern were recorded saying "Sir Andy" was seen dealing with actual Demons!!!

Abington would never be the same ever again. They may return themselvs to the Civil people they once were. They may survive the Judge-vs-King circus that took pride and trust from many Nobles for thier Crown. The entire nobility and Government had been reduced to madmen in just two days of vatt's visit to Abington. Watching the entire land ripping itself apart vatt looked over his work.

The dark lord smiled, remembering the words of "The Grand Poobah" (a most respected and heroic Knight of eldest blood and important duty to the lands of Abington)

"You are nobody, you just got here one hour ago, you have no power, no wealth, no men...Vatticus, you have NOTHING! What can YOU do for Abington? NOTHING!"

Vatt laughed to himself at the thought, thinking: "Abington? HA! Crushed in under 30 hours, and reduced to foolish enemies of thier own family's! HA! And my father said it would take over two weeks to make them pay."

WAYBURG (Abington)

Vatt's stay in way burg resulted in meeting the Arch priest Gauihu, who proved himself to be a living devil named "Savish". In Vatt's mind, possibly reality, the preist has turned out to be one of the 21 elder god's of Sother. Vatt also harbors one of these devils, and is directly faced with another who is possessed. But to Vatt's amazment, Savish seems to keep his presence secret from his host form. Gauihu is not aware of his guiding force, but Vatt knows that Savish would only use a human host that is brutal, evil, canabilistic and murderous. Vatt now wants to serve at his feet in order to keep Toth happy. The two Devils, after all, reign in simular kingdoms.


Vatt's time spent in Careila was a comic quest to drink and mate with whatever he could capture or steal. The quest ended with the land kicking him out after using the "protest option" to protest the King for being "too attractive" and "too great to be a mortal". The joke resulted in Vatt having to leave. But before he left he was sure to insult the fallen heros of the land AND send his 8 men marching agaisnt the entire armys of Carelia in Skalk. Over 100 men were attacked by Vatt's 8, who all died horribly. Vatt survived to escape to the Cagilan Empire, but not before bragging that his 8 men killed one soilder in one unit. Vatt found this battle to be a win for himself. He hated his unit- now it was dead. And he really was hungry so he ate the fallen Carelian soilder on his way to CE. He also kicked a puppy on the way out and killed a few farmers for good sport. After his trouble making adventures he decided Carelia was too soft to harbor a man of his magnitude.

Cagilan Empire

Vatt's stay in Cagilan Empire resulted in -yes, again- the kingdom hunting his head as he ran for the boarder as a rogue once again. The Kingdom was dragged into disgusting display of confusion and chaos as five others arrived newly in Atamara claiming to have known Vatt in his homelands of Sother. The group called him a brother of The Blackest Cult, and all seemed to have fantasies of being possessed by demons, gods or devils of death. The group were quickly becoming very popular with some Nobles, and less popular with the Grand Justicar Strider. The Primie Minister publically announced on a sunday that the groups right to free speach was protected by the laws of CE, but the following day this right was removed when they spoke openly about chaos and the loves of evil. The group left with a smile as they crossed the boarder with three new members of The Blackest Cult (Nobles who decided the CE was in the wrong in banning the group for simply speaking).

During his stay in the Cagilan Empire Vatticus met Lady Morrigan who he swore as his liege. A wonderful wit, and a powerful sword arm, this woman proved fatal to Vatt's black heart in strikeing his soul with love. He swears he will have her one day, and kill all those who intend to stop him. To his own promise says his first born will be of her womb. He waits to return to CE to both crush its morality and liberate lady Morrigan from her life of bordom and goodness.