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Revision as of 19:21, 15 July 2006 by Fredrich (talk | contribs)

Orders are things that your character tells your unit to do, such as digging-in, training, or hunting. Repairing equipment, paying you men, and recruiting are also found here because it relates to the status of your unit, not character.

Repair Equipment

If your unit's equipment is damaged, you can visit the local blacksmith (if one is in the region) and get it fixed. However, there are limits. Damage can only be repaired 2% in townslands ans 7% in strongholds, but fully in cities.

Pay your men

You can choose to pay your unit and/or paraphernalia here. It also shows how long it has been since they were last paid.


Tells your men to spend time training.


Cannot be done in regions with fortifications above Mote and Bailey (Level 2). Tells your men to build a small wall and dig some trenches around your camp for some added protection. Its not much, but its better than nothing.

Civil Work

Your men are ordered to do civil work inorder to restore a region's production.

Hunt enemies

If your realm won a battle and your unit didn't retreat/scatter, you can send them after the scattered/retreated enemy units in hopes of causing additional casualities while they are vunerable.

Forage battlefield

If you weren't driven from the field during a battle, you can do this. Your men salvage weapons/armor off of corpses it replace their worn equipment, lowering damage.

Buy Paraphernalia

You visit the local shops in search of paraphernalia.

Abandon Paraphernalia

Ditch your extra paraphernalia if you no longer need it or its too expensive to maintain.

Add Recruits

You visit your realm's outfitter and purchase more men to add to your unit.

Change Name

If you don't like your unit's name you can change it here, for a small price.