Luria Nova/Events/Melee Event

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  • Kill Count: 💀Human, 🐍Monster, 🐎Dismounted Knight, ⛓Captured Knight

Lance(Noble) - 22 Points 💀5⛓1


Knight Level Effectiveness Impacts & Traits Note
Swordfighting 6 3 Bonebreaker 🩸→🦴
Jousting 6 3 Whistle Kick You attack with your horse. Your horse's attacks may break bones.
Leadership 3 2
Tactical Mind 3 2


Unit Offense Defense Morale Status
Hunter 4(O) 2 1 31
Hunter 6 - Treeman (O) 4 1 24 🌲(Treeman [+5/+3/-20]: Becomes stronger every round but also becomes crazier. Immune: 🤢🦴, Weakness: 🥶🔥) 🤪Mad 🩸(by Galandric) 🩸(by Galandric) 🩸(by Galandric)
Baelrican Blademaster(C) 8(+2) 6 48 🧱Heavy Armour (Resists 🩸🦴 50%) 💔(by Galandric)


Unit Offense Defense Morale Status
💀Hunter 1(O) 0 -1 44 🩸(by Linden)🩸(by Linden)💀(by Lexis)
💀Hunter 2(O) 0 -1 54 🩸(by Galandric)💀(by Linden)
💀Hunter 3(O)) -3 -4 37 🤢(by Green Serpent)💔(by Undead Knight)💀(by Undead Knight)
💀Hunter 5(O) 0 0 67 🛠Damaged Weapon(-1 Offense)🥶(by Blue Serpent)💥Shattered(by Undead Knight) 💀(by Undead Knight)
💀Hunter 7(O) -1 -2 47 🦴(by Large Treeman: Fractured Chest [-2/-2/-10]) 🩸(by Galandric) 💀(by Galandric)


Available Tactics Level Multiplier Impact Note
⚔Ace(C) 2 x1.1 🔒+2 Morale Boost & +2 Morale Damage
  • Gain +2 Morale vs Hold Position(F)
  • 🔒(Removed) Lose -2~5 Morale vs Mounted
Strike Together(S) 1 x1.0
  • Lose -3 Morale vs Shield Wall(F)
Achievement Requirement Reward Note
First Ransom You have achieved the distinction of being the first to capture one of your adversaries.
  • Upon unlocking the Achievement, you immediately gain 10 points.
  • CAPTURE grants you additional 10 points.
The achievement is exclusively granted to the first individual who fulfills the criteria.

Galandric(Captain) - 1 points 💀5 🐎1🐍2


Knight Level Effectiveness Impacts & Traits Note
Swordfighting 3 2 Powerful Impact Powerful Impact strengthens your swordfighting impact by +2(Need Lv6 to gain the impact)
Jousting 3 2 Lance Charge Choose which turn to activate. If you don't, your knight will use it randomly unless you choose not to use it. Seriously wounds a well armoured troop. Instantly kills a poorly armed troop.
Leadership 5 3 Charismatic Leader Will try to remove Shaken and Panic by attempting to raise morale.
Tactical Mind 3


Unit Offense Defense Morale Status
Baelrican Blademaster 1(C) 9 12(+3) 54 🧱Heavy Armour(Resists 🩸🦴 50%)
Baelrican Blademaster 2(C) 9 12(+3) 52 🧱Heavy Armour(Resists 🩸🦴 50%)
Baelrican Blademaster 2(C) 9 9 65 🧱Heavy Armour(Resists 🩸🦴 50%)


Unit Offense Defense Morale Status
💀Orzian Skirmisher 1(O) 0 -2 -20 Gains +1 Morale / Once per round 🔥(by Red Serpant) 😱Terrified(F) 💀(by Lexis: Heart Attack)
💀Orzian Skirmisher 2(O) -4 -4 7 😨Panic 💔(by Undead Knight) 💀(by Undead Knight)
💀Baelrican Blademaster 3(C) -1 -1 -29 🧱Heavy Armour(Resists 🩸🦴 50%) 🩸(by Lance) 🩸(by Lance) 🩸(by Lance) 🩸(by Lexis)😱Terrified(F) 💀(by Lexis: Heart Attack)


Available Tactics Level Multiplier Impact Note
Flanking Maneuver(C) 1 x1.0
  • Gain +2 Morale vs Shield Wall(F)
  • Higher chance of injury vs Mounted
Hold Position(F) 2 x1.1
  • Prevents Morale Damage vs Dismounted

Linden(Noble) - 7 points 💀5🐎4⛓1


Knight Level Effectiveness Trait & Impact Note
Swordfighting 8 9(+3)
  • +3 from Leadership
  • Weaponbreaker
  • Impact: Lower Enemy Defense by 2
While on Foot, Attacks Lower Enemy Unit's Defense.
Jousting 9 13(+5)
  • +3 from Leadership
  • +2 from Master Jouster
  • 🆙Master Rider
  • Impact: Lower Enemy Offense by 2
Evade & Counter Attack. 5 times per Round
Leadership 5 3 Double Impact Your jousting and swordfighting impact will be doubled.
Tactical Mind 3


