Hendrix Family/Valen

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Valen – Oldest of the 3 sons of Perdan nobles

After swearing his loyalty to Perdan, he begain his work within the military. His hard work, and loyalty soon gained him the attention of King Black Knight, who saw greatness in Valen. Valen was given lands much greater then any his family had owned before, until he was wounded during a battle in Bruck. After the healers were done with him, he attempted to return to his lands only to find that another was in his place. The man was not of noble blood, yet due to age and situations King Black Knight never reapointed Valen to his post.

Soon after, Black Knight disapeared, rumor has it that the man simply needed his rest and took leave to retire in a backwood commuity. This however was the start of a grand adventure and friendship for Valen.

The new King put Valen under the command of the Kings brother, and thru the trials of war and many raids into enemy lands, the two became close friends. Thru this friendship, Valen came under the kings notice more and more, and quickly was promoted to lead the raids instead of mearly follow others orders into battle, yet it was not to last.

A dark plan setteld into the Kings mind. One that would remove Perdan from the war effort to save Olgarch, and instead side with the evil realms in the Northern Alliance. The realm began to be torn down the middle. The General of the realms armies was surprised in a dark corridor and a dagger put him out of commision.

The King took this time to begin removing those whos loyalties were to remain in the war. Issuing many bans on those nobles who would not bow to such dark dreams of conquest, the king looked for allies among those he trusted. Valen was one of those.

The evil kings plans were not public knowlege, and when Valen was promoted to the position of General, Val did not know the full extend of what transpired. Walking the city streets the night after his promotion and cerimonies, Val found himself suddenly surounded. 5 Shadowy and hooded figures came out of the darkness. Fear that his fate would join that of the first general, Val prepared to defend himself untill a familure voice stayed his hand.

As the 5 men removed the hoods shrouding there faces, Val gaped in awe. Before him stood 5 of the greates men of the realm, men he respected more then any others, one of these men was the general which Val tryed so hard now to emulate.

The men spoke to him of the trechery of the king, and that armies of loyalists were massing even as they spoke, to begin a rebellion and reclaim the power of the king. The men left Valen standing in the street with much to think of. Yet there was little time to think, something must be done. Should he go to the king and report the transgressions of these men?

Valen, having been brought up among the lesser classes, could not bear the thought of the trials and pain the rebellion would cost them. He could not stand to see his homeland torn apart by civil war. The dessision came quickly to him, and taking only his personal guard, he went to the great hall of the king and and just before midnight he put a dagger into his lieges chest. PerdanCrisis

There was no time for remorse now, he must hurry before the judge caught wind of the news, or he would suffer being captured and removed from the realm. Silently and swiftly he ran to the Judges chambers, bursting in he walked to the man and again for the second time that night put his dagger to use.

Valen was haled as a great hero by most of the realm, even tho the deed was dark and rang of dishonor. Desprate times required hard tasks.

The general spent time with Val over the next few weeks, as Val briefed him of the current situations in the war. Then steping down as general of Perdan, Val rejoined the battles in the north. It was during these battles that he met Gildon, and lead the man for some time in the fighting. Gildons friendship helped to fill the void of the friend he had lost, but his soul would never again be totaly full.

Ironically, soon after the new ruler, judge and old general were in power an issue arose concerning bans issued on young nobles, who felt there time was better spent in the taverns or brothels, then on the battlefield. Val pleaded with the councel to let these men prove themselves over a little more time, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.

One of these men which Valen defended, was not so young, and infact was from an old family of great nobles. Some dark stains clouded Gunderics past, but again Valen stood up for giving the man a chance and again his cries were not headed.

He spoke then, so loudly and so strongly, that his very title of Noble was under threat. Soon Gunderic infomed Valen that he was moving on, to a new land where colonies had sprung up. His cousin Yidsril was there, and had united local barbarian tribes into a kingdom. Gunderic asked Valen to join him there, and promised him a position of high power among the people of Lukon. LukonIntro

Saying good bye to his friends, Valen took passage on a ship bound for the new lands. Once ariving in Lukon, it was not long before he was promoted to the position of General, and took the lead of the realms armies. Val sent word to his bothers, telling them of his actions and where he was.

Yidsril had his eyes on a mighty prize, in the form of Lukons northern borders. The realm of Portion stood there, and lukon waged war on those people for a long time. At some point, the King of Portion rallyed other realms of the island to come to its aid. The evil realm of Outer Tilog answered Portions call, and sent large armies raiding thru Lukon. Outer-Tilog_Intro

Valen found himself cut off from the main forces in adaria. His unit and the few milita were all that remained in the realms capitol to defend the people from the coming wave of distruction. His advisers told him there was time to flee, and begged him to do so. Yet Valen stayed, he would not allow the people of Lukon to be left undefended.

The battle was brutal, and many men fell to the blades of the attacking hord. In the end, Lukon beat back the armies of Outer Tilog and when reinforcements arived to secure the city, Valen was found dead with scores of enemy fallen around him. Rumor has it that he died defending the doors to a chamber full of children and women. Had his honor been restored atlast for his dark deeds in Perdan? I would like to think so, yet only Valen knows.

                                       House Hendrix