Talk:Fall of Lone Wolf

From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 16:45, 1 May 2006 by Centaur (talk | contribs)

How are you planning to handle the payment? Are you just trusting everyone to send the gold to the winner once he falls? How will you handle split pots - assign people to send their gold to each winner (I guess any odd can go to the first person to pick that day)? --TomDalton 1 May 2006 15:50 (CEST)

Actually yes, for the most part that was exactly the idea, I will make a frozen copy of this page when sign ups end, so I have record of everyones choices. I will request that those who decide not to pay like they should be fined 50g, for lack of moral character. That should keep everyone in line. There are definately some logistics I still have to work out, and I am most certianly looking for any advice on that. Centauri 1 May 2006 18:45 (CEST)