Orden Family

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The Orden family is one of a proud and powerful history. The eldest of the family is Blackknight, with two sons, Whiteknight and Silentknight. Althoug skilled in politics, their strength has always been on the battlefield.

Blackknight Orden

Blackknight is the founder of the Orden family. He was born and raised in the central Perdan, on a small farm estate in Dimwood. There he learned about hard work, dedication, and loyalty. When he was younger he always wathced in awe as the armies marched through, often on their way to war with Ubent or Ibladesh or some other far off place he only knew through legends. On this 13th birthday Blackknight convinced his father to send him to the military academy in Perdan City, then the capital. While at the academy Blackknight worked tirelessly to be the best of his class. On evenings and weeknds he could be seen on the training grounds, praticing his swordfighting skills and using the lance as often as possible. He was strangely drawn towards cavalry and the sword, and a strong dislike for anything related to archery. In his second year at the academy he learned of his father's death and was made the lord of the estate in Dimwood. It was a difficult time for him, but he pressed on. As time went on he graduated from the academy and entered into military service in Perdan's army at what would turn out to be the low point in the realm's history.

In the first months of his service, the 18 year old noble learned things were not as well as he was lead to believe while at the academy. Perdan had been reduced to just 5 regions, and his home was now on the frontlines in the south. Their ally in the north, Sirion, was promising help that never arrived while the armies of Caligus, Oligarch, Ubent, and Ibladesh continued to advance.