Sanguis Astroism/Decrees and Declarations/Elder Council Vote on the Conduct of Adam Kabrinski

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Turin Erickson initiated the following vote against Adam Kabrinski in the elder council. He presented extensive evidence which has been reproduced here in its entirety. The results remain contested.

Full text


I am bringing to vote a series of measures all with the same aim, to bring an end to Adam’s unrelenting disruption of the functions of this council and to eliminate the threat he poses to our faith’s very existence. I want to remind the council that I was the one who first supported Adam’s entry into this church. This was a grave mistake of mine for which I have apologized. I bring this up so there can be no insinuation that this is a matter of personal prejudice against him.

First I will list the charges:

1. Maladministration and malicious obstructionism while serving as Consul.

2. Politically and personally motivated favoritism in matters of church affairs

3. Disrespecting Elders and other members of the faith.

4. Attempting to undermine and slander the Elder Council through constant frivolous complaints, lies and petitions made in bad faith.

5. Promoting a defunct heretical sect. (Note this charge was rescinded)

6. Electioneering, attempted intimidation and manipulation an elder and political conspiracy

Some of these charges no doubt seem familiar to you, others need further documentation. Therefore I will present the evidence against Adam and then move on to proposed measures.

Though there were earlier signs of corruption, Adam’s misdeeds began in earnest when he was a Consul. Most of you here remember how this conflict played out but I will reiterate. Sevastian, after receiving a reprimand for abusing his powers as Consul, left the church and proceeded to ban our faith in his Kingdom. He threatened to have any priests who entered his lands arrested and killed and vowed to destroy all shrines and temples. In short order a temple was destroyed by his knight.

The council unfortunately could not respond to this in the most timely fashion. First we had to elect a new Consul to replace Sevastian. Then we were bogged down by charter revisions By the time I introduced the motion for this punishment about a month had passed.

As the council voted Adam began to raise the most absurd objections. He demanded documentation of Sevastian’s threats. We could provide the report of the temple closure but no copies of his threats were saved and a month had passed so the original message scrolls were no longer legible. This should have been no problem as Sevastian’s threats were made quite publically. All of us on the council full well remembered these events and could attest to them and the report of the temple closure further confirmed our statement.

Adam would hear none of it. He refused to accept the evidence. He claimed it was like the judge at a trial also being witness, as if we were sharing some personal account instead of reminding him of a very public declaration made to the whole church. He has since, on numerous occasions used this same tactic of demanding documentation of events that happened over a month ago in bad faith knowing any letters would have long since decayed unless purposefully saved.

With the exception of Adam the vote was unanimously in favor of punishing Sevastian. What did Adam do? He proceeded to resign his consulship so that we were without a quorum thus stopping the vote. This action became the basis of a charter revision to make such tactics impossible in the future.

Now any objective noble would see that Adam’s actions here could not have been a good faith concern over trial procedure. The only explanation was that at that time Sevastian was either a personal or political ally of Adam’s who he wished to protect. This would make sense as at the time they were both part of the Anti-Westguard alliance and vocal enemies of Helm. Sevastian had also on numerous occasions tried unsuccessfully to turn the church against Westguard.

This is only the first example of favoritism and political motivations that comes to mind. Another prime example is that after defending Sevastian tooth and nail Adam was obsessed with seeing the same punishment visited on a noble of Avernus, a realm that is an enemy of his faction.

One written example for posterity:

Letter from Adam Kabrinski  Message sent to all full members of Sanguis Astroism (29 recipients) - 28 days, 9 hours, 19 minutes ago I was under the impression the Elders were discussing the punishment of the noble who destroyed our Temple in Avernus and the Judge for keeping Turin imprisoned. 

Has the Elder Council reached a decision concerning them? Adam Kabrinski Knight of Flowrestown Priest of Sanguis Astroism Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

He also doggedly pursued a vendetta against Helm. Admittedly Helm was ever eager to bicker with Adam and carried out unsubstantiated accusations of Adam being a Lurian agent. It got to the point where I proposed to put a gag order on them both. Sadly it did not pass. Regardless this again shows that Adam has sought to use the church to punish personal enemies.

