Lumberjack Family/Omega

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Roleplay from Omega (7 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (40 recipients)

Omega enters the bar and staggers slightly. He had already been drinking in the morning and wanted to numb the developing migrane. He sat in his usual stool and Becky the busty barmaid brought him the pint she had ready for him.

"How did ye know I hic would be here Betty??" asked Omega

"You're not one to pass up free drinks Omega, and my names Becky" replied the pretty barmaid

"Ye know me too well hic" said Omega

He quickly downs the pint and espies out of the bottom of his glass Vlad.

He turns to the barmaid and feels a bit worried about the fact that the wall behind her is moving, but shakes his head.

"Good stuff Bertha hic good stuff, two more if it pleases ya"

She pours him two more and hands them over while muttering "My name is still Becky"

"Thanks Barb, oh and by the way hic the wall behind you is still moving"

She throws him an inquisitive look and opens her mouth but he is already stumbling in Vlad's general direction. He throws himself down in the chair opposit Vlad thrusts the drink into his chest and says. "Lo Flad hic nice evenin innit, ooooh she has a nice ass" gesturing a little to the left of Brom the Storyteller.

Vlad looks down at his clothes and looks mildly annoyed at being drenched in beer but Omega's exhuberance and slurring gains a smile from the Caligan.

The rest of the night goes by in a colourful blur but Omega wakes up in the memory that another noble has been drunk under the table. If only they made that a part of the tournament he thinks to himself donning the armour he hasn't worn since making the trip from Oligarch to LoF...

Omega Count of An Najaf