Police work

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The rain lashes down in sheets, cutting into your body and face as you hurry along the wind-swept street, exhorting your men to greater efforts. You point to an abandoned warehouse, starkly illuminated by a flash of lightening.

"Don't forget to check in there too lads! You never know where these damned rebels may be hiding."

Pulling your cloak more tightly around yourself, you survey the street. Apart from your own men, who seemed to be taking an unholy relish in conducting the raids, there was no-one else in sight. All of the local villagers were cowering inside their homes, fervently praying that their house would be one of the few spared search by the soldiers. You smile to yourself: your troops were good lads, just a trifle over-zealous at times when they went looking for rebels. Sometimes one or two more heads might get bashed than was appropriate, but still, it was good to keep the commoners reminded that disloyalty to the realm was never tolerated.

A shout to your left brings you hurrying over to the warehouse, where your soldiers drag out three men. The men attempt to resist, but it is no use, the soldiers' grips are firmly clamped. You quickly look the captured suspects over.

"Excellent work boys! These are the ones we've been looking for. A spell in the castle dungeon will soon teach them not to plot against us eh? Take them away, and make sure they're treated with all the courtesy that rebels deserve."

As the prisoners are dragged away, each crying out their own innocence, you turn round and head back to camp. You hadn't recognised them, but anyone hiding out on a night like this was surely up to no good. You smile to yourself again, all in all it had been a most productive evening.

Police work can be carried out in any region within the borders of your own realm. You first need to pay your men, and then you will have the option of turning them into a police unit in the unit settings section of your Paperwork centre. There are three different types of police work (Arrest Rebels, Police Raids and normal Police Works). Each type is different in severity, and the effect of lowering independence may be offset by a reduction in the region's morale.

Note that some character classes, such as Heroes, feel that police work is beneath them, and will thus refuse to carry it out.

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