One piece of documentation. Note how many times he badgered the Lights with the same petition:

Request from Adam Kabrinski  Message sent to all priests of Sanguis Astroism (4 recipients) - 19 days, 6 hours, 30 minutes ago Lights, once again I ask you for a status update...

 Request from Adam Kabrinski 
Message sent to all priests of Sanguis Astroism (4 recipients) - 1 day, 1 hour, 6 minutes ago

Request from Adam Kabrinski 
Message sent to all priests of Sanguis Astroism (4 recipients) - 2 days, 1 hour, 52 minutes ago

Letter from Adam Kabrinski 

Message sent to all priests of Sanguis Astroism (4 recipients) - 1 day, 11 hours, 38 minutes ago


 I ask what is the status of my complaint to you regarding Helm being unfit to be Consul due to the requirements of of Consuls in the charter. I could also point out the lies he said in the full members channel. He even outed himself in a lie when he posted a letter to try and back up his lies but it didn't support any of his propagandist statements. 

Request from Adam Kabrinski 
Message sent to all full members of Sanguis Astroism (30 recipients) - 18 days, 10 hours, 54 minutes ago

Lights of Sanguis Astroism,

To relate my accusations against Helm more clearly I will reference the Charter and why I think Helm should be removed as Consul.


Article III: Consuls, and Consul Elections

III. The Consuls are Lay members of the church (Non Priests) who are elected by the Lay members of the church. The duty of the office of the Consuls is to represent the desires and needs of the Lay membership of the Church, to the Elder Council, regardless of nationality or politics or ecclesiastical authority.


The important part is the last bit. Regardless of nationality or politics.

Helm is incapable of removing himself from nationality or politics. That much should be obvious. Helm also regularly defends the actions of realms who are opposed to the church and have done physical damage to the church. Just count the temples and followers of Avernus and Westgard and you will see the losses. Helm cares more for his nationality and his political allies than he does for the church. That is wholeheartedly against what a Consul is supposed to be. 


Article IV: Lights, and Elections for Lights

IV. The Lights of the Church are Priests who are elevated to that rank upon election by the Priests of the church. They represent the Priestly authority of the Church to the Elder Council. Lights are the guardians of the charter. Only the Lights can amend the charter with changes approved by the Elder Council. If an elder does not obey the charter, then the Lights can demote them down to any rank and initiate proceedings for a replacement. Any church member can petition a Light about infringement of the charter. Any church member may ask the Lights about a change in their rank. The Lights are there to keep the Elder Council honest, stop usurpers from seizing power, and stop malicious attacks on the church from within. In their role as guardians of the church, if two or more Lights agree that a church member is acting as an enemy of the church or trying to subvert the church from within, then the Lights have the power to discipline that member to any extent they think necessary.


The Lights are the Guardians of the charter. The Lights are there to keep the Elder Council honest...

Helm has been blatantly dishonest and misleading. As a full member of the church I petition the Lights to make a judgement on Helm. He is going against his mandate as a Consul and it is your duty to keep him honest. 

Adam Kabrinski 
Knight of Flowrestown
 Priest of Sanguis Astroism 
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Adam Kabrinski
 Knight of Flowrestown
 Priest of Sanguis Astroism
 Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Adam Kabrinski
 Knight of Flowrestown
 Priest of Sanguis Astroism
 Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Adam Kabrinski Knight of Flowrestown Priest of Sanguis Astroism Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Most ironically in his efforts to accuse Helm of political favoritism he lays bare his own.

Now let us move on to his harassing and undermining the Elder council in bad faith. All of us surely have seen the reams of letters he’s sent in the past few weeks alone. Endless arguments, endless fights. I see no evidence at all he is trying to provide constructive criticism to help the governance of the church, he is trying to paralyze the council. At one point there were so many of these letters a motion I introduced to punish the aforementioned noble of Avernus went completely overlooked!

His disingenuous motivations are laid bare by these two letters:

“Letter from Adam Kabrinski   Message sent to everyone in Sanguis Astroism (42 recipients) - 23 days, 11 hours, 52 minutes ago

I was under theni.pression that Consuls and Lights were elected at the same time... why is this not a Light election too?

