The Blackest Laws of Evil

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The Blackest Laws of Evil.

  • Throughout time good has hunted and destroyed evil. Good spends its entire existence on seeking out evil and slaughtering it without understanding that not all evil needs to be murdered. Such a world is a savage place for the truly evil. Many evil beings are wise and intelligent, searching for ways to exist within the world without ending up dead or imprisoned in the dungeons of good.

The official rules of evil are an anti-ethical work being penned by the cult of Sother. The rules are intended to help guide and protect those of evil alignment. The work is always growing and open for the evil public to add to. If you have a rule that can help keep a black sheep of this world safe and alive in the good-sick worlds of battlemaster, please add it here. The body of work is considered one of the vilest of writings from man’s hands. Read further to better your career as a prosperous evil.

Nowhere does the Blackest Cult agree that these laws are the only evils of the world. But they do insist they are the only rules that insure productive evil in a world programmed to kill you for simply being “evil”

The cult behind this page reserves the right to remove any and all laws seen as foolish or already mentioned. The intent is to keep a running list of rules to promote the organization and survival of a unified evil nation.*

Rule #1: Never trust good.

Evil can befriend, lust for or even love good people and things, but never trust them. Good by nature seeks to destroy good as if it was valiant to do so based solely on your moral beliefs. Evil can adopt any feeling towards good; even wishing it protected and promoted since evil is free to think freely. Good simply views evil as the enemy and always eventually seeks to destroy it.

Rule #2: Never upset or break the law of your nest.

If you are to survive and not fall prey to good Nobles and over zealous religions that seek to destroy you, you must not break the law of the land. If no law is broken, you cannot be held for a crime. Evil must obey the law much more strictly then good. Good runs most law, and therefore gets better treatment when arrested. Evil risks much being arrested in lands that promote “good” law. It is possible to crush entire nations by never breaking a law. Seek to infect the land, not break its laws. Never be hesitant to point out those who break the law against you, but do not hold your breath for justice.

Rule #3: Act a friend, be a spy.

It is fine to be a friend to other, but always keep notes on all things said. Keep a list of all agendas and plots of those around you. Since you are evil, it is easy to assume you will soon be hunted for it. Its best to have black mail on everyone who may be able to crush you at these times. Be a spy at all times, but beware burning bridges you may never be able to rebuild.

Rule#3: Never question your desires.

What you want is what is right. There is no cosmic law to the universe. It is chaos and cancer-like in nature. It kills all life over time without ever looking under its foot for the squashed. Never limit you happiness but second guessing your desires. What ever they are, your main goal in life is to succeed in any and all desires you have in life.

Rule#4 never bite the hand that allows you to slither.

Evil can never rule its own country until it is first welcomed by royalty. If you are to ever organize above a silly coven or cult to “nation status” you will need friends in high places. Hold all friendships with royalty or high-ranking officials as if they were made of fragile diamonds of considerable worth. Never allow your stupidity or pride destroy your connections to the world’s richest of bloods. Grovel if you must, there is no pride in evil. Such a thing is a notion invented by Evil to trick Good people into acting like fools.

Rule#5 never risk life.

Never duel to the death. Never become a hero (unless becoming a Unholy Knight). Never allow the world to hang you or see you gone forever. Do what ever it takes to see yourself escaped or survived. Lie, cheat, kill, run, beg, grovel, it means nothing to do these things. Evil can crawl forever on its belly with a smile. It is one of the most important rules of evil. Good seeks to kill evil for simply existing, so it only stands to reason that this rule is to be meditated on often.

Rule#6: Lure the light to the darkness.

Take considerable time with those of “the good” who you love most. Try to show them the freedom of evil. How the soul can do as it pleases without the weight of good holding it down. Offer them fruits, flesh, humor, song, dance etc. Do this out of the heart of wanting them forever free from the horrible shackles of good, never because you wish them harm. Offer the darkness to those you wish to rule in hell with as brother or sister to your eternity.

Rule#7: Man is Animal.

Never make the mistake of considering man above animal. Good often paint man as a superior, beginning the disgusting circle that leads to the idea that “good man is better then evil man”. Truly this is a falsehood. All life is made of flesh, all flesh is made to live or die. Eat or be eaten. Burn or freeze. The human body is no more interesting or blessed then that of a deer or pig. Man is animal; some times better -more often worse- then those that walk on all fours. Man’s grasp of intelligence makes it the most dangerous animal to exist. To consider man above animal is to remove his animal rights. To remove a man’s animal rights we make him slave to “good”.

Rule#8: Never get dirty.

Allow others to die for you. Allow scapegoats and foolish zealots take the wrap for the biggest of your mistakes. Do not play this card often for it warns your fools and usually results in losing your scapegoat the very first time he is offered up for your crimes. Never use important cohorts unless it is absolutely necessary for survival.

Rule#9: Learn the art of slithering.

Slither you way through life. Low to the ground and alert. Do not crash through the brush and scream of intentions. This tactic of war-crying is usually used by the stupid “good” or the less dangerous of “evil”. For evil to survive it must make nests in places where it can freely move and hunt. To do so one must slither through the world not bringing the hawk down upon it by being a brutish fool. Use diplomacy, double-edged words, lies and deceit to slither among the good.

Rule#10: Allow Good to commit evil publicly.

Allowing good to commit evil is a great weapon. It allows you the chance to praise the action publicly showing all “good” people to see just what happened. Every time good commits evil it enforces the grip of darkness on your realm. Allow all Nobles to break the law, insult the royalty of the land, and do any act of evil under the moon. If the Noble is worthy of (and safe to) praise – do so. If the Noble is an enemy to your cause, publicly demand justice for his evil act.

==Rule#11: At times do Good.

This rule perhaps the most important of them all. Good always struggles to only perform good actions and deeds that are good in nature. They struggle against the animal needs of the fleshy shell and try to never commit evil deeds. Good is limited to one choice; the good one. If good chooses evil (usually the wiser and easier answer to any given task) it is lessened and seen as polluted. This weakness removes half the deck of cards from a good person’s deck, leaving them with half the chances to win. An evil person is very able to perform good. Some evil people are so good that even they do not know themselves to be evil. An evil person must perform some good acts when needed. If the task calls for a good deed, an evil person has no problems with performing a good act. It does not weaken or lower then evil person in anyway. The evil man is allowed the full range of choice for all actions. The full deck. All the evil and all the good choices of the world are open options for the truly evil.