Kingsley Family/Alyssa/Anniversary

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Sir Julian approached the Countess of Brive purposefully, his metal sabatons clanging against the stone of the Bescanon castle where the army was garrisoned. "Queen Isana!" He called out with a little smile as he came near. "I have received orders from Queen Alyssa, Your Royal Majesty, to escort you to a private location. Will you please come with me?"

"I'm afraid I was not given leave to explain the destination," Sir Julian explained as they walked, "but given where we are going, the reports of Eponlli retreat in the North, quietness across the river, and the small heart drawn by your name on the letter I'm meant to deliver; I imagine it probably involves pleasant news."

He led through the streets of Water Town, the midday springtime sun radiating an easy warmth, the breeze gentle and carrying the sweet smell of spring flowers; the perfect weather for a stroll through town and its outskirts. Sir Julian made easy idle small talk and jokes to entertain her on the way. Eventually, the passed through the town gates, the guards letting them through upon sight of the Queen-Consort of Perdan. They saluted as the two nobles passed through and onto the cobblestone road that led to the capital. They turned off quickly however in a familiar direction, towards the walking path leading to the Bloody Stump villa that looked over the river on the outskirts of town.

As the knight approached the gates to the villa's private courtyard, a gentle melody could be heard from beyond. The knight unlocked the gate, then stopped, going rigid and ceremonially marching a few paces to the side, where he stopped at attention, saluting nobly before the Queen-Consort of Perdan, and ending with a wink. He followed behind her as she entered.

Entering the courtyard, the melody grew louder, obviously emanating from a familiar lute, and turning the corner revealed a quaint and festive display in the private little courtyard of the Bloody Stump villa.

Upon the tables was a spread of plates and platters of many dishes Alyssa knew her wife was fond of, both from Perdan and from Isana's distant homeland. A large keg of ale was tapped on one of the tables nearby. Next to the keg were a few bottles of expensive wine, and on its own table were trays of sweets, many of which Isana had often sent to Alyssa during their courtship. The courtyard's flowerbeds were all in full bloom: Pink spring peonies smiled brightly throughout the scene, alongside carefully maintained Beluan spring flowers from the Royal Gardens in the capital that Alyssa had been researching and tending to in the Palace greenhouses. Each bed was carefully arrayed in beautiful handcrafted arrangements while gentle music rung throughout the courtyard and a group of familiar faces looked to her as they entered.

Maron stood gently strumming a sweet song on his loot. Cedric smiled brightly, turning his eyes to her and away from the food which he was considering carefully. The elderly Sir Graham Goldenfields sat tiredly on a bench nearby leaning on his cane, his long white beard curling into his lap. Dani gave Isana a warm smile, while Thea gave a quick curtsy as she tried hurriedly to pick up her son before he had managed to climb up the table containing the sweets. Lord and Lady Kingsley stood charmingly nearby.

"Your Royal Majesty." Sir Julian said happily with a smile of his own as he handed her an envelope with her name (and indeed a little heart beside).

"My Beloved Isana,

Today marks a milestone upon your arrival to Perdan. When you set sail those many years ago to find a new home away from your family, of all the places in the world, you came here, to this country in its darkest hour of need. And when you stepped upon these shores this land was brightened and strengthened from your presence alone. And in my darkest hour of need, that brightness found me, and strengthened me. And every single day since then, each one that you have been in my life, your presence has continued to do so. On this anniversary of your arrival into the land that we have made home together, I want to share it with you, and with the family that we have made together. For today, and for every day in the future.

Thank you for being here, and for building our home together with me.

I love you, Isana Everlight.

Yours, forever, Aly

"I am told she is expected to arrive in a few hours, just after sunset. She rode ahead and left Sir Raymond in charge, don't worry, Your Royal Majesty, she doesn't ride alone so she will not be waylaid. Kira Verall is with her, so I can sure you no harm will come to Her Majesty." He gave another smile and an emphatic nod. "In the meantime, I'm going to have some cake!"

