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As a new player, you will likely find players using a great deal of short forms and such that you will not understand. Here is a list of short forms and other terms that may clear things up for you.

  • BM: Battlemaster. This refers to, of course, this game.
  • IC: In Character. This refers to something to do with yor character.
  • OOC: Out of Character. This refers to something to do with someone as a player.
  • IG: In Game. Basically the sameas IC.
  • OOG: Out of Game. Basically the same as OOC.
  • TL: Troop Leader. This refers to every noble in the game.
  • TO: Takeover. This refers to a realm anexing a region from another realm.
  • RP: Roleplaying. This refers to interactions/stories between players IC.
  • Infil: Infiltrator. A class of character you can play as.
  • Bureau: Buraeucrat. A Class of character you can play as.
  • LL: Local Lord. Refers to the Lord of a region.
  • CW: Civil Work. Something you perform with your troops to increase a region's production.
  • PW: Police work. Something you do with your troops to increase your realm's control over a region.
  • SA: Survey Administration. Something Bureaucrats do to maintain the stats of a region.

This is all I can think of at this point. Feel free to add any terms and short forms I have missed that you think useful for new players.