Ebony Pike of Defeat

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Revision as of 20:42, 24 August 2020 by Tester (talk | contribs)

Most recently seen in the mid regions of the East Continent. It was held by one known as Russell the Lightmaker. His account follows:

This weapon is unusually light and well-balanced for its type. Its dark surface is polished to a mirror sheen, I assume to reflect the dismay of those it vanquishes.
It is quite sharp, with a wickedly barbed point; so razor-sharp that it hardly gets lodged in things as a normal barb would. Instead it tears its way
through in many creative directions. A nasty piece, to be sure.

-Russell the lightmaker

Type Weapon
Discovered By (unknown)
Discovery Date (unknown)
Discovery Location East Continent
Abilities Prestige +8
Swordfighting +13
Current Owner Dustiria Noire