Velaryon Family/Veseryan/The Vasilif

From BattleMaster Wiki
Roleplay from Veseryan Velaryon
Road to Mimer - The Iron Citadel

Where is he?

Ludovic was going mad. Two days were spent uselessly here in Freke, just waiting for those pesky administrators and clerks to finally prepare everything for the change of the capital city of Astrum, and now that this was finally done, His Majesty was nowhere to be found. Everything was ready - the chariot awaited the arrival of the Vasilif, the knights that would follow the royal procession to Mimer were already mounted, and the supplies were already loaded into the wagons. Everyone and everything was there, ready to depart, besides the Vasilif.

Usually this would not be a problem, but since there was a ceremony - coronation ceremony in his own honor - about to be held in Mimer four days from now, Ludovic hoped that they would start moving already. Vasilif's aide was an impatient man when it came to protocol - he wanted everything prepared in advance, and since he spent his entire life as a courtier in several different Courts, his experience was substantial and quite influential among the lesser servants.

"Captain Aurada!" Ludovic barked at the leader of the mounted knights, knights from whom two of them were hired as Vasilif's private bodyguards. "Did your knights told you where His Majesty will be? We are very very late and the help in Mimer surely will not be able to make all the preparations on their own. I mean, he is a ruler now, and acting like this is very very irresponsible, and may I say, somewhat dastardly and..."

"There he is." Aurada scoffed at the annoying blotter in front of him and pointed to the stairs that lead all the way down to the sea. The Vasilif emerged in company of two knights, wearing a heavy falconer's glove on his arm, upon which a large sea eagle stood triumphant. In days long gone, falconry with sea eagles was quite a common sport for rulers of Astrum. The sea eagles were large birds, quite a bit larger than the hawks, and they seemed to grow them quite large on the islands, particularly Libidizedd, which was the home for this beast that Vasilif now held on his arm.

"I am coming, Ludovic. You need to learn how to grow patience, my friend." Veseryan smiled, took off the heavy falconer's glove and returned the beast to a cage. He looked back at the majestic sea eagle, and it looked back at him, cocked it's head to the side, and gave a soft screech. Soon, my friend. Soon you shall soar over the waves once again. Veseryan pondered as he approached the chariot. "Let us be on our way, Ludovic." He winked at his aide and climbed into the chariot. "Your Majesty..." Ludovic bowed, "as you command." With considerable grumbling Ludovic followed Veseryan into the chariot and closed the door.

Several moments later the royal entourage began their journey to Mimer. The Iron Citadel of Astrum's new capital shrank in size as the group went on, now seeming very small to Veseryan as he peeked from his chariot window, yet still rather grim and sinister. It was a good place for a new capital of the Realm, an impenetrable ancient fortress, looking very hostile and difficult to approach. On to the Deep and then to the Well, let the Holy City sound off its bell, he recited. He suggested to Ludovic that perhaps one day that would make a fine tune, but the stressed-out aide firmly disagreed.
Veseryan Velaryon