Unit Offense Defense Morale Status


Unit Offense Defense Morale Status


Available Tactics Level Multiplier Impact Note
Strike Together(S) 1 x1.0
  • Lose -3 Morale vs Shield Wall(F)
One Man Army(S)(U) 3 x2.4
  1. (Lv3)Lower Enemy Offense
  • This is a Unique Tactic
  • Cannot be COUNTERED
  • Reduces damage taken from troops by (Level) / Once per Turn. Takes at least 1 damage when attacked
  • Gains an impact at Lv3, 6, 9
  • Does NOT trigger against UNITLESS. Adds +(Level) Effectiveness instead
  • Becomes OBSOLETE upon HIRING ANY troop
  • Cannot be Modified by Modifying Tactics Trait
Achievement Requirement Reward Note
One Man Army Play without any troop for 3 rounds(excluding bonus rounds)
  • Unlocks 'One Man Army(U) unique tactic'
  • Leadership Effectiveness & Traits will affect the knight(Effectiveness will be added as a bonus to Swordfighting & Jousting)
The achievement is exclusively granted to the first individual who fulfills the criteria.
Forerunner in Defeat Be the trailblazer in the arena by becoming the inaugural participant to endure capture by your adversaries
  • Instead of forfeiting all your participation points upon capture, you'll from now on only lose half.
  • Upon unlocking the achievement, you will receive 10 points.
The achievement is exclusively granted to the first individual who fulfills the criteria.
Master Jouster Unseat an opponent from their horse 3 times by skillfully wielding your lance +2 Jousting Efficiency This achievement is attainable for anyone who meets the criteria.

Samson(Noble) - 0 points 💀5 🐍1


Knight Level Effectiveness Trait & Impact Note
Swordfighting 8 6 Bonebreaker & +1 Injury to Unit 🩸🩸→🦴🦴
Jousting 3 2 Fire Lance NOT ALWAYS GUARANTEED. MAY FAIL. Seriously wounds a troop. +3 Jousting Effectiveness against a knight. Choose which turn to use this. If you don't, your knight will use it randomly unless you choose not to use it.
Leadership 5 3 Unconventional Tactician you gain access to special tactics that possess potent capabilities, yet come with inherent risks.
Tactical Mind 4


Unit Offense Defense Morale Status
Peasant 1(D) 1 1 50
Peasant 2(D) 1 1 50
Peasant 3(D) 1 1 50
Peasant 4(D) 1 1 50
Peasant 5(D) 1 1 50


Unit Offense Defense Morale Status
💀Retired Soldier 1(D) -1 -1 21 🩸(by Lexis)🩸(by Lexis) 💀(by Njal)
💀Retired Soldier 2(D) -1 -1 35 🩸(by Linden)🩸(by Guest Knight) 💀(by Njal)
💀Hunter 1(O) -1 -1 47 🩸(by Guest Knight)💀(by Lance)
💀Hunter 2(O) -4 -5 40 💔(by Undead Knight)💔(by Undead Knight)💀(by Undead Knight)
💀Hunter 3(O) -1(+3) -5 48 💔(by Undead Knight) 🩸(by Njal) 🩸(by Njal) 🩸(by Linden) 💀(by Linden)
💀Aylwinic Auxiliary(O) 1(+3) -2 22 Gains +3 Morale / Once per Round 🩸(by Njal) 🩸(by Njal) 🩸(by Njal) 🩸(by Njal) 🩸(by Linden) 😟Shaken 💀(by Linden)


Available Tactics(5/5) Level Multiplier Impact Note
⚔Dragon Tamer(S) 3(+1) = 4 x1.3 🔒Cause Injury to Unit & +2 Morale Damage
  • 🔒If successful, 💫Stun 1 enemy unit
  • 🔒(Removed) Lose -3 Morale vs Countercharge(F)
Strike Together(S) 1(+1) = 2 x1.1
  • Lose -3 Morale vs Shield Wall(F)
🎲Go Big or Go Home(Random) - - CONFUSION
  • If successful, Gain +30 Morale
  • If unsuccessful, Lose -30 Morale
🎲Go Berserk(Random) - x1 ~ x6 BERSERK or PANIC
  • If successful, Gain +15 Morale, 🩸Injure enemies equal to your multiplier.
  • If unsuccessful, Lose -15 Morale, 🩸all your units in your roster suffer an injury
🎲Hero or Zero(Random) - - -
  • If successful, 1~6 random units in your roster will attack the enemy knight directly
  • If unsuccessful, the enemy knight will retaliate and attack 1~6 units in your roster
Achievement Requirement Reward Note
Master Tactician Fill all available tactic slots by mastering 5 tactics. +1 Tactic Level This achievement is attainable for anyone who meets the criteria.

Njal(Noble) - 16 Points 💀2 🐍1


Knight Level Effectiveness Impacts & Traits Note
Swordfighting 6 3 First Strike +3 Swordfighting Effectiveness for the first attack
Jousting 5 3 Fire Lance NOT ALWAYS GUARANTEED. MAY FAIL. 💔Seriously wounds or 🔥burns a troop. +3 Jousting Effectiveness against a knight. Choose which turn to use this. If you don't, your knight will use it randomly unless you choose not to use it.
Leadership 5 3 Eye for Talent Upon selecting the trait, you will get 1 free upgrade. Every unit you purchase will have a small chance of becoming a named unit
Tactical Mind 3 2


