The Seekers of Terra Morte

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Scarab small.jpg
"Terra Morte, protetor das almas perdidas"

Terra Morte

Terra Morte, Once founded somewhere in the East Continent, Thousands of Years before the First Kingdoms known to our generation. The people of Terra Morte Lived in peace with its enviorment, They Worship the death, And protect there souls. They believed that only a peacefull death will let a human soul "cross over", The Souls who where tourmented by Violance, will wander the earth and wonder why there are still people fighting, even after 100 of years, the Population of Lost Souls still increases...

The Saint Escritas

The Holy Book.
Some parts of the Saint Escritas that basicly describes the Religion of Terra Morte, and where the People once belived in,

“The Terra Morte is dived in two gods, Suroh of the Living and Sibuna of the death. Suroh of the Light Sibuna of the Darkness. Suroh Begins the day in the East and ends in it in the West. Suroh, the god of birth and the Gaurdian of life. Sibuna, Gaurdian of Death. Sibuna's power is infinate, She is Everywhere, in the food we eat, in the water we drink and in the air we breath. Suroh, The Eagle. Sibuna, The formless.”

"Before There was anything, The gods melted into one, Creating water, from this water, Nun arose. Nun Pushed A mountain out of the Sea wich eventualy created land to build on. Geb, Born in the deepest part of the Earth, Is the second son of Sibuna and Suroh. Nun and Geb worked together, Geb who was able to make things while Nun could travel between worlds. So, Geb made a boat and 3 humans, two females, and one male. Nun carried the boat to the surface of the sea and pushed it towards the newly created land. And from there, the First City was build and Terra Morte was Established."

Suroh the Protector of Life, The only god wich was beeing painted by the People of Terra Morte.

Sumary of the Gods

A small Sumary of the Most important gods for the Seekers of Terra Morte.

Main Gods:

Sibuna - Goddes of the death, No form, Represents the night, the unseen, Protector of Souls.

Suroh - God of Birth, Eagle, Represents day, The protector of lifes.

Minor Gods:

Nun - God of Chaos, Diferent forms, Placed "Gateway" (Volcano) for Geb to create Land, is able to travel threw worlds.

Geb - God of Creation, Fire, Created men, Created Tools for men, Is not able to travel threw world, can only stay in the deepest part of the earth.