Wheels turned and three pairs of hooves clopped across cobblestone roads that led to Water Town, A carriage led by two white mares, escorted by a chestnut horse cantering through the countryside to reach the villa quickly. Kira Verall led the way, the white cape of her station draped across the chestnut mare's back, directing what little traffic was out at this hour to make way for the Queen's horse. They had stopped at the palace for a brief hour to arrange the carriage and for Alyssa to change into a more suitable dress, the white flowing gown that she had happened to be wearing the night they got married, just further down the road from where she sat now. She had even had some light cosmetics applied, though she usually eschewed them, she wanted to impress her wife, and to the delight of a royal stylist, allowed a small bit.

Alyssa had hoped to arrive at sunset, to evoke the loving memories she had shared with her wife on numerous occasions, both in their courtship and married life. She had always felt it was a special thing, their moment amidst the chaos of the world. The sun was lowering now and Alyssa idly inspected the bouquet of roses she had had arranged from the Royal Garden for the fifth time. She was amused by her own nervous energy, the same as when she had first invited Isana to her tent those many years ago. She asked you to marry her, fool... She told herself, unable to help smiling, though tapping her toe against the carriage floor. She inspected the flowers again.

Then the carriage stopped and she caught her breath. As she stepped out of the carriage, she saw they were at the villa, the sun just beginning to fall over the horizon, a warm orange and purple glow lighting the villa courtyard. Kira said nothing, standing at attention by the gate and following five steps behind the Queen as she entered. Alyssa turned the corner to see her family in the midst of merriment, and at the center, the bright star that lit her life turned her head to meet her eyes.

Several weeks of absence from that light hit her suddenly in the chest and her eyes began to sparkle with happiness. Carrying the bouquet of roses close to her, she stood tall and strong as the couple's eyes found each other.

"Hello, Isana."


( )

The comfortable bustle of the courtyard, energetic though it was with family, pets, friends, and even cake, held not enough power to draw Countess Isana's mind from a hazy, preoccupied state. The haze that clouded her gaze was one of warm memories, private moments, and heartfelt yearning for the one who was not yet here. The one whose love, reciprocated, made this new land home. Isana wandered the verdant edge, lost in thought.

Not so new, now. Many years stood between this day and the day she considered the beginning of her life in Perdan. Longer still since she thought back to the times before... so distant those times felt now, they were almost someone else's life.

The heady scent of peonies intruded her thoughts. Startling like giddy children pouncing out of long grass in a sunlit field. She smiled at the memories they evoked: of their gardens in the City, of the hot baths in the mountains...

( )

The sunset’s copper-rose hue radiated brightly then, reflected by something. The glow suffused Isana’s face as she turned to see Alyssa, a heavenly being resplendent bathed in its light, the Queen’s eyes sparkling as they captured Isana’s own.

Time fell away. Vivid clarity held only the two women, eyes and hearts locked together. Sunset’s warmth was eiderdown around them, a dreamscape, its detail unimportant.

"Hello, Isana."

Her heart thrilled at the sound. That voice, beloved to her ears, in all its splendor.

The two warrior women drew together with the graceful certainty of a wave reaching the sand. Only when her outstretched hand met Alyssa’s arm–full of roses, she now noted–did she finally blink.

“Aly-love. I’ve missed you so...” Long weeks of hard battle and yearning for her dearheart evident in her voice, as it dropped and quavered at the end.

Alyssa’s face softened before her in the loving expression shared only with Isana. Vulnerable, sweet, eager. Isana slid her arm to curl around Alyssa until their shoulders met, careful not to crush or be unromantically stabbed by the heap of fragrant roses. The other hand rested gently on Aly’s where it clasped the roses. She squeezed her love close, brow to brow. The small difference in their heights was enough for Isana to tuck her love’s head just under her own, nuzzling enthusiastically.