Adam Kabrinski Knight of Flowrestown Priest of Sanguis Astroism Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism”

For context we had just made a charter revision that changed the consular system and needed to elect a new consul. Shortly after he raised this complaint I initiated a light election, only for him to do this:

Letter from Adam Kabrinski 

Message sent to all full members of Sanguis Astroism (29 recipients) - 22 days, 11 hours, 40 minutes ago

Why are we having elections now? Elections are supposed to be in 3 months. Even if this was the right springtime for elections they should have been held well over a week ago.

Granted, I agree that technically elections are supposed to have been a week ago, but the Elders chose to ignore the fact that last election was a midterm election.

Can someone other than Turin on the Elder council please confirm what is going on?

Adam Kabrinski Knight of Flowrestown Priest of Sanguis Astroism Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

This matter seemed to drive Adam into a veritable panic:

Letter from Adam Kabrinski  Message sent to all priests of Sanguis Astroism (4 recipients) - 21 days, 7 hours, 8 minutes ago

Why is this an election? Can anyone answer me this? Elections aren't supposed to be until next spring.

Adam Kabrinski Knight of Flowrestown Priest of Sanguis Astroism Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Adam Kabrinski  Message sent to all full members of Sanguis Astroism (29 recipients) - 21 days, 7 hours, 6 minutes ago

The last election was only 3 months ago. Please tell me why we are having an election now?

Adam Kabrinski Knight of Flowrestown Priest of Sanguis Astroism Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Admittedly given the chaotic events of the past few years with us accidentally missing one election and multiple consular resignations we had become confused as to when the last normal Light election was, however given that the latest revision would have resulted in different election years for Consular and Light elections, thus throwing off the schedule laid out in the charter we had good cause to hold elections anyway. Once this was all cleared up no one on the council objected to proceeding with elections.

Now let us review how Adam addressed this issue. With polite constructive criticism? I think not:

Letter from Adam Kabrinski 

Message sent to all full members of Sanguis Astroism (29 recipients) - 21 days, 5 hours, 19 minutes ago

Knight of the Temple Jeanne-Antoinette,

The Elder Council has had a bad habit lately of not keeping records. It is not my fault that the Elders seem to have a casual disregard for the Charter. This is not supposed to be the time for elections. We had a full election 3 months ago. Elections are supposed to take place every 6 months.

Adam Kabrinski Knight of Flowrestown Priest of Sanguis Astroism Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Claiming the entire elder council as a “casual disregard for the Charter” is nothing less than slander.

At this point it became clear why Adam really wanted to delay the election.

Report from Adam Kabrinski 

Message sent to all priests of Sanguis Astroism (4 recipients) - 20 days, 21 hours, 24 minutes ago

Since these are special circumstances and the vote has been called 3 months early I am intending to vote in this Light election. 

Can you give me any reasonable argument as to why my votes will not count?

Adam Kabrinski Knight of Flowrestown Priest of Sanguis Astroism Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Turin Erickson 

Message sent to all priests of Sanguis Astroism (4 recipients) - 20 days, 18 hours, 3 minutes ago

Priest Adam,

When did you take up the cloth? The charter says you must be a priest for twelve weeks in order to vote in a light election.

Turin Erickson Viscount of Kybcyell Priest of Sanguis Astroism Light of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Adam Kabrinski 

Message sent to all priests of Sanguis Astroism (4 recipients) - 20 days, 12 hours, 21 minutes ago Light Turin, 

The charter also says elections are every 6 months. If you are going to ignore one part of the charter it is only fair that I be all9wednto vote. By calling an early election you are denying my right to vote in the next Light election, thus making me wait 6 months to vote instead of 3 months.

I'm told these are extenuating circumstances. So if one part of the charter is being ignored then why am I being denied the right to vote?

Also, as to when I became a priest? I do not recall. That is another thing that I had pointed out when the limitations for priests voting was added to the charter. I was told records would be kept so that we would know who was a priest and when they became a priest by recording the elections.

