Minas Ithil Messenger/June 06

From BattleMaster Wiki
http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/MinasIthilFlag.png Minas Ithil Messenger
Cost: Free, except for those silly ole' Estonites. I dont think we'll give them copies! Editor: Onlianaspace Volume: 1
The only newspaper of Minas Ithil, and the best paper in Atamara!!
  • THE newspaper for the truth about events concerning this Northern conflict!
  • Disclaimer: This paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Ithilian government, merely a general accounting for the opinions of the editing staff.

The Messenger is Running!

June 14, 1006- Well, here we are! Up and running! I'll go ahead and introduce myself. I'm Onliana, editor/printer/writer. I also make the refreshments at the newspaper office for anybody who's passing through! Well, I believe thats all! I hope to give those silly Estonite papers a good thrashing and run for their money in the newspaper conflict I am quite sure will soon erupt!