Both women giggled. A battle of noses ensued, bumps and clashes, until a truce was called for a long, savoured kiss.

Isana drew back slightly, pecked a light kiss on Alyssa's nose, and grinned again before glancing down at the massive bouquet.

"You're not going to proposition me, are you my love? Roses have historically been unsuccessful you know.... except in shrub form." She raised an eyebrow and smirked. Alyssa's quizzical expression made her grin widely, pretense banished. The dark-haired knight leaned in conspiratorially to her lady Queen and whispered, "Because you know I want you to succeed..." Her breath stirred the loose strands below Alyssa's ear, and she followed it to draw a delicate line with her tongue. Alyssa tensed with the slightest shiver. Isana grinned wider but stopped; they were in polite company. "Later, my love." She said softly.

Straightening, she let her arm drift down to a comfortable bower around Alyssa's waist, and looked about. "So, what's this all about, really?"


Alyssa leaned in instinctively as her beloved wife slid her arm around Alyssa's waist. They walked in well practiced step through the courtyard, giving the gathered crowd a little wave and passing the bouquet to a young staff member to set it on the table in the private suite. Alyssa spoke gently and honestly, as they walked through the courtyard's little garden.

"What's this all about really?"

The correct question at once, as always. A little smile flashed before settling back into a more typical expression. The purpose of this as more than an anniversary celebration seemed clear to both of them.

While she held close she rolled the questions she had been asking herself over the past weeks, about the oaths she had taken as a knight, as a Queen, and as a wife. The war had kept them apart, and yet it was her duty that demanded the shields be raised. Alyssa had always thought her oath to protect and care for Isana fit so neatly into her role as the protector of the realm. But the war instead had been keeping her from her. Time taken from her and distance between. Her heart ached without Isana near, and the war took its toll even greater without the gentle smile and soft words, delivered always with care and truth, and the truest love.

"It's about... I love you. And... I have not seen you in so long. And I want to ensure that you know that you are a person who is deserving and worthy of celebration. Who has brought light to so many people, who has built this family with me... And maybe... once this blasted war is over keep building it."

Alyssa stopped and took Isana's hands. She looked at her with hope swelling in her eyes, mixed with a twinge of concern, speaking a little quieter.

"This war... In defense of this home we've created together, it has taken me from your side more than I would like. And... I don't want that to happen. Every battle, every letter I get from across the river, I feel the darkness creeping back, not just upon me, but upon all of us. But you, as always, are my guiding star. You bring me, all of us back to the light when despair seeps in. I just... want you to know that you are important to me, important to this kingdom and the people in it. You support me, always. And I wish to always do the same. This... I know this war has been bleak and I know we have been apart, but I want to bring you the light you give me, bring you joy, and for you to know that you are loved. I will not let this conflict keep us from each other."

Alyssa got quiet for a moment, a tear welling in her eye. The Queens found themselves alone, together in a private corner of the little garden. Alyssa wrapped both of her arms and embraced Isana tightly, a weary chuckle escaping her lips. "I'm sorry, I really meant to be much more charming but... it has been so long..."

She felt a little better in Isana's arms, and having bared her feelings. Indeed she did feel more confident as the stress melted away, as the two nuzzled arm in arm, the private little moment to themselves wrapped comfortingly in the promise of evening of comfort and the company of each other and the ones they held dearest. The charm, she knew, would come naturally with that comfort between them.

"We should get back..." Alyssa said gently, leaning her head against her wife's shoulder and pulling her arm back around her waist, turning back towards the party. "They might have interpreted my roses the same way you have." The pair shared another giggle at that before Alyssa leaned up and kissed her cheek, before turning her lips close to Isana's ear, purring gently as she whispered.

"Of course, you aren't wrong Isana. I am going to proposition you tonight. And intend to do my very best to succeed."

