Lion-Head Family/Kiderix/Roleplay Archive

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This is a page where I post the most important Roleplays of the character. The ones that usually hold his personal history, and those that are really well written. There will be some OOC comments on the Roleplays.

Introduction: The Letter

((Rework- The original one is unfortunately lost to time. This is the closest I can remember. Original: Around 24/06/18. Rework: 29/09/18))

(Letter from Kiderix Lion-Head to his mother)

Dear mother,

How have things been? It hurts my heart to leave you, but If I don't stand up for my dreams no one is going to do it for me.

The travel went as planned. Perleone is a lot better than what father may make you believe. The weather is nice, people are mostly welcoming. The academy is amazing, better than I could ever envision. The amount of books, the ancient knowledge residing on these walls is outstanding. It really feels that I have finally found where I belong after all. I never did really fit back at the family guild house, with those brute and noisy hunters... Who would have guessed I'd miss that happy bunch so much. Be sure to tell me everything about the next family reunion.

I'm sure you will be all right. Arterix being the man he is it what leaves my heart at ease, I do believe he is fit for the role of Head of the family. I am sure he will take good care of everyone.

Also, be sure Barterix doesn't get lost in the woods again. He is still too young to be going out in adventures like that. Remind him that I won't be around to keep him away from trouble any more.

Best regards,

Kiderix Lion-Head

Knight of Al-Arab

My first ever roleplay in Battle Master and already setting the standard for the following works under my name. Really well thought overall, and a great indirect presentation of the character, the family, and his ambitions with the realm and his allies. Having the character send a letter to his family as an introduction was a really good idea. I am still proud of this work... The original must have been even better, unfortunately.

Duel with Ehrendill Eyolf Serpentis

The Viper and the Lion - (01/09/18) (cont.)

"The stories I heard weren't unfounded after all."

I said as sir Eyolf and I got our beverages at the near tavern. A few gold pieces worth of my defeat. The challenge came unexpectedly, but I figured this was a nice opportunity to get to know someone from the north. It wasn't hard to spot Sir Eyolf coming down the road. Blackened clothes, dark hair, pale skin, and of course the strange shaped ears. Maybe those are common in the north...?

I knew this would be tough as soon as we unsheathed our weapons. Ehrendill's ornamental curved sword made my silver double-edged sword look like a children's toy. I glanced at the inscriptions about my family, written on the blade in some elder language my grandfather used to know. They help me get on the right mind for a fight, even though I can't even read all it's writings yet. Pretty sure it was supposed to be a commemorative blade for the first two sons to step into actual nobility, Arterix and me. My cousin has his copy locked away as a treasure, as for to not damage it, while I swing it around. The sturdy iron from the Iglavik mines mixed with the mirrored silver made it perfectly balanced on the hilt, and gave the wielder a freedom with movements I would soon get to show up close.

Like many things in life, a sword-fight is all about timing. Every strike is a compromise, it requires speed and precision to find and hit the weak points in your opponent's armour before your opponent found and hit yours. Sir Eyolf had all of that. Rapid movement, quick blows with precise and disorienting speed. He hits really hard out of nowhere, almost made me drop my blade at times. But I wouldn't fall for those tricky moves, I would stand my ground and deflect only the real strikes. But he noticed, and all of a sudden, stopped faking them. He tricked me. The skill gap was just too big in the end.

We shared a drink, enjoying one of the now rare peaceful times on the heart of Perleone.

Kiderix:"Back at my homeland, my family is the head of a clan full of hunters and warriors. We would watch, bet, and hold tournaments on those sorts of duels within our guildhouse." I said to the young knight, taking a small sip of wine."I'm not that great of a fighter myself, but we did have some really talented duellists. Some of them were prone to taking out bears with their bare hands! If the word of a drunken bragging hunter is of any value." I added for the laughs. "Even so, I've never seen anyone fight even remotely like you. Did you have a good teacher back at Sirion? Your time on the battlefield was of any use for developing the skills?"

Two young knights a long way from home. A man in search of challenge, and a man in search of knowledge. What could come from this odd mix...?

The second part of the unexpected duel offer by the good knight Sir Ehrendill Eyolf Serpentis. I hoped to start a back and forth conversation with his interesting character, but unfortunately he never responded. Anyway, it was a great opportunity to expose a little more of Kiderix past, by the use of his unique sword. Another high quality work.

The Magic Scroll Saga

Here is the full documented history of how Kiderix got his hands on a real magic scroll for the very first time. It was completely unexpected, and I made sure for everyone to know how crazy Kiderix is when it comes to magic and fantasy. It unfortunately was discontinued by life (work) and because the Scroll was used and failed.

