Children of Bedlam

From BattleMaster Wiki

To be added later as the story progresses

The portal of Gor Ault

Rumours had begun to spread about a column of light shining forth in Gor Ault, to the people of Wudenkin that is all they would be for the first week. The locals had spoken of a faint noise in the air, a humming is what had been suggested by many. As the week went on this noise grew louder and stranger. It’s been noted that upon the ninth day was when the people had begun to take notice, the humming had now spread and seemingly began to follow people but now the sound was more pleasing to hear, no longer a droning hum it had now resolved into clear tones. What is interesting is that people had begun to suspect that this sound had chosen people who held scrolls, the type of scroll and the number of scrolls held meant the noise changed and grew louder and, in some instances, combined together to form lovely blended harmonies.