Everlight Family/Elios/Darkness

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A voice of imperious insistence can be heard reverberating off several chiseled stone walls in the tower district. The words are nearly unintelligible regardless of proximity.

Those near enough to see the kerfuffle are gifted the unforgettable image of a black-and-green-armored nobleman with wild long hair dragging the New Ar Agyr banner behind him, shooing the doorman from the Cerulean Tower and stumbling in evident exhaustion across the threshold to slam the door behind him.

Anyone nearer yet might hear the sound of something heavy slumping against the solid wood, and maybe even a gusty groan.


A forbiddingly high window in Fronepu's Cerulean tower is lit with aggressively flickering firelight from within. The panes have been swung wide open to either side and dark curtains hang clinging to the small balcony railing. A shadow passing by tells of a figure within.

He paces the room like a feral creature. Bare-chested above finely crafted but heavily worn trousers and boots. Long wild hair, pressed flat and greasy in a helmet print, crowns his watchful noble features above endlessly roving eyes. The soiled New Ar Agyr banner is rumpled in one corner of the room, a cowering tomcat with ears pressed against its skull hiding amongst discarded armor.

Scarred, muscular hands knot and twine as though wrestling with each other as he paces. The movement equal parts hostile and anxious. The only sound occasional crackles of fire as he moves noiselessly through the shadowed space.

A floor beam lets out a whimper under his weight. The sound startles him and he drops immediately into a defensive crouch. Eyes wide, hands curled into claws.

Moments pass. The firelight slowly deepens, its orange glow fading to red and almost purple. Wide eyes fix upon it. Under the fire's influence they slowly returning to a more natural, watchful gaze.

Elios rises from the floor. Standing erect, chin held high, he moves imperiously to the window to stare out into the darkened city below. A thought causes a wrinkle to his brow and he returns to the room, seeking and retrieving the discarded banner. It hangs long in his grasp like a cat resisting capture as he steps onto the balcony once more.

On the edge of the railing he finds the spurs and drops the banner onto them, letting it unfurl in the moonlight.

New Ar Agyr, its roots bathed deeply in the history of his North, is proclaimed high above the night sky.