Naicato Herald/Volume One

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Naicatoism.jpg Naicato Herald
Cost: Free to followers of Naicatoism Prophet of the Naicato: Zeluioj Volume 1
Religious Newspaper of the Naicato!

Pure Freedom's End Result

It appears a second religious newspaper has risen into the ranks of international journalism. A newspaper run by none other than The Blackest Cult.

I believe one of our main issues is a lack of understanding between the two religions. There are two examples. Their "evil" they claim is freedom. Their evil is license. I'll admit I was brash in declaring all members of the cult rapists, murderers, looters, druggies etc. However, the fact remains that their most prominent members follow this. They practice excess freedom. They believe in taking freedom too far. This will result in anarchy. If everyone has pure freedom, everyone will do whatever they want. Eventually, someone will step on someone's toes. What if a cult member want to chew on Vatticus? Whose pure freedom do they take away? Likely it will be the person who wants to chew on Vatticus as he is the leader and commands authority. More on the second issue on the nature of god to come.

The Banning of The Blackest Cult

Luckily, the Cagilan Empire has been banning these evil nobles. At the same time, something I stronly disagree with, they've given them plenty of chances. While that might appear to be fair, it is far from good. It only gives them more chance to spout their evil. Hopefully the last of The Blackest Cult will soon be banned. That noble being Zephimyr.

If there is the slightest chance that one of your "rights for anarchists" contains some honour, I will give you the chance to declare yourself rogue before the morning dawns, as you intend to leave this Realm anyway, so you will not have a ban in your family history. If you refuse to take the honourable way out or throw any insults at this Realm or any of it's Nobles, you WILL be banned and therefore leave disgraced, your choice!! either way, bye bye

Strider Grand Justiciar of Cagilan Empire, Marshal of the army of Eaglin

Strider, in the name of the Naicato, why give evil a chance to spread? Stomp it out now.

Can a mere noble be a God?

Baalat, Knight of Hidale, a proud member of The Blackest Cult has recently claimed to be a goddess. I'm unsure whether she is insane, stupid or the essence of evil. This is yet another representation of the evil of The Blackest Cult. Not only has she called herself a goddess, she has called us insects.

Well I will be prey to no one am a Goddess amongst Insects

She has been signing every message as goddess for awhile. I finally brought the issue up.

Baalat: And yes I am a Goddess even my name rings true to that
Zeluioj: Heresy! This woman calls herself a goddess. What proof do you have of such claims? May the Naicato strike you down with lightning in your tracks!
Khaludh: You are a mere human person Baalat. If you think your some supernatural being I dont think you have everything straight
Aris: I agree he is not a godess and should be put in a looney bin
Baalat: Such insignifigant maggots you are. And amongst such a decrepid race of people I am Goddess. She lives inside my mouth tells me what to say. And therefore you are as low of a society as there ever could be.
Zeluioj: now you claim a body part, your tongue, is a goddess? I'm not sure if you are insane, incredibly stupid or the very essence of heretical evil.
Khaludh: Baalat is lonely here and she despises us so much that she thinks herself above us and thus a supernatural being.
Alden: how about we let Baalat be a goddess and forget about it, eh? some people argue over the stupidest things, shows how much of nobles you all are
Zeluioj: Alden, this is not a stupid issue. This is one of the most important issues. Religion. For any noble to call themselves a god or goddess is heretical and evil in nature.
Baalat: I am A GODDESS will you have me hung in the gallows for all to see what happens when someone disagrees or simply has a different thinking pattern than you. Yes my intellegence far exceeds that of your own and since I have the freedom to think for myself I am A GODDESS

While I didn't bring it up at the time, I see something that would disprove her being a goddess. I'm sure we can agree gods are immortal. She didn't say she would live through a hanging at the gallows. Implied we would kill her for believing differently than her. If we could kill her, then she must not be a goddess.

The Blackest Cult

The Cagilan Empire has recently rid ourselves of the evil cult which calls itself The Blackest Cult. I must commend Abington and Carelia of being noble and good enough to have rid themselves of this menace in the past. They have a long ways to go before clearing themselves completely of evil though. I urge you to break your ties with Redspan. It is polluting your nobles minds. More news on The Blackest Cult will follow as several days ago I talked to Vatticus himself.

Structure of Naicato Herald

As there is often little religious news to report, each volume is the equivalent of 6 months. Should news pick up, the size of each volume will be reduced. We would also like an image for our newspaper. Contact Zeluioj of the Cagilan Empire if you are able to offer your services.

Redspan's Pollution

Redspan shall be defeated. The reign of the worship of animals has come to a pass. Just as Drachenwald fell, so shall Redspan fall. The Naicato have predicted it. Yes, it is long in coming, and it shall be an uphill battle, but it will come to pass. They also say that Carelia is coming under the sway of the worship of the goat, and Carelia may need to be destroyed. Abington shall also face punishment, though their destruction is not necessary. If they are not destroyed though, they need to be taught the way of Naicatoism, not the way of Pantheism, a variant of true Naicatoism. It is because of the pollution of Redspan and Drachenwald that this war came to pass. However, the dragon and goat, which are the same, have masked the war in human desires of their followers. Drachenwald is gone, with few followers whom are dying, but Redspan remains and it is time for it to go.

Naicatoism gaining upperhand

Naicatoism is finally gaining the upperhand in the propaganda of the Abington Account, Redspan Revealer. We are also advancing militarily. More details to come.