Silvan Family

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Revision as of 22:28, 27 March 2006 by Thessan (talk | contribs)

Silvan family Tree

Tolerin Silvan - Great Grandfather Sarah Lynn - Great Grandmother


Thomas Silvan Wife - Sila Vetorin


Philip Silvan(deceased and never married)

Sarah Silvan(never married)

Heath Silvan Wife Celest Batlith(both deceased)

Thessan Silvan

Kitiara Silvan

Kuhr Silvan( Mother Lesell Thorbin deceased)

Family History

Part I - Reality Sets In (The Childhood of Thessan and Kitiara Silvan)

Part II – Life’s First Lesson (Thessan’s first experience as a soldier)

Part III –The Meeting (The Brothers meet)

Part IV – Wandering Ways (Kitiara sets out for the first time)

Part V - A Grandfathers Tale (Thessan discovers a diary[coming soon])