Melhed/History/Age of Reason/Reformation

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The Reformation of Melhed

Nobles of Melhed,
Though this great land has been a Republic for many a year, it was in name alone. As all know, Emperor Tsu ruled with an iron fist; his reign was fair, but full of bloodshed, and unquestioning devotion to the Golden Throne. Upon his passing he gave the Golden Throne to me, but the time for one man to rule at an end. Now is the time for the nobility to rule itself, and so as my last act upon the Throne I proclaim these reforms so that all nobles may live as free men.
~Aldo Unti, last Emperor of Melhed

Government Reforms

Regional lords, elected by the nobles of the realm, though not answerable to them. See to the running of the provinces, collecting of taxes, dispensing of justice and taking part in the affairs of the land. The Senate is the decision makers and officials; they are expected to take interest in the affairs of the state and help determine policy, etc. The key is that anyone can comment but it's the Senate that decides. Only those who hold a position as a regional lord are eligible for Dukeship.

One is a Senator for life unless:

  • dismissed from office for not doing their job
  • removed from office by the people’s wishes
  • retirement

Forum Publicus
Made of the Senate and people who have an intrest in the affairs of state. Open to any and all who wish entry, Senators are automatic. While not the only place where Senators can come from it is a good place to look. The key is that anyone can comment but it's the Senate that decides.

Personal advisors of the Prime Minister. They are to comment on messages, proof read, and provided a second opinion. The members are the dukes of the realm.

Religious Reforms

3 greater gods

Ice Queen
Wolf Lord
Dark Mistress

Ice Queen:
Goddess of: Luck, Fate, Weather, Time
Known as the capricious goddess. Prayers to her may be rewarded, ignored or punished as she sees fit
The north star is her castle where stand ranks of fallen warriors ready to defend her domain
Considered the head goddess by men

Wolf Lord
God of: forests, harvest, order, animals
a harsh god who despises the weak believing in survival of the fittest
makes his home in the dark forests where men dare not tread
prayers to him are a waste of time. He feels that if you have to ask you don’t deserve it. But grants boons on those who show merit.
Strong ties to order in general, but uncaring about the laws of men

Dark Mistress
Goddess of: shadow, fire, death, civilization, knowledge
opposed the other gods and taught the first colonists the secret of northfire or incendia, an ever burning source of warmth which saved many humans. Not to mention the existence of the old gods
master of death, shadow and fire long before the coming of men
often associated with knowledge and civilization because of all the gifts she gave to the colonists
considered the prime goddess by the monsters
Lives in a great mountain fortress where she oversees the

Being a historical text some of the things mentioned here have since been changed. The full document is provided, unaltered, for the sake of completion. Information found elsewhere that contradicts what is written here should be considered more accurate.