Units Offense Defense Morale Status
Mathieu the 'Fearless' Orzian Skirmisher(O) 8(+3) 2 71 Gains +1 Morale / Once per round, 🦁Fearless(Morale is always ≥ Confident) 🩸(by Samson) 🩸(by Samson) 🩸(by Samson)
Thug 4(O) 0(+3) -2 12 🩸(by Samson)🩸(by Samson)🩸(by Samson)😨Panic


Units Offense Defense Morale Status
💀Thug 1(O) 0 -2 34 🩸(by Samson)💀(by Samson)
💀 Thug 2(O) -2 -4 22 🩸(by Rojak) 💀(by Red Serpent: 🔥Burned. Credited to Galandric)
💀Thug 3(O) -1 -3 19 😟Shaken(<30 Morale) 🩸(by Rojak) 🩸(by Rojak) 💀(by Lexis)
💀Peasant 1(D) -2 -2 35 💔(by Undead Knight)💀(by Undead Knight)
💀Orzian Skirmisher 2(O) 0 0 0 🤢(by Green Serpent) 🥶(by Blue Serpent)💥Shattered(by Large Treeman)💀(by Large Treeman)
💀Thug 3(O) -1 -3 13 🤢(by Green Serpent) 🌱(by Wicked Treeman: Parasitic Seedling - Will become a treeman by Round 7) 🌲(Left Tree-arm [+1/+1/-5], Left Tree-leg [-2/+1/-5], Right Tree-arm [+3/-2/-5]) 😟Shaken 🩸(by Samson) 💀(by Samson)
💀Thug 5(O) -2 -1 9 🩸(by Samson)🩸(by Samson) 😨Panic 💀(by Samson)
💀Thug 6(O) -1 -1 6 🩸(by Samson) 😨Panic 💀(by Samson)


Available Tactics Level Multiplier Impact Note
Charge Attack(S) 2 x1.1
  • Lose -3 Morale vs Countercharge(F)
Flanking Maneuver(C) 1 x1.0
  • Gain +2 Morale vs Shield Wall(F)
  • Higher chance of injury vs Mounted

Lexis(Captain) - 8 Points 💀7 🐎4⛓1🐍2

Knight Skills

Knight Level Effectiveness Impacts & Traits Note
Swordfighting 3 2 First Strike +3 Swordfighting Effectiveness for the first attack
Jousting 3 4(+2) Fire Lance NOT ALWAYS GUARANTEED. MAY FAIL. 💔Seriously wounds or 🔥burns a troop. +3 Jousting Effectiveness against a knight. Choose which turn to use this. If you don't, your knight will use it randomly unless you choose not to use it.
Leadership 10 10 Supreme Leader Every unit will be affected by your leadership bonus.
Tactical Mind 8
  • Can Modify Tactics
  • Can create Customize Tactics


Units(10/10) Offense Defense Morale 🚼Experience Status
Peasant 1(D) 2{+3} 12(+10){+3} 58 🚼0/10 🦴(by Large Treeman: Fractured Chest [-2/-2/-10])
Peasant 2(D) 5{+3} 15(+10){+3} 74 🚼0/10 😀Confident[+1/+1]
Peasant 4(D) 2{+3} 14(+10){+3} 31 🚼0/10 🛠Damaged Weapon(O:-1) 🛠Lowered Defense(D:-1) 🛠Lowered Offense(O:-1)
Peasant 12(D) 4{+3} 14(+10){+3} 50 🚼0/10
Peasant 13(D) 4{+3} 14{+10}{+3} 50 🚼0/10
Peasant 14(D) 4{+3} 14{+10}{+3} 50 🚼0/10
Peasant 15(D) 4{+3} 14{+10}{+3} 50 🚼0/10
Peasant 16(D) 4{+3} 14{+10}{+3} 50 🚼0/10
Peasant 17(D) 4{+3} 14{+10}{+3} 50 🚼0/10
Peasant 18(D) 4{+3} 14{+10}{+3} 50 🚼0/10


Graveyard Offense Defense Morale Status
💀Peasant 3(D) -3 -3 32 🩸(by Galandric)🩸(by Galandric) 💔(by Undead Knight)💀(by Undead Knight)
💀Peasant 5(D) -6 -6 27 💔(by Undead Knight)😟Shaken💔(by Undead Knight)💀(by Undead Knight)
💀Peasant 6(D) 0 0 -3 😱Terrified(F) 💀(by Undead Knight's Horde: Heart Attack)
💀Peasant 7(D) 0 0 45 🩸(by Galandric)💀(by Galandric: Lance Charge)
💀Peasant 8(D) -1 -1 42 🩸(by Njal)🩸(by Lance) 💀(by Lance)
💀Peasant 9(D) -2 -1 27 🩸(by Guest Knight) 🩸(by Linden) 💀(by Galandric)
💀Peasant 10(D) -5{+2} -8{+2} -2 🩸(by Rojak) 🩸(by Galandric) 🩸(by Linden) 🩸(by Linden) 🛠Damaged Weapon 🛠Lowered Defense 🛠Lowered Offense 😱Terrified(F) 💀(by Linden)
💀Peasant 11(D) -1{+2} -1{+2} -23 😱Terrified(P) 🩸(by Rojak) 💀(by Rojak)


