Titans and Magistrates

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Revision as of 07:50, 29 March 2006 by Maverick (talk | contribs)

Titans, also known as GameMasters, are the "police force" of BattleMaster. They are responsible for keeping the game running smoothly and fun for all players as far as social interactions and game playing is involved. They especially deal with problem players of all kinds, be it cheaters, abusive people or clueless newbies.

Titans are not responsible for game code, programming, new features or bugs, that is the domain of the Coders.

There are always exactly 3 Titans for every island.

The Role of Titans

It is important to understand that the Titans job is to counter cheaters and abusers. If there are ways to solve the problem in-game, including the OOC Ban option of rulers, those options should always be used first.

The Titans are also not a court of law. There is no trial. If the case is in any way unclear, they will usually issue just a warning and err "in dubio pro reo" so that there is no harm (aside from maybe a stern reprimand) to the accused. On the other hand, in cases of crystal clear abuse or cheating, there will be no prior warning or opportunity to muddy the case. The game comes first when it comes to cheaters and abusers, because in the end we're not talking about ruining someone's life with a prison sentence, we're talking about in the very worst case taking a game away.

How Titans Act

The most important part about Titan activities is that they act as a council. Individual Titans have no powers but those of communication, i.e. they can talk to problem players, their rulers or others who might help solving a problem without resorting to more drastic measures.

Together, however, Titans are very powerful. If two Titans agree that a player is causing problems, they can temporarily block his characters on the island. With all three Titans an agreement, and entire account can be temporarily locked. In addition, they can appeal to Tom for more severe punishment (i.e. permanent removal from the game).

Who The Titans Are

Titans are players who have volunteered for this additional duty because they enjoy the game and want to ensure it continues to be an enjoyable experience for as many people as possible.

In order to protect the Titans from harassment, their identities are not visible. Since they act as a council (see above), responsibility is shared and so should blame.

Contacting The Titans

The Titans can be contacted in two different ways.

  • Through the game interface - The option is available in the paperworks page as "Contact the Titans..."
  • Sending an Email - The address to contact the Titans via email is titans@news.battlemaster.org

See Also

  • Editors - another group of people actively supporting the game.
  • Coders - those who write and update the game code.

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