Aegis Family

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The Aegis Family


   * One of the Aegis Twins
   * Born: Lerrs, Ash Sea Islands
   * Currently serving as Queen of Drachenwald

Born in Lerrs, of the Ash Sea Islands to Elrick and Lucille Aegis. Was the first of the Aegis twins to be born. Grew up a fairly normal childhood, and read many of her fathers books on tactics. At the age of 14 she met her future husband, Matthew. They were married when Lucela was 17. Matthew was a strong leader and a noble man who was searching for a banner to wield his sword under, and when Lucela was 18, she set out with Matthew to find a realm where they could fight together for their values.

Their travels brought them North, all the way to the sea. They found nothing of interest. The couple then moved west, and were disappointed yet again. The couple then moved south with thier band of men and through the mountains. After setting foot in Cagilan Empire territory, they were attacked by some soldiers wearing Cagilan colors. The men were soldiers of the Empire, who were entertaining themselves by killing townsfolk in a newly claimed region. Matthew attempted to stop them, but then another, larger Cagilan force came and attacked Matthew like an enemy. In the battle, Matthew was killed and most of his unit as well. Lucela barely was able escape north to the region of Eagle's Glen.

In Eagle's Glen, Lucela and the remaining men of their unit were taken in by some kind Drachenwaldian peasants. The peaseants treated their wounds, and fed them from their own food supplies. These peasants also told Lucela of the atrocities that Cagilan soliders had committed, and how the small realm of Drachenwald had been trying to keep them off their borders for a long time. Lucela had found the banner she would serve under.

Upon her recovery, Lucela set from Eagle's Glen to Tarasac, the capital of Drachenwald. She arrived, and swore her alligiance to Drachenwald and to the defense of their lands against the attrocious Cagilan Empire. Lucela fought in a few battle under the Dictator Skanders, who resigned shortly after she began to serve. The new Dictator, Gilead saw her potential, and how active she had been in strategic talks and appointed Lucela to the Drachenwaldian Strategic Council. After Lucela showed dedication and a strong tactical mind and great leadership abilities, Envirgar appointed her to the position of Marshall of the Army of Tarasac.

Things went a little crazy around this time. The armies of the Cagilan Empire, Darka, and Tara moved into the capital of Drachenwald, Tarasac. The battle was heated, but in the end, victory was claimed by the invading forces. During this battle, the fool Caliber starting a rebellion against Dictator Gilead. Although Caliber was wounded, The defeat of the defending forces in Tarasac gave him to opportunity to declare himself ruler.

Lucela would not stand for it. She immiediately started a counter-rebellion, and with support from the troop leaders of Drachenwald was able to throw out Caliber in record time. Lucela decided that the Dragon must have chosen her over others to perform this task. She reorganized the government into a Monarchy, to show that Drachenwald was changing, and delcared herself Queen of Drachenwald. With the assistance of Envirgar, now her trusted Judge, Lucela was able to reform the government, and begin peace talks. Those talks continue now, and Lucela is trying to show the world, the reformed, and just state of Drachenwald.


   * The male Aegis twin. 
   * Born: Lerrs, Ash Sea Islands
   * Last seen in the city of Ikalak

Gerard was born mere minutes after his sister Lucela. Gerard however, lived a very different lifestyle than his sister. He has always maintained strong family bonds, but he is a bit more pugnacious than the rest of the family. Since he was a child, Gerard has lived by his sword. He feels out of place when he is not carrying this sword.

Knowing the responsibilities of a true soldier, Gerard dedicated himself to mastering strategy, and then carrying out his strategies with his sword. He knew that he would not be able to learn proper strategy, and become as powerful as he could be in Lerrs. He set out to the South East continent to the nation of Ikalak. Gerard had heard things about Sir Castamir, the general of Ikalak, and wanted to see him in action.

Gerard immediately pledged his sword to Castamir, and fights underneath him every day. He observes everything Castamir does, hoping to one day become a general of that caliber.


   * Youngest member of the Aegis family, also the most idealistic
   * Born: Lerrs, Ash Sea Islands