Available Tactics Level Multiplier Impact Note
Countercharge(F) 2 x2.1(+1.0)
  • Chance to dismount Mounted(1/20)(1/10 vs Jousting Trait Activation)
Inspiring Lexisan Line Tactic(S)(U) 6 x2.7(+1.0) (Level/2) = 3 Morale Boost to 2(+1) UNITS
  • +1 UNIT from Pioneer of Tactics achievement
  • This is a Unique Tactic
  • +9 Morale to ALL once per Round
  • RESTRICTION: Need 4 or more peasants to use this tactic
  • Lose -6 Morale vs 3 or more Margarethan Axemasters
  • +1 Injury vs On FOOT(Dismounted/Swordfighting)


Achievement Requirement Reward Note
Master Jouster Unseat an opponent from their horse 3 times by skillfully wielding your lance +2 Jousting Efficiency This achievement is attainable for anyone who meets the criteria.
🔸Pioneer of Tactics Be the first to come up with your own tactic +x1.0 Tactical Multiplier & Impact affects 1 MORE UNIT The achievement is exclusively granted to the first individual who fulfills the criteria.
🔸Singular Focus Be the first to recruit a single unit 10 times without recruiting anything else While your full roster is filled with only one type of unit, their {BASE STRENGTH} is doubled The achievement is exclusively granted to the first individual who fulfills the criteria.
United We Stand Be the first to recruit the 'Peasant' unit 10 times All the peasant unit in your roster will gain [+1/+1]. Considered as {BASE STRENGTH}. Applies before any multiplication. & Peasants do +1 damage vs KNIGHT This achievement is attainable for anyone who meets the criteria.
🔸First Legion Be the first to fully fill your roster

Choose one of the three bonuses:

  • Lethal: +1 damage vs Knight
  • Fast Learner: +1 Exp Gain per Turn
  • Tactical Retreat: 25% chance to retreat before being killed
The achievement is exclusively granted to the first individual who fulfills the criteria.
Full Roster Fully fill your roster Units can now gain 🚼experience and be promoted(🚼🔼⏫⏹) This achievement is attainable for anyone who meets the criteria.

Rojak(Captain) - 17 Points 💀6


Knight Level Effectiveness Impacts & Traits Note
Swordfighting 5 3 Bonebreaker 🩸→🦴
Jousting 5 3 Whistle Kick You attack with your horse. Your horse's attacks may break bones.
Leadership 4 2
Tactical Mind 4 2 Can Modify Tactics You can now spend points equivalent to your tactic level to modify them.


Unit Offense Defense Morale Status


Unit Offense Defense Morale Status
💀Thug 1(O) 0(+2) 0 -78 😱Terrified(P) 💀(by Lexis)
💀Thug 2(O) -4 -6 28 🩸(by Lance) 🦴(by Lance: Fractured Chest [-1/-2/-10]) 💔(by Undead Knight) 😟Shaken💀(by Undead Knight)
💀Thug 3(O) 0(+2) -2 -3 🩸(by Njal) 😱Terrified(F) 💀(by Lexis: Heart Attack)
💀Thug 4(O) -2 -6 -2 🌱(by Wicked Treeman: Parasitic Seedling - Will become a treeman by Round 7) 🌲(Tree-Arms [+7/-3/-10]) 🩸(by Lexis)🩸(by Lexis) 🩸(by Lexis) 😱Terrified(P) 💀(by Lexis)
💀Thug 5(O) -1 -3 31 💔(by Undead Knight) 😟Shaken💀(by Undead Knight)
💀Thug 6(O) -2 -5 21 🦴(by Large Treeman: Broken Left Shoulder [-1/-3]) 🦴(by Large Treeman: Broken Left Leg [-2/-2/-10]) 😟Shaken 💀(by Large Treeman)


Available Tactics Level Multiplier Impact Note
Flanking Maneuver(C) 4 x1.3 Gain +2 Morale vs Shield Wall(F) & Higher chance of injury vs Mounted


Based on each level you invest in, your impact improves.

Level Points Effectiveness Unlocks Note
1 1 1
2 2 1
3 3 2 Unlocks a Trait(Swordfighting)(Jousting)
4 4 2 Unlocks Modify Tactics(Tactical Mind) Can only modify a tactic you own. You need to spend points equivalent to your tactic's level.
5 5 3 Unlocks a Trait(Leadership)
6 6 3 Unlocks an Impact(Swordfighting)(Jousting)
7 10 4
8 12 6 Unlocks Customize Tactics(Tactical Mind)
9 15 8 Unlocks a Trait(Swordfighting)(Jousting)
10 20 10 +1 Trait Slot & Unlocks a Trait(Leadership) You can continue to upgrade beyond Lv10. Just add 20 to the point cost. (ex: Lv11 = 21 points) Will be able to get additional traits and impacts.
  • Traits: You can 3 options to choose from when you unlock one.


Affects your attacks while dismounted.