And with that she took a swift step forward, sliding her own hand into Isana's and turning to face her in gallant posture, as music from back towards the party began up once again.. "So perhaps I could impress my lady with a dance?"


Alyssa's breath caught as her wife caught her against the courtyard wall. Her heart raced as Isana leaned in close, and she instinctively wrapped her arm around Isana's waist. Isana was steady, and in her embrace of her Alyssa steadied as well, feeling the surety of both of their heartbeats, as Isana's forehead touched lightly to hers.

"And you are charming. There is nothing more charming than a heart opened plainly to the one who cherishes it most. I love you."

I love you too. She thought, and intended to say it, but her lips were met with Isana's and everything but that singular thought left her mind as she pressed herself close to Isana and closed her eyes, feeling her beloved's lips pressed in passion, their breaths mingling together as their hearts beat against each other. Her lip quivered slightly as they parted, the absence surging through her heart, the little sting of lost quickly remedied by the touch of Isana's forehead to hers and light nuzzle against her own nose. Alyssa, arm still around her waist raised her hand settling it gently on Isana's chest. Her heartbeat was thrumming excitedly just like her own. That made her very happy. Alyssa gulped at the words of reassurance blanketing her. She had sworn to Isana upon their union that she would be a good wife to her, not just to fulfill her own promise but because this woman, whose easy cheer and determined commitment both to life and to the home they had built together deserved all of the love Alyssa could give her. And she intended to do just that.

But, I was thinking... perhaps there is a different line of duty I could take up, that would not take us apart so much..."

Alyssa tilted her head up the few inches between them, trying not to totally lose herself in the blue green ocean of Isana's eyes or the gentle expression her wife wore. Alyssa blinked.

"You would travel with me and conduct royal and diplomatic affairs?" Isana nodded.

"Then it shall be so, my love." She smiled. "And I think you will be good at it. I certainly think you have a way with words, and you have experience dealing with rulers. But most importantly, you are you. Your very presence has always uplifted our kingdom. I can think of no better example of the values of Perdan than you 'Sana."

Alyssa was thrilled with the idea. She could use the help of course, but the time so long apart over the war had been difficult. It had felt so dark without her Dawnstar and the full and complete brightness she was filled with now in her presence confirmed to her that she did not ever wish to bear it again. "It shall be so." And Alyssa kissed her again.

Alyssa relaxed against the wall, Isana's arms still around her and hers around Isana, hmming softly as Isana held close and nuzzled her cheek. The moment of private affection came to a sudden end however at the hurried clod of heavy boot against cobblestone. Alyssa immediately turned her head toward the corner to spot her knight, Kira Verall scanning the area; a concern which grew even greater and tinged with horror upon the meeting of their eyes.

The knight's face began turning crimson, a mix of emotions swirling across her expression. She regained her composure and saluted much too stiffly; her face still flushed red. "Your Majesty," She continued, bowing deeply. Kira glanced at Isana and muttered a "My Lady," in acknowledgement.

"Your secretary's child has run off somewhere. I intend to return him to his mother."

"Thea and Benjamin." Alyssa said coolly, shifting slightly taking a step forward as Isana allowed her space from the wall. Her hand however did not leave Isana's side. Kira nodded once.

"I did not mean to interrupt, Your Majesty."

Alyssa waved a hand dismissively. "It's quite alright, I presumed it might be us being missed." Just then a little giggle escaped from a gazebo nearby. Alyssa spotted the young Benny (as Thea called him) smiling through the lattice. She gave him a little smile and called out to him. "Come with the dame, Benny, she's here to protect you." His smile faded a little as the little boy looked up at the imposing knight. "Like Queen Isana and I." He glanced skeptically at Kira but came out and hesitantly took her hand. He did however also reach out for Alyssa's. She smiled again and took it with her free hand; though her focus on attending to and guiding the child kept her from seeing the brief, chilly glance the knight met Isana's eyes with before turning her attention back towards the sound of music and talking where together they led their new charge.