Luria Nova/Concordia Maiorem ex Luria

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The Concordia Maiorem ex Luria delineates the modus operandi for the Hegemony of Luria. Responsibilities, respective freedoms and obligations as become each of its member Realms. It will be under these stipulations that the Hegemony will function as a cohesive whole and thus secure its present and future prosperity.

Its text may not be altered, added to or otherwise compromised without a two thirds majority of the Kings, Queens and Rulers of Lurian Realms approving the suggested changes.

Section I: Cultural Identity

The Highborn. All Nobles of the Hegemony are referred to as Highborn. A social strata in and of itself that supersedes non Lurians. To be Lurian is to love merit, to always strive for that ideal which heralds your hall mark. To love liberty and to enjoy and practice the freedom to speak one’s mind. Absent fear of unjust retribution. To embrace truth and welcome faiths of all kinds into our lives for as long as they do not harm the whole, the Hegemony.

A. Hegemonic Denominators

  • Highborn

The denomination of any Noble subject of the Hegemony.

  • Kings and Queens of Luria aka Imperial Kings and Queens

The denomination of all those that hold Lords and Ladies as their direct Vassals and hold a city or stronghold in their personal domain. In practice that means that Realm that formerly acknowledged these individuals as Dukes or Duchesses will now recognize them as Kings and Queens.

  • Rulers of Lurian Realms

The denominator for the Ruler of a Lurian Realm can be as said Lurian Realm desires it to be for as long as the title does not offend, supersede or otherwise conflict with that of the Suzerain Emperor/Empress.

  • Suzerain Emperor or Empress

The denominator for the ruler of the Hegemony of Luria. As represented in the Greater Halls of Luria and by Reigning title of the Lurian Realm said individual belongs to. All Lurian subject owe this person their fealty and undying loyalty.

B. Tenets of Lurian Culture

  • Plurality of Faith

All faiths not harmful to the hegemony are welcome within its borders.

  • Liberty of Speech

All of the Highborn may speak their mind freely and without persecution lest they do not cause insurrection, rebellion or constitute crime.

  • Meritocratic Society

All of the Highborn are valued for their individual qualities. Each of them can attain those ranks and position as they merit by virtue of their proven ability.

C. Cultural History

In the words of venerated Lurians:

Luria Nova/Culture

Luria Nova/History of the Monarchs of Luria Nova

To this line of Monarchs we shall continue to add and expand our already storied history. The Lurians are a cultural group that welcome others. To prove themselves and to show that they posses both quality and virtue. Through the display of this and full acceptance of our creed they too can become Highborn of Luria. The Imperial Throne embodied the pinnacle of Political and Cultural career. The seat that serves and reigns wise and just. All power stems from the Imperial Throne and all serve at its pleasure. The Kings and Queens of Luria offer their influence, power and wealth so that the Imperial Throne can reign benevolently.

Compassionate Competition go hand in hand with recognition of talent and given opportunity to enrich the Hegemony through word, deed and action. For all to struggle and strive for the betterment of Luria.

Section II: Composition of the Hegemony

The Hegemony is a composition of Realms that together form the whole. There are two layers distinguished in this. A Core Realms and a Nova Realm. The latter being a recent addition to the Hegemony or a newly founded Realm by the Hegemony.

A. Hegemonic Realms Status

  • Lurian Kings/Queens must hold a Stronghold or City within their domain to be recognized as such and thus eligible to vote.

  • Core Realm

Realms within the Hegemony with this status are recognized as integral realms and enjoy seniority over Nova Status Realms. They enjoy higher voting power.

Votes: 2 - King/Queen 4 - Lurian Ruler

  • Nova Realms

Realms within the Hegemony with this status are recognized as junior. As such they enjoy lower voting power.

Votes: 1 - King/Queen 2 - Lurian Ruler

B. Realm Status Vote

The Emperor can instigate a Hegemonic wide Vote upon which all Kings, Queens and Lurian Rulers are called upon to make their stance known. A simple majority is required to have such a vote pass. A tie constitutes a failure on the question if a vote has passed.

Section III: Imperial Succession

It has been rooted deeply in Lurian tradition that Monarchs, Rulers of Realms and Emperors serve their ability and abdicate their Throne when they feel that they no longer do justice to the trust placed in them. It is a gesture expected of all of those that serve in positions of power. Life is turbulent and health is not always pristine. By stepping aside the fire of Luria is never dimmed for long as others add their virtue to that of virtues past.

A. Candidature

When the Imperial Throne is vacant a vote is called to elect a new Emperor from among the servants of the Hegemony. All reigning Kings, Queen and Rulers of Lurian Realms may present themselves as potential candidates. Nobles of lesser standing are not permitted to offer themselves as candidates.

B. The Imperial Vote

  • 1 - Consensus has to be reached on whom the candidates for the position of Suzerain Emperor are. Consensus is reached by confirming all potential candidates are viable under the criteria that they are either a reigning Lurian King, Queen or the Ruler of a Lurian Realm within the Hegemony.

  • 2 - All the Candidates will present themselves within the Halls of Luria and make their case for the Imperial Throne to all full members of the Great Halls of Luria.

  • 3 - When all the Candidates are confirmed. By no other candidates stepping forwards and the collective Elder section of the Great Halls of Luria coming to agreement, the official vote begins. This shall be a period of one week, seven days, from the moment the Vote is officially announced with all Candidates confirmed. This means that all candidates are first confirmed and then the Voting period is announced.