Name Level Description
First Strike 3 Your first Swordfighting attack will be more effective(+3 Swordfighting Effectiveness for the first attack)
Inspiring Presence 3 Your commanding aura and charismatic demeanor uplift the spirits of your allies.(+1 Morale to ALL per turn)
Weaponbreaker 3 Your keen understanding of combat allows you to target your opponent's weapon, weakening their offensive capabilities.(Your simple attacks will also lower your enemy troop's offense by 1)
Powerful Impact 3 Your strikes deliver a significant impact, enhancing the effectiveness of your impact skill. (+2 Impact Bonus)
Sharp Edge 3 Your blade is finely honed and razor-sharp, giving you an edge in swordfighting.(+1 Swordfighting Effectiveness)
Bonebreaker 3 Your combat technique is focused on causing debilitating injuries by targeting bones. Instead of inflicting slash wounds, your attacks aim to break bones, incapacitating your foes and disrupting their ability to fight effectively.(🩸→🦴)
🆙Mounting Fury 9 (Requirement: First Strike) Amplifies your effectiveness with each consecutive successful attack on the same target, inflicting increasing damage with each strike.(Each stack increases the damage of the next strike by 1)(No longer has +3 Swordfighting Effectiveness for the first attack bonus)
🆙Mortalbane 9 (Requirement: Bonebreaker) Allows you to target a critical weak point in an enemy's skeletal structure, instantly causing a major bone break and potentially seriously injuring them. (Will apply 🦴 and 50% chance to also apply 💔)
🆙Mega Impact 9 (Requirement: Powerful Impact) Your strikes deliver a unbelievable impact, enhancing the effectiveness of your impact skill even further. (+5 Impact Bonus)
🔼Disciple of the Sword 9 (REPLACES your current trait)(WARNING: Jousting Skill will be removed) By focusing solely on swordplay, you enhance the power of your strikes and increase your agility, allowing for more nimble evasion. However, this specialization comes at a cost—you forego starting rounds mounted, choosing instead to engage on foot. (+50% More Health & Effectiveness, Attacks inflict 💔 instead of 🩸, 33% chance to dodge attacks from both enemy knights and units)
🔼Terrifying Presence 9 Your imposing demeanor and fearsome aura strike fear into the hearts of your foes. Your mere presence on the battlefield instills a sense of dread and intimidation, causing enemy morale to plummet. (-3 Morale to ALL per turn)
🔼Frostfire Enchantment 9 Infuses your sword with the combined forces of frost and fire, enveloping it in an icy flame that 🥶freezes, 🔥burns, or 💫stuns your enemies upon contact. (Chance to 🥶 or 🔥 or 💫 when you attack while ON FOOT)


Affects your attacks while mounted.


Name Level Description
Elegant Rider 3 Rather than launching an offensive against your opponent, you adopt a strategic approach centered around evading enemy attacks.(33% chance to Evade Attacks. Up to 3 times per Round.)
Lance Charge 3 Initiate a powerful charge against an enemy troop. Upon a successful hit, your attack packs more power than the usual impact. It's important to note that this technique is can sometimes instantly kill a troop.(Choose which turn to activate. If you don't, your knight will use it randomly unless you choose not to use it. Seriously wounds a well armoured troop. Instantly kills a poorly armed troop.)
Fire Lance 3 Questionable legality aside, this maneuver involves swapping your lance for a unique alternative. Upon striking the initial target, the lance detonates, significantly increasing the likelihood of dismounting an enemy knight or inflicting substantial harm to an opposing unit. The impactful explosion is sure to demoralize your target. However, it comes with a drawback—once the fire lance is employed, you'll be left without a weapon, necessitating dismounting to join your comrades with your sword.(NOT ALWAYS GUARANTEED. MAY FAIL. 💔Seriously wounds or 🔥burns a troop (1/4). +3 Jousting Effectiveness against a knight(1/2). Choose which turn to use this. If you don't, your knight will use it randomly unless you choose not to use it. )
Whistle Kick 3 As you charge into the fray, a well-timed whistle triggers your horse's trained kick, catching your opponents off guard. The simultaneous attack of your lance and your horse adds a layer of complexity to your assaults.(You attack with your horse. Your horse's attacks may break bones. 🦴1/6 chance)
Reckless Charge 3 Fueled by an unyielding determination, you charge headlong into battle without regard for your own safety. This reckless attack allows you to strike both enemy knights and troops indiscriminately, but also exposes you to counterattacks from both fronts.
Heavy Armour 3 Donning a heavier, sturdier suit of armor provides enhanced protection, reducing the damage you sustain. However, the added weight exhausts your horse more quickly, impacting its endurance in battle.(Takes 2 less damage. Loses 1 attack turn)
🆙Master Rider 9 (Requirement: Elegant Rider) Mastery over your steed allows you to move as one entity. In addition to evading attacks with finesse, you now possess the ability to execute counterattacks with precision.(Evade & Counter Attack. 5 times per Round)
🆙Solar Lance 9 (Requirement: Fire Lance) Tired of unreliable fire lances? Upgrade to the latest innovation! Solar Lance guarantees to incinerate your enemies every time! (Always 🔥burn a troop. +3 Jousting Effective against a knight)
🆙Magic Steed 9 (Requirement: Whistle Kick) This is not your ordinary mount. It possesses the extraordinary ability to anticipate your every move, seamlessly coordinating its actions with yours as if you were one entity.(Your attacks will both 🩸injure and 🦴break bones of enemy troops)
🆙Sir Lance-A-lot 9 (Requirement: Lance Charge) Unleash ENDLESS LANCE CHARGES! With this skill, you can execute a lance charge every turn, not just once per round. What's more, you can even target and charge a knight! (Always Lance Charge vs Unit. Against a knight, you will gain +3 Effectiveness)
🔼 Consume a Centaur Potion 9 Imbibe this elixir, and you will transform into a formidable half-horse, half-man creature for the duration of the event. (WARNING: You lose your Swordfighting skill, become immune to DISMOUNT and MORE)
🔼 Cavalier Captain 9 Rather than wielding your lance in direct combat, your focus shifts to leading and commanding your troops. While you forfeit the ability to engage enemy troops directly, you gain the power to bolster and fortify your own forces.(REPLACES the current trait. REMOVES the ability to attack enemy units directly. Jousting Effectiveness is divided in half and redistributed, boosting both the offensive and defensive stats of the troops under your command.)