So please show me the records of the last Light election so that we can see who were priests 3 months ago. Adam Kabrinski Knight of Flowrestown Priest of Sanguis Astroism Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Adam Kabrinski 

Message sent to all priests of Sanguis Astroism (4 recipients) - 20 days, 10 hours, 15 minutes ago Light Turin,

When I stepped down there was a full election. Lights and Consuls. That was 3 months ago. 

I believe it was right after I stepped down from being Consul that I became a priest. It is the Elder Council job, not mine to keep records. So unless you can prove I haven't been a priest for 3 months how can you justify denying my vote? Adam Kabrinski Knight of Flowrestown Priest of Sanguis Astroism Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

My response shows that these letters were outright lies.

Letter from Turin Erickson 

Message sent to all priests of Sanguis Astroism (4 recipients) - 20 days, 11 hours, 48 minutes ago

Priest Adam,

As has been pointed out, three months ago was a mid term election to replace you. It is no longer clear from temple records when the last normal election was. What I recall is that some months ago you pointed out we were overdue for full elections. Because the charger stipulates that elections be held at the start of Spring we decided to simply hold a new election then. It is now the start of Spring. There is a logical and practical reason to hold the election now. Unless some can verify, with documentation when the last regular election was I see no reason to delay.

There is no logical or practical reason to make an exception and let you vote if you’ve been a priest for less than a year. As you claim you cannot remember when you became a priest I took the time to consult my records and find that no more than 15 days ago your signature indicated a lay-rank.

Turin Erickson Viscount of Kybcyell Priest of Sanguis Astroism Light of Sanguis Astroism

Are we to believe that Adam actually could not remember if he’d been priest for a full year when he’d been ordained just fifteen days prior? Clearly Adam became a priest to gain more power and influence and threw a tantrum when the proceedings of the election didn’t allow him to have it. He then proceeded to flagrantly lie to the council about it.

In his childish rage he continued to disrespect the council.

Letter from Adam Kabrinski 

Message sent to all priests of Sanguis Astroism (4 recipients) - 20 days, 8 hours, 55 minutes ago

How can you be so ignorant of the fact that you ran full elections only 3 months ago? You all 4 voted in it for the light election. 

Seriously, none of the 4 of you recall voting 3 months ago? Obelix, it was your first chance to vote in a Light election. You don't recall that? Katrina and Rosdan, you are claiming that no Light election occurred 3 months ago?

I swear by the stars if you 3 Lights are that ignorant of what is going on in the elder council I am going to make it my goal in the next 3 months to recruit priest to vote you off the Elder Council. 

You don't keep records of elections, you don't record votes, you don't record enemy declarations. What exactly is it that you do?

Adam Kabrinski Knight of Flowrestown Priest of Sanguis Astroism Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

I will also note for posterity that to date the Church has never had an official records keeper and I’m sure this is far from the first time there was an error in scheduling elections.

To reiterate we decided to proceed on the justification that the recent charter revisions had made it the logical course of action. Adam proceeded to deny that these revisions had ever taken place:

Request from Adam Kabrinski 

Message sent to all priests of Sanguis Astroism (4 recipients) - 18 days, 19 hours, 13 minutes ago

I ask again, since you are calling an early election outside of the charter rules that you allow me to vote. 

I am assuming that you did not record motion and a vote to change the elections? Will you share this motion and vote results? You claim that the charter was amended and that is why the vote should take place. I asked for a copy of that change and received none. I asked for the vote results and received none. I checked the archives to see what changes have been made to the charter and there are none.

I am contacting you via the priest chanel to fix this situation in a manner that is amenable to us all. I would gladly ask these questions about votes and records to the full member channel but I'm trying to save us all some headache. 

You are making exceptions in 'extraordinary' circumstances. It seems only fair I be allowed to vote. I would have been allowed to vote in the next election and you have called an early election depriving me of my right to vote.

Adam Kabrinski Knight of Flowrestown Priest of Sanguis Astroism Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Again this is just a lie. The temple archives record all revisions to the charter clearly.

