Ebony Mace of Erik Eyolf

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Revision as of 14:23, 25 December 2022 by Tester (talk | contribs)
Type Weapon
Discovered By Pendric
Discovery Date 2022-12-25
Discovery Location Perdan, East Continent
Abilities Prestige +4
Current Owner Pendric


This Ebony Mace once belonged to the legendary warrior priest of the East known as Erik Eyolf. Little is known about how it went from the retired and lost to history legends estates to the portside shore of Perdan, but that is where is was next recovered by the adventurer Pendric. He knew immediately that the weapon contained some form of corrupt divine magic, and after bringing it to a sage it's storied progenitor was revealed. He now seeks any living remnants of the Serpentis family to return the item to.