The Magic offer

((Letter from Mary Anne, 20/09/18))

Letter from Mary Anne de la Fere Bluelake

Sir Kiderix,

I have offered you a scroll, to deliver to our Marshal as soon as the sun sets, or use it per his orders. Please remember selling the scroll will take an hour of your time, and using it might take 3. So if you can wait until near sunset to send your soldiers on random acts of violence... Just in case we see movement from our enemies and need to make an infantry unit into cavalry.

This is a very trusting task, please be careful not to lose it.

I always do appreciate your after battle letters.


((My response, 20/09/18))

Letter from Kiderix Lion-Head (Personal message to Mary Anne de la Fere Bluelake) - 20/09/18

(You receive a letter with a rough writing, as if the sender was trembling or in a hurry)

L-Lady Mary Anne,

A M-magic Scroll?? A r-real o-one? Please don't fool m-me with such things........

I have been studying those artefacts for a l-long time, t-trying to take w-what is real from the l-legends, looking to know where they come f-from. Been searching for one for so long, S-so long I started doubting their very existence.

They C-cant exist, not in the R-real world, can they?.......

(The writing suddenly becomes perfect, like a regular letter)

I am indeed very honoured of such a meaning task, be sure it will be guarded with my life.

Yours truly,

((OOC: Oh nice. Kiderix is fascinated about Magic. You really shouldn't have given this to him... now even I don't know how to take his mind out of this xD Let me know when/if I can publish my roleplay with that.))

Spoiler: She did let me publish. Oh Lady Mary Anne, one of the most hard working players I've ever met. Always encouraging us to engage in proper roleplay. Is it a coincidence that the best roleplayers I've met in Battle Master are all Brazilian?

The copper chest, Part 1


"Come on, just a little bit now.... Yes, that seem right. Just got to finish this circle..."

I try, with unbearable slow pace, to copy the writings out of memory, but no matter how hard I try, it just never appears the same. Although the symbols are equal, I am certain of it, it just lacks something. With a small sigh, I get up with effort and leave my work on top of one of the giant piles that have been forming around my tent. I haven't done much else since this package arrived. I limp towards that small copper box, unopened.

"What is the secret? If only I could do more... " I say, rubbing my fingers on it. "If only you were mine..."

Erix makes a screech out of some movement outside the tent, I quickly hide the box as a squire comes in, carrying some medicinal tea.

"My Sir, are you able to stand already? The medics said to bring some of these." I rest my hand on the arrow wound on my right leg. It still hurts. "Where is Captain Manuela? She is the one that usually comes to my tent unwanted." "I'm sorry Sir, the Captain is busy conducting the takeover. She sent me to check your condition." "Oh, right... I've recovered fairly well, I shall return to my duties now."

I handled him some coins for his troubles, hopefully some also reach the healers, but I don't really care. I have duties, I have orders to follow, I need to focus on what really matters. My leg is killing me. I take another quick glance back at the box, and turn away. Need to focus.

This is more of a setup for that scroll, showing how interested Kiderix is on that thing. The roleplays would keep getting more and more intense.

The Copper Chest, Part 2


"Open the box"

I observed it. A small copper chest, locked, the key at arms reach.

"Open the box"

A copper chest. Not big enough to enclose a bottle of wine. A goblet might fit. I observed the box and the faint reflections of the candles on it. The night was pleasantly cold. I got the refit done fairly quickly, and arrived early at the rally point. That left me with a lot of time to expend on... other activities. I got carried away fantasising about those writings. My copies doesn't seem to hold any meaning. If only I got to the real thing...

"Open the box"

The answer was in the box. That I knew. More than half of me wanted it open as well. Wanted to unleash it's contents, no matter how important, how dangerous they might be. It was so tempting. No one would know.

Kiderix: "No."

I got up from my bed to close the curtains of my command tent. The soft rain pleased me, but it could damage important documents if it got heavier in the night. The war is not yet over, and I am still part of it. If Perleone ever reaches the heights we all envision, certainly all those who worked towards it will be mentioned somewhere on history books. My family's name, preserved for eternity... Maybe too much of a dream to thrive for. My mind is already too full of fantasies.

With a snap, the candles were off, and I was asleep.

One of my best works yet, I believe this is the closest of a 10/10 one can get with a roleplay. It has relation with current events, is a continuation of a narrative with another character, shows a bit of how kiderix thinks, is short enough to make people read and keeps the reader entertained, all while providing Kiderix with some relatable ambition at the end. Oh boy. I am still very proud of this to this day.



Letter From Kiderix Lion-Head Personal Message to Marshal Callan Blue. - (15/10/2018)

Marshal Callan,

This will be a tough battle. Hopefully we can withstand the attack and proceed with the takeover of Jariedma. But with less than 20 men, I don't think my Rangers will be of great use this time.