One final example of his spamming the church and harassing elders. For context Light Obelix and I told him that we considered his grievance against Helm valid but saw no point in punishing him as he had lost his consulship in the election anyway:

This decree is going to be recorded in the Archives (wiki) for future reference? We don't want any more 'Clerical Errors'.

Adam Kabrinski Knight of Flowrestown Priest of Sanguis Astroism Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Adam Kabrinski 

Message sent to all full members of Sanguis Astroism (28 recipients) - 3 days, 18 hours, 49 minutes ago

Also I'd like to see the full text of the decree and how the Lights voted.

Adam Kabrinski Knight of Flowrestown Priest of Sanguis Astroism Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Adam Kabrinski 

Message sent to all full members of Sanguis Astroism (28 recipients) - 3 days, 17 hours, 43 minutes ago

Light Turin, 

What is going to be recorded in the archives? As this sets a precedence it seems only right that it is recorded in the archives to reference in the future. 

As for official statement I meant what was voted on in the Elders? A motion had to be made and voted on by the Lights. What was that motion? Who voted in favor and who opposed?

Adam Kabrinski Knight of Flowrestown Priest of Sanguis Astroism Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

I think this should suffice to demonstrate the first four charges. The fifth is equally public but has escaped the notice of most. Long ago, but not so long that there are not some who still remember Allison Kabrinski left the church to found her own schism. The Prophet visited this cult and learned it was nothing more than her own vanity project. He therefore declared it evil. There are some who say Allison’s cult was a hoax designed to deceive Mendicant, but I do not believe them and neither did Holy Mathurin. Regardless it should be clear that attempting to promote this faith today would be blasphemy and heresy regardless of if it was ever really practiced in earnest.

Yet Adam defends this ancient madness and lies that the prophet declared it a variant and absolved Allison for creating it. No such thing happened. Allison died soon after Mendicant and was never welcome in the church again. I sadly did not preserve his more lengthy defenses of Orthodox Astroism but I do have a shorter example.

You see after he heard my opinion and Obelix’s regarding Helm, and being too impatient to wait even a single day he took it upon himself to put an entry in a very prominent place in the temple archives, one far too visible given how trivial a declaration it was. This prompted further arguments with Helm. Dragomir later changed the heading of the declaration to mitigate the issue which Adam further objected too.

Request from Adam Kabrinski 

Message sent to the elders of Sanguis Astroism (6 recipients) - 3 days, 1 hour, 58 minutes ago

How come disciplinary actions against my family have their name front and center in the title while Helm's is hidden?

I would point out that all of the
Heralds trials against my family led to exhoneratiobs and yet my families name is drug through the mud at any opportunity.

I assume the Elder Council is going to rename all the titles of the Magistratums against my family? If the Elders insist on removing Helm's name from their declaration then it is only fair that I am allowed to take creative license in renaming the titles of proclamations against the Kabrinski family?

Adam Kabrinski Knight of Flowrestown Priest of Sanguis Astroism Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

This is yet another lie. In the surviving magistratum documents Allison was found guilty of conducting an unauthorized auto-de-fe for which she lost her position as light of the Maddening. In addition the newly rediscovered Chronica Astrorum records that Allison was convicted of bribery in 20 YD. This is in addition to her cult being declared evil which most assuredly was included among Adam’s claims of Orthodox Astroism being declared a variant.

Now on to the most recent accusations.

Letter from Lelith Poe 

Message sent to the elders of Sanguis Astroism (5 recipients) - 1 day, 7 hours, 31 minutes ago

Finally after being seriously wounded for the week I'm now able to return.

Since I fell I've received 6 letters from Adam demanding a reason why I voted against him, did anyone else receive such letters or is this merely a case that he's turned the Raven King into a blubbering mess so now he's changed his target.


Lelith Poe Overseer of Sol Countess of Shomrak Consul of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Lelith Poe 

Message sent to the elders of Sanguis Astroism (5 recipients) - 1 day, 6 hours, 45 minutes ago

This one I find particularly interesting. 

Am I merely here because Priest Adam wills it? Merely here awaiting for him to pull on my marionette strings to dance to his tune?

