V'Orlan Family/V'Orlan Estate/Library/A History of Perdan from 1020

From BattleMaster Wiki



  • Monsters in Perdan Mines destroyed by a detachment led by Vice Marshal Rogos
  • Aponllyn Daubeny takes an estate in Perdan
  • Ser Jacaerys Velaryon runs for Imperator against Lady Alyssa Kingsley - A young noble named Jacaerys nominated himself for the position of General, running on much the same platform as Lady Alyssa save with violating our oath not to cross the Bescan River. Much debate was put forward, insults were traded and the whole affair almost brough Lady Alyssa and Ser Jacaerys to blows regarding his statements on her honour, but the issue was averted after he apologised, somewhat insincerely. Lady Alyssa won the election handily.
  • Ser Jack Rashuda arrests a handful of adventurers, raising vocal opposition from the sponsors of the Adventurer's Guild.
  • Monsters in Az Zarqua, crushed by Bailivus Lucius Poe
  • Ser Vesceries Silverblade loots the region of Meuse
  • Death of the Earl of Clermont, Bo Norman - Reports are mixed on the exact nature of his death, some bards and nobles claim he choked to death on a chicken bone, whilst Benjamin Pryde disputes the claim.
  • Benjamin Pryde takes over as guildmaster of the Fried Chicken Guild
  • Undead horde in Nascot destroyed by Northern Alliance
  • Northern Invasion begins
  • Battle in Brive
  • Maccio Aurelle attempts to persuade Arther Hellwinter to join the Northern Alliance to no avail
  • Battle of Partora
  • Northern Alliance scatters in retreat to the Caligan territory of Domus, stragglers are caught by Imperial forces, including Filipe I Brobon, Earl of Greatbridge, Periurium Baceolus, Knight of Sirion, and Alarin Castillo, Count of Morshes, formerly Count of Bescanon.
  • Ser Jack Rashuda begins the takeover of Venas solo
  • Perdan takes over the rogue territory of Meuse
  • Ser Tsingu Orobar suggests the creation of the role of 'Blade of the King' - A silly suggestion in my opinion, the King already has a blade in the form of the Imperatrix, whom herself has a sworn sword as it is.
  • Jeroen Finch transfers lordship from Dimwood to Meuse
  • Jacelyn Goldwater joined the ranks of combat nobility in Perdan, taking an estate in Foxville of Bisciye
  • Perdan commences the takeover of Nascot