The Aenilian/21st August 2006/News Reports

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August 22, 2006 -

The End of Miraglonn?

Menelmereth, the former Duke of the Lasanarian city seceeded the city after she believed the "Feudal Republic" of Lasanar to be a fraud, one wonders however if her indignation at the loss of democracy was pure, considering the fact that she formed a Monarchy realm?

Earlier today the combined armies of Lasanar and Ethiala stormed the city of Colosan in an attempt to sweep away the defences laid down by the newly seceeded realm of Miraglonn. With their resouding victory, it is clear that there will probably be a TO already under way and the short history of Miraglonn will come to an end. We at the Aenilian wish Ethiala and Lasanar every success in their efforts, secession without true cause is a crime which is intolerable.

Wait...shouldn't the war be over?!

From sources in the rulers' channel it seems that this war was begun between the Sanctum and the League due to a personal vendetta between their two rulers. Please correct the Aenilian authors if we are wrong, but Maltheo's death has changed this and thus should not the war be over?

It seems that now the true reasons behind this conflict come to the fore, as the Sanctum, Antoza and their ally Soliferum continue to hound Anacan's lands. Perhaps next time you want to go to war perhaps you should give us the real reason hmmmm?

Maltheo dead!

From what has been told, the fight was a long one as both opponents were quite skilled with the blade. However, eventually the fight had to come to the end, and Maltheo struck a blow upon the shoulder of Valius, but in his exultation failed to realise the sword of Valius which had connected in the same instant. Delivered a mortal wound in the chest, Prime Minister Maltheo died shortly afterwards while Valius was taken away to his healers for restoration.

The Aenilian wishes to send their regards to the Nobles of the League, for in this action you have lost a leader and a friend, and the Far East has lost a ruler which is never an occurrence that should be taken lightly.

Over so soon?

According to reports, the current Prime Minister of the League, Maltheo, who also seems with his election, to be a cause of King Valius' vendetta war against the League, has challenged the rulers of all the realms he is at war with to a duel to the death. This brazen act has caused a stir amongst many, but it seems to have been effective, for Valius at least has accepted his duel. From what we have seen of both rulers' swordfighting skills, a fair match is a very great possibility. Either way however, at dawn the Far East will be one ruler less...

GA and the War

Unwilling to damage relations with the Sanctum, Antoza and Soliferum, but also bound by treaty to aid their allies in a military conflict, the Greater Aenilian House of Lords spent long hours debating the issue. However, though it pains many to do so, for Aenilia does not bear any of the realms involved ill-will, it seems that the honour of Greater Aenilia dictated their involvement.

With this decision and its subsequent proclamation to the realm, the first Greater Aenilian expeditionary force in the realm's short history is being marshalled in Idapur city. For the first time in the history of the Far East, Aenilian troops shall be seen in the field in their first battles.

August 21, 2006 -

New paper in Greater Aenilia

Currently the editor, reporter and interviewer is Luyten, Arch-Priest of Greater Aenilia and Duke of Nahad, former head of the Ethialan Press. This paper will be the only newspaper now in the Far East which is dedicated to the delivery of fast and (as accurate and unbiased as we can make it :) news reports.