Affects your unit stats. The number of troops affected by your leadership is Level/3 rounded up. High tier troops will be affected first. Affected units will remain affected even if higher tier troops get added later.


Name Level Description
Eye for Talent 3 Sharpen your eye for talent with this skill, granting you the ability to discern good troops amidst the ranks. Upon selecting this talent, you'll seize the opportunity to elevate one of your existing troops to a distinguished status, granting them a name and enhancing their capabilities.(Upon selecting the trait, you will get 1 free upgrade. Every unit you purchase will have a small chance of becoming a named unit)
Inspiring Tactician 3 Rally your troops with the strategic prowess of an inspiring tactician. For every morale point your enemy troops lose, your troops will gain half that amount. However, this effect is limited to once per opponent, encouraging you to vary your targets strategically to maximize the impact of your inspirational leadership.
Influential Leader 3 Your commanding presence exerts a greater influence over your troops.(Number of Troops affected by your leadership effectiveness = Lv/3 → Lv/2)
Hire a Quartermaster 3 By enlisting the expertise of a skilled quartermaster, you remove the limitations imposed on the influence of your leadership. Typically, troops are only influenced in either their offensive or defensive capabilities. However, with this trait, your troops benefit from enhancements to both aspects of their prowess.(The leadership bonus will apply to both offensive and defensive regardless of their leadership influence type)
Charismatic Leader 3 Embodies the ability to uplift and inspire troops in times of distress. With this trait, you possess the innate charisma and leadership qualities necessary to bolster the morale of shaken or panicking troops, guiding them through turbulent moments with your calming presence and words of encouragement.
Unconventional Tactician 3 you gain access to a repertoire of special tactics that possess potent capabilities, yet come with inherent risks. These tactics are highly effective in specific circumstances, allowing you to seize opportunities and gain advantages that traditional methods might overlook.
🆙Eye for Greatness 9 (Requirement: Eye for Talent) Eye for Greatness takes your ability to identify potential a step further. Upon selecting this talent, you will seize the opportunity to elevate one of your existing 'Named Unit' to a unique unit, completely changing the unit's capabilities. (Upon selecting the trait, you will get 1 free upgrade from NAMED to UNIQUE. Every unit you purchase will have a small chance of becoming a unique unit)
🆙Crazy Tactician 9 (Requirement: Unconventional Tactician) Elevates your unconventional tactics to a whole new level, granting you even more potent (and risky) options. (Upgrades all your unconventional tactics. Will also change your other conventional tactics into something more interesting)
🆙Supreme Leader 9 (Requirement: Influential Leader) Ascend to the pinnacle of leadership. Your unwavering authority and commanding presence now exert an unparalleled influence over your troops.(Every unit in your roster benefits from your leadership effectiveness)
🆙 Radiant Leader 9 (Requirement: Charismatic Leader) Your charismatic aura shines brighter than ever, illuminating the path forward for your troops even in the darkest of times. With your unwavering charisma and uplifting spirit, you possess the innate ability to inspire and uplift troops, instilling them with hope and courage in moments of despair. (All your units gain '🦁Fearless - Morale is always ≥ Confident')
🆙Hire a Logistician 9 (Requirement: Hire a Quartermaster)Secure the invaluable expertise of a master logistician. This not only shatters the limitations of traditional leadership, allowing you to enhance both offensive and defensive capabilities of your troops, but it also amplifies the effectiveness of your leadership bonuses. Expect a dramatic increase in your army's overall performance. (Apply the Leadership bonus to both Offensive and Defensive Stats. Also, Double the Leadership Bonus)
🆙Master Tactician 9 (Requirement: Inspiring Tactician) Command your troops with the strategic acumen of a master tactician. For each morale point lost by enemy troops, your own forces will gain an equivalent morale boost. However, when facing a recurring opponent, this effect is halved, emphasizing the importance of strategic diversification in target selection to fully capitalize on your inspirational leadership.
🔼Mercenary Contract 9 By formalizing a mercenary contract, you secure access to a cadre of elite mercenary units, each renowned for their exceptional skills and prowess on the battlefield.(Gain access to Tier4 Units)

Tactical Mind

Affects the number of tactical options and their impacts. You need to which tactic to focus on(Offensive or Defensive).