Letter from Adam Kabrinski 

(Personal message to Lelith Poe) - 1 day, 9 minutes ago

Consul Lelith, 

Are you going to continue to ignore me? Even after all I did to see you elected and re-elected as Consul? I feel I deserve a response at the very least...

Adam Kabrinski
 Knight of Flowrestown
 Priest of Sanguis Astroism

Lelith Poe Overseer of Sol Countess of Shomrak Consul of Sanguis Astroism

Although not guilty in vote rigging I've become aware that Adam has attempted to manipulate me from the very start and is trying to use whatever means possible to get on the council and that's a worry. 

Letter from Adam Kabrinski 
 (Personal message to Lelith Poe) - 10 hours, 55 minutes ago

Consul Lelith,

I feel I deserve at least a response from you. I encouraged you to run for Consul. When I realized we only got 1 vote instead of 3 for Consul I threw all my supporters behind you. Why do you think I only received 3 votes that election? Further I kept an opponent from joining the last Consul election thus splitting your vote and supported you instead. I played a significant role in getting you elected as Consul twice. I feel that justifies an explanation or at least a response.

Adam Kabrinski 
Knight of Flowrestown
 Priest of Sanguis Astroism

Lelith Poe Overseer of Sol Countess of Shomrak

These letters speak for themselves.

Let me remind the council also that Adam has expressed an interest in running for Light. If elected he would effectively have supreme power within the church. He could become a tyrant just like Jones and his own ancestor Alaster promoting, demoting and excommunicating on a whim.

We cannot allow that to happen. Therefore I propose the following. Each is an independent measure being proposed and should be voted on as such:

1. I motion that a gag order be placed on Adam forbidding him to send any further petitions or complaints to the Elder council whether directly, or in the message channels for members of the church. Violation of this order will be the basis for further reprimand to be decided by the elder council. He may appeal this decision once per year.

2. I motion that Adam be barred from holding any voting rank in the elder council indefinitely.

3. I motion that Adam be given the chance to recant his heretical claims that Orthodox Astroism was a legitimate variant of the church. If he fails to do so he should be excommunicated.

The first two measures can pass by simple majority. The third would require a 2/3rds majority as it concerns excommunication.

For the Bloodstars and the Prophets


The final vote tallies were as follows:

First Motion

For: Turin Erickson (Introduced) Lelith Poe (Seconded) Dragomir Aurelius


Light Katrina Dragul Light Obelix Pilesar

Second Motion

For: Turin Erickson (Introduced) Lelith Poe (Seconded) Dragomir Aurelius


Light Katrina Dragul Light Obelix Pilesar

Third Motion

Turin Erickson voluntarily withdrew this motion when Adam presented the following statement to Light Katrina which she then shared with the council:

"Light Katrina,

I will.send this clarification to you as I am under a self imposed silence in the church and to the Elder Council for 2 weeks to prove that I'm not the one at fault for nothing being accomplished by the Elders.

To clarify the issue with Orthodox Astroism, to the best of my knowledge I've made no claims as to the splinter church. My defense of Allison was that Turin claims she was a heretic. No documents in the church exist to support that claim. Even Mathurins declaration against Orthodox Astroism only refers to Allison as an apostate and makes no mention of Heresy. It doesn't even make a reference to Orthodox Astroism as being Heretical merely evil. The beliefs and description of OA were identical to SA which is why OA was declared evil and not heretical. To declare OA's beliefs heretical would have been to declare SA's beliefs heretical which is why there are no references to Allison or OA being heretical. I agree with Mathurins declaring OA to be evil.

Adam Kabrinski Knight of Flowrestown Priest of Sanguis Astroism"

Vote Contested

During the course of the voting Adam was promoted from a full member to an elder rank, namely, Luminary. According to the charter of Sanguis Astroism this changes the threshold to vote for a censure. A full member may be censured by a simple majority, while an elder must be censured by 2/3rds majority. It should be noted that Adam was promoted to Luminary by the action of Lights Katrina and Obelix after the full council had already voted against his promotion to Luminary.