  • 4 - The Imperial Vote is won when a single candidate gains Majority vote at the end of the seven day period. This implies that until the full course of days has passed no winner can be announced yet.

  • 5 - Upon the completion of the seven day voting period a winner emerges and this person, a former reigning King, Queen or Ruler of a Lurian Realm within the Hegemony will be anointed Suzerain Emperor/Empress. This entails that said individual will be Ruler of his or her Lurian Realm if he or she isn’t so already. In the case that it isn’t so, the current Ruler will step down and the winner made Ruler by Noble Vote.

  • 6 - The former Suzerain Emperor will, before stepping down if that is his or her will, change their Realm’s Ruler title away from ‘Suzerain Emperor.

  • 7 - The former Suzerain Emperor will promote the winner of the Imperial Vote to the rank of Suzerain Emperor/Empress within the Great Halls of Luria. After which he or she will step down from the rank him or herself.

This concludes the Imperial Vote and the reign of a new Emperor ensues.

Section IV: Diplomacy

The Diplomacy of the Hegemony is foremost conducted by the Suzerain Emperor/Empress. Assisted by a cadre of Ambassadors, Emissaries, Envoys and other officials.

A. Imperial Diplomacy

The Imperial stance is the official diplomatic stance represented by the Hegemony. This is defined by several key differences however. The following Decrees should be taken into consideration.

  • Imperial Declaration of War

Can be issued by the Emperor and requires all Lurian Realms to answers the call to arms and fight under the Imperial Banner.

  • Pax Luria

Can be called by the Emperor and requires all Lurian Realms to cease hostilities towards the recipient Realm or entity.

  • Hegemonic Persona Non Grata

Can be decreed by the Emperor and requires all Lurian Realms to shun the individual that is the recipient of the decree in full and complete totality.

  • It is the Duty of the Suzerain Emperor/Empress to settle disputes between the Lurian Realms should they arise. Rulings are absolute and enforceable by the full extent of Imperial Might.

B. Core and Nova Realm Diplomacy

All Core and Nova Realms of the Hegemony are free to pursue their diplomacy independently from the Imperial Stance. This means that The Hegemony as a whole may have an official peaceful stance towards a Realm but a Lurian Realm may indeed war said Realm or adopt any other form of diplomatic stance.

It should be pointed out that any diplomacy that runs counter to Imperial Decrees will not be tolerated and could be enforced with the full might of the Imperial Throne.

C. Inter Hegemony Diplomacy

  • Federations are prohibited The Hegemony will be absent the machinations of Federation. No Lurian Realm will be Federated to another Lurian Realm or any foreign Realm for that matter. It is forbidden expressly.

  • All Lurian Realms may, during a time of Hegemonic Peace, execute wars within the Hegemony itself. Hegemonic Peace is a state where the Suzerain Emperor/Empress has declared no Imperial Wars for at least a full year. A year being a passing of the four seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. The following Spring would be the earliest at which a Lurian Realm is permitted to war another Lurian Realm.

  • In the event that Imperial War is declared all ensuing conflicts within the Hegemony are to cease immediately and all are to rally under the Imperial Banner and ready themselves for War as a part of the Hegemony versus its declared enemy.

  • Lurian Realms may expand their own Realm at the expense of other Lurian Realms under the condition that both of the Realms remain viable. Viable meaning able to field an army and be reasonably able wage their own wars.

  • Pax Luria can be declared onto a Lurian Realm and all the same powers accompany it.

Section V: Imperial Law

Imperial Law embodies those Laws that govern the Hegemony and supersede all local Laws in other Lurian Realms.

  • Plurality of Faith

  • Liberty of Speech

  • Rebellion, when successful is not a Crime, when unsuccessful it is punished by the most severe of means.

  • Lurian Realms are free to dictate their own justice upon their own subjects as befits their local traditions but may not be found to go counter to the Imperia Laws.

Section VI: Official Institutions of the Hegemony

These Guilds, Orders and other collective groups are seen as important to the well being of the Hegemony. They provide social fabric, cohesion, idealism and pragmatism where otherwise these fields may deteriorate without proper solidification. Hence these places exist and are maintained.

A. Official Institutions

All Lurians are strongly encouraged to join the following institute. For the betterment of the Hegemony.

  • Great Halls of Luria

This institute provides communication across the entire Hegemony and serves as the main channel for all Nobles to keep in touch with one another and is also used for Lurian Diplomacy, Intra and Extra and handles all Lurian affairs.

  • Grand Pantry of Luria

This Institution is charged with handling the financial requirements of the Hegemony.

  • Ordo Leonis

This institution comprises of Nobles fiercely Loyal to the Imperial Throne.

  • The Royal Rangers

This Institute serves all of Humanity in its quest to protect it from the foul beasts and undead that would claim this world. A place where lowborn can highborn work together towards this ultimate goal.

B. Recognized Institutions

These Institutions are deemed worthy of recognition.

  • The Dwilight University

A place dedicated to learning in the broadest sense of the word.

  • Ordo Vulpes

Section VII: Trade

Grain and other foodstuffs is to be primarily sold and traded within the Hegemony.

  • Lurian Realms are free to sell their surpluses of foodstuffs to other, non Lurian realms.

  • Fair prices are those that are deemed affordable in mutual agreement between seller and buyer.

  • In the case of extortionate pricing is being used by the Seller the potential Buyer may appeal to the Suzerain Emperor for Arbitration. This is only to be done by official Lurian governmental office holders part of the Realm Council.

Under these scriptures as ordained by Suzerain Aldrakar of House Renodin decrees the Hegemonic System of all the Lurias.