  • Cost is per man.
  • Bonus only triggers ONCE PER ROUND unless PASSIVE
  • ONCE PER ROUND usually affects every unit while impacts usually only affect a single unit

Leadership Influence Type

  • (O) = Leadership bonus applies to the offensive stat of the unit
  • (D) = Leadership bonus applies to the defensive stat of the unit
  • (C) = Leadership bonus applies to the chosen stat of the unit

Tier I

  • 1 point gained when slaying a Tier I unit
Backgrounds Offense Defense Morale Cost Bonus
Peasant(D) 1 1 50 1 Gain +1 Morale when using (F)ormation tactics
Thug(O) 2 0 40 2 Gain +1 Morale when using (C)hotic tactics
Hunter(O) 2 1 60 3 Gains +1 Morale when using (S)imple tactics

Tier II

  • 2 point gained when slaying a Tier II unit
Backgrounds Offense Defense Morale Cost Bonus
Retired Soldier(D) 2 2 55 4 PASSIVE: Panic Immune(Can't get worse than Shaken)
Orzian Skirmisher(O) 3 1 60 5 Gains +1 Morale / Once per round
Sallowtown Spearmen(D) 3 3 50 7 PASSIVE: Counter-Charge in any (F)ormation against Mounted

Tier III

  • Gain 30% of the recruitment cost when you are the slayer
Backgrounds Offense Defense Morale Cost Bonus
Aylwinic Auxiliary(O) 4 4 45 9 Gains +3 Morale / Once per Round
Margarethan Axemaster(O) 6 4 55 12 PASSIVE:🩸1/20 Chance to injure a random enemy unit(The chance will improve based on the number of Axemasters in your roster)
Baelrican Blademaster(C) 9 9 65 15 PASSIVE: 🧱Heavy Armour (Resists 🩸🦴 50%). Reduces 💔 to 🩸.
  • Higher Tier Units will do more damage against knights starting Round 5

Tier IV (Need 🔼Mercenary Contract

Backgrounds Offense Defense Morale Cost Bonus
Oskaran Monster Hunts(D) 9 7 70 20 PASSIVE: 🏹Hunt Enemies(🩸Injure the enemy unit first before it gets targeted by tactics)
Shrouded Charger(O) 12 8 80 27 PASSIVE: 🏇Cavalry Charge(+50% Morale Damage with Offensive Tactics), MOUNTED(Tactics can directly target enemy knights), 😀Confident
Aetherial Empyreans(B) 15 15 85 40 PASSIVE: 🎯Focus Fire(Forces the tactics to target the enemy's weakest unit)

Named Units

Named units represent elite iterations of standard units, boasting enhanced stats and additional bonuses.

Unique Units

Unique units are special, exclusive forces accessible upon reaching Level 10 by selecting a trait to unlock them. They possess distinct stats and unique bonuses tailored to their role on the battlefield.

Troop Status

Name Offense Defense Morale Note
🩸Injury -1(xNumber of 🩸) -1(xNumber of 🩸) -3(x Number of 🩸) A minor injury. Will be fine.
🦴Fracture 0 ~ -3 0 ~ -3 -10 Depending on where, the Stat Reduction may vary.
💫Stunned Reduce either Offense or Defense to 0 for the round.(Once the round ends, returns to normal)
💔Severely Injury -3 -3 -10 Badly wounded. May not make it.
Name Offense Defense Morale Note
🤢Chemical Injury -2 -2 -10 Severely cripples your troop.
🥶Frozen Can't Act. The following attack will cause 💥Shattered thus instantly killing the troop.
🔥Severe Burn -3 -3 -15 Can cause your troop to die.
🤪Mad 50% chance to attack allies. Not affected by Stat Penalty from Low Morale
  • Morale: 😱Terrified(<0) / 😨Panic(<15) / 😟Shaken(<30) / Normal(50) / 😀Confident(>70) / 😎Intrepid(>90)
  • 😱: Below 0 Morale. 1/2 chance to die of heart attack upon becoming terrified. Will die immediately if the unit takes any additional morale hit from any source.
  • 😨: Sets both Offensive/Defensive to 0, + 1/10 chance to be demoted. If the unit is already at the lowest tier, then change to Craven.
  • 😟: Reduces both BASE Offensive/Defensive by 50%
  • 😀: Increases both BASE Offensive/Defensive by 25%
  • 😎: Increases both BASE Offensive/Defensive by 50% + 1/20 chance to be promoted(to Named. If already Named, then to Unique. Only one chance per unit)
    • Rounds up or down to the nearest decimal number(will round up for gaining, round down for losing)


Name Description Cost(Points) Note
🌿Herbalist A local herbalist provides a cost-effective option for treating your wounded soldiers. While her methods may be slow, she offers a budget-friendly alternative. It's essential to note that her reliability might not be absolute, but in the absence of better options, she serves as a viable choice. 1 Can treat 🩸x1
⚕Healer Seek the aid of a healer from the local house of healing to significantly improve the conditions of your men. However, he is not infallible, and his interventions may, at times, unintentionally hasten the inevitable. Balancing the benefits against the risks is a crucial consideration. 2 Can treat 🩸x2 or 🦴x1
🔮Spellcaster A wandering spellcaster possesses the extraordinary ability to pull a man back from the brink of death. Yet, such powerful magic comes at a considerable cost. The question becomes, can you bear the weight of the sacrifices required to wield this extraordinary, life-restoring magic? 3 Can treat 1 troop fully


Tactics are triggered randomly in each round, influenced by your tactical mind points, providing a higher likelihood of performing specific tactics based on your choices. Having more points invested increases your chance of triggering and succeeding in performing the tactics.

You can only have up to 5 tactics. If you want a new tactic, you will have to remove one of the existing tactics. You won't get any point back for removing your existing tactic.