I can, however, still make a difference.

The artefact I mentioned some weeks ago is still in my possession - A secret play that may win us a battle. I kept it safe and always ready to use throughout all this time. (OOC: saving 3 hours every turn)

Figured I would send this as a reminder to our good general. I have no regrets of voting for you, and would hate to tarnish your perfect record on this campaign.

May the odds be ever in our favour,

Letter From Callan Blue Personal Message to Kiderix Lion-Head. - (15/10/2018)


Sir Kiderix, I had forgotten...

Let me look now and see who would be best suited. I'd say Beyazit but I don't know if I can get to him in time to have him change settings.

I'll get back to you shortly, please hold.

Amazing news. Well done!

Another one, Shortly after:

We have a target, Sir.

Ehrendill Eyolf.

Please let me know if it works.

Letter From Kiderix Lion-Head Personal Message to Marshal Callan Blue. - (15/10/2018)


I... I guess I'm not skilled enough...

   You carefully work the ritual inscribed on your scroll of Magic Steeds.
   But for all your work and care, you can not control the magic. The energy fizzles and fades, and the scroll crumbles away without causing anything.

Life is full of surprises... And some are bitter. All that work for nothing. It was the first opportunity Kiderix really had to do something awesome, and he let it slip through his fingers. I know that great stories are made of good and bad situations, but this was disappointing. Now I think I should have roleplayed even that, but I wasn't in the mood. I let is slip by. Guess that is something I have in common with my character now.

The siege of Ibladesh

The greatest Perleoni victory on the Federates war, setting the path for the rise of the Perleone Empire. The Takeover was marked with intrigue, public arguments, and great atrocity on behalf of the Perleoni nobles. There were even suspicions of cannibalism between a certain noble and some missing peasants... Kiderix was involved when the rightful noble Duke Zolan was capturing fellow perleoni soldiers committing random acts of violence, one of those was from kiderix's unit: Lion-Head Rangers, and he lied about coming from the Prime-minister Mary Anne's unit, witch is comprised only of archerwoman. This was my response, together with an official request.


"Wow, look at that armour!" Manuela whistled at the warband coming down the street.

I got to the small window to see it. We 'borrowed' a room full of beer and wine kegs. A warehouse of some sort of tavern. I told my men to not touch the drinks, but I doubt they won't do it. Whatever. No one can watch over his unit all the time. I got a wine bottle myself.

"The others sure are excited." I said, watching the bloodbath through the small opening. "Black with yellow stripes, that would be lord Franz's unit, the Fitz Roberts Landknects if I recall." I took a dip of my bottle.

"They're brutal." Manuela said, with a smile. As the soldiers continued on their path of bloody frenzy away from our sights.

"Yeah, I wouldn't like to be on the wrong side of their blade." I said in neutral tone, now looking at the corpses laying around, the remains of their passage. "I would be more comfortable with a friendly approach this time. Nevertheless, taking Ibladesh is a great mark in our..."

I was interrupted by several blows at the wooden door. "What the hell?" I said, raising an eyebrow. No one should know where we were, and I had guards on the entrance. Manuela went to answer the door, holding her saber on her waist. They exchanged keywords and she unlocked the door to reveal a tired beaten-up soldier.

"George? My god, what happened to you?" The captain looked surprised.

"The missing one? You haven't shown up for 2 whole days. What have you been up to?" I said, not showing my worries.

"My sir, I was fulfilling my orders, but was captured by Zolan Zatirri!" He spit on the floor as he pronounced the name.

"Watch your tongue George, you are speaking of nobility." Manuela whispered. I heard.

"Zolan, Zolan..." I searched my memory for the name. There were so many nobles on the realm right now I started to lose track of everyone. "Ah, the one who joined from Castle Ubent. I've never spoken with him, but I heard he is a good man. Are you sure it was him?"

"Yes! I am certain it was him!" He impulsively said. I stared him deep in the eyes. He shrugged.

I waited. It is a pretty good trick, don't say anything and men feel compelled to fill the silence, even with things they would rather keep to themselves. We doesn't like silence.

"H-he must be punished!" He said, hesitantly.

"He certainly will." I shrug. "I will send a note to the Prime Minister and she will do justice where it is due."

"T-the Prime minister...?" The soldier was caught of guard.

"What did you expect? That I would grab my horse and go trotting through the city to face him? I am no barbarian, I am a noble."

Notice how that last line was oddly specific? It's a quick jab on lord Franz, because he did Exactly that on his Roleplay xD (Seriously, I copy and paste that horse thing) Things were getting so brutal and out of hand that I felt the need to call it out a bit. Those were some dark times...