Old Gods/Mysticism

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The scholarly efforts of the Followers have many avenues and the Celebrants sometimes share what they feel necessary given the circumstances. Nothing is more widely employed, for uses both mundane and exotic, then the mystic alchemy. From temples one can purchase tinctures and potions with a wide range of effects. The people seek cures, dulling of pain and spice for dishes and uncountable options besides.

Some of the mystical elixirs are more dangerous, or experimental, then others and rarely see use beyond extreme situations. Most famous are the combat drugs, employed by soldiers across the domain to dull the pain of battle against the inhuman tide. Still there are many others more secret and useful in the hands of the Rangers, so rumour says.



When the Pale Wanderer was revealed as a Goddess she was not enraged but instead shared vital knowledge. One such fragment of lore was the unusual alloy of gold that could safely carry the violet flame called Incindia. The odourless inferno behaves more akin to water than fire, slowly searing through everything it touches, save the rock of the Eternal Fire itself. Indeed the ever burning source of warmth had been one of the reasons Agyr had been founded by those early colonists, though they could control it not.

With a method to harness the Eternal Flame finally at hand the north was soon lit with flickering tongues who's odd shadows were balanced by the endless heat radiated at no expense. Every week the flames would snuff out resulting in a pilgrimage to the great fire in Agyr. Thus the temples took to holding a font by which the people might refresh their supply locally, a blessing offered to any and all who sought it; even the Believers of the Valentic Order. The 'fire-tithe' accepted by the temple for this service is small but far less than the cost of regular fuel or arduous than the trip to Agyr.

Augur Blooded

Augurs of the Ice Queen, sometimes called the Blooded, are a scattered lineage burdened with a sensitivity to magic and corruption. Afflicted with visions and dreams, it is only through careful training that the Blooded can unlock their full potential.

And stave off madness.

The silver chalice of office helps to focus the Augur's ability to foretell the future, allowing them to part the veil of time in a controlled manner. Without it, most are assaulted by a whirlwind of visions and mandates from the Gods. It is no wonder most take to heavy drink to drown out the commands. Combined with their instinctive revulsion toward corruption the augurs provide a much needed bulwark against the creeping darkness that threatens to consume the world.

Day in the life of an Augur

Mystic Sites

Scattered around the land are mysterious places of power and horror. Some holy, some profane, all are of vital importance to the lands of Beluaterra.