Basic Tactics

Tactic Type Description Bonuses & Penalties
Strike Together(S) Offensive Enhances your chances of inflicting injury or demoralizing enemies with a single attack. Suffer -3 Morale vs Shield Wall(F)
Hold Position(F) Defensive Attempts to stand firm against advancing enemies, reinforcing your defensive stance. Prevents Morale Damage vs Dismounted
Break Formation(C) Offensive Strives to disrupt the enemy formation. If successful, their formation breaks down, but failure risks breaking your own formation. Gain +2 Morale vs Hold Position(F) & Suffers 2~5 morale penalty vs Mounted
Charge Attack(S) Offensive Executes a straightforward charge attack. Success results in a melee engagement with the enemy. However, failure leads to the complete breakdown of your formation. Suffer -3 Morale vs Countercharge(F)
Flanking Maneuver(C) Offensive Attempt to outflank your opponents, attacking from the sides or rear for increased chances of success. However, if the maneuver fails, you risk exposing your own flanks. Gain +2 Morale vs Shield Wall(F) & Higher chance of injury vs Mounted
Shield Wall(F) Defensive Form a defensive shield wall, providing increased protection against enemy attacks. Effective against frontal assaults, but vulnerable to flanking or attacks from behind. Reduces chance of injury vs Mounted
Countercharge(F) Defensive Anticipate enemy charges and respond with a countercharge, disrupting their momentum. Requires precise timing and can be highly effective when executed correctly. Chance to dismount Mounted(The chance doubles against any offensive jousting activation trait)
  • Offensive and Defensive tactics use your unit's associated stats.

Advanced Tactics(Need Tactical Mind Lv6 or higher)

Tactic Type Description Bonuses & Penalties
Feign Retreat(C) Defensive Cunningly withdrawing to lure adversaries away before unexpectedly turning back to strike with force. This maneuver aims to disrupt their formation, sow confusion, and create an opportunity for counterattack.
  • Bonus MORALE DAMAGE against (F)ormation Tactics
  • May induce CONFUSION among your adversaries
  • Increased likelihood of failure when attempting this maneuver while having numerical superiority over your adversaries.
Hammer and Anvil(F) Offensive A timeless military strategy dating back to antiquity. In this strategy, you embody the role of the hammer, delivering decisive and forceful strikes, while your men form the sturdy anvil, providing a solid foundation and resisting the enemy's advance. The effectiveness of this tactic is heightened when executed from horseback, particularly by skilled jousters, allowing for swift and impactful maneuvers on the battlefield. However, should the anvil falter prematurely or the hammer lack the necessary strength, the tactic risks failure, potentially instigating chaos and disarray among your forces.
  • If successful, DEVASTATE enemy morale
  • If successful, Inflict a range of wounds on the enemy ranks
  • If unsuccessful, DEVASTATE your men's morale
Iron Wall(F) Defensive Forget the flimsy shield wall - the Iron Wall is where disciplined soldiers transform into an impenetrable fortress of steel. Shoulder to overlapping shoulder, clad in superior armor, this formation can withstand a frontal assault like an unyielding mountain. But the Iron Wall's true strength lies in its flexibility. Unlike the shield wall, it can shift and pivot, crushing flanking maneuvers and leaving enemies exposed. Mastering the Iron Wall demands ironclad discipline, but for those who do, it's the ultimate defense, turning the tide of battle in a whirlwind of coordinated steel.
  • Increases the Defensive stat by ½ of the Offensive stat.
  • Decreases the morale penalty incurred from being countered by half.
  • More susceptible to knight strikes.

Tactical Advantage

(S)imple tactics are more effective against (C)hotic tactics. (C)haotic tactics against (F)ormation tactics. (F)ormation tactics against (S)imple tactics.

  • S > C > F > S

Advantage Calculation:

  • Tactic Type Check(S, C, F) = Winner gains 5 + (Round Number) Advantage
  • Pick the most suitable troops in the unit.
  • Level Difference Check
  • Offensive or Defensive Tactic. For Offensive, add Unit's Offensive number. For Defensive to the opposite.
  • For (C) and (F), add unit numbers associated.
  • Advantage Added(Both from stats & Tactical Advantage)
  • = Final Total(Damage to one of the troops or spread around depending on the circumstance)


Offensive and Defensive impact trigger chances are separate.

Level Impact Multiplier Unlock Impact Type Usable by Knight?
1 x1.0 Morale Damage
2 x1.1 Morale Boost
3 x1.2 Lower Enemy Defense
4 x1.3 Lower Enemy Offense
5 x1.5 Cause Injury to Unit ✅+1 to Injury
6 x1.7 Cause Injury to Knight
7 x1.9 Critical Hit(1/20 Chance to double your unit damage)
8 x2.1 Instant Kill(1/20 Chance) ✅1/12 Chance
9 x2.3 Retaliate*
10 x2.5 Magic Steed(Your troops become mounted for one turn)
  • When crafting a custom tactic, you must allocate a number of points equal to the desired impact level you wish to add.
  • (*)Retaliate: You may counter enemies with your tactic(Usually tactics only activate when you attack not when you defend). This impact allows you to use your tactic even when you are defending. But the morale damage you apply will be reduced by 50%. Removes 'ONCE PER TURN' limit.


After each round, depending on your performance, you will receive game points. You can use them to either improve your knight's stats or your unit stats. Or you can improve your tactics.
