Greater Xavax/Welcome

From BattleMaster Wiki

The Xavax are a proud amalgam of myriad origins - diligent brood awash in the memories of sunken empires whose grandeur we dare echo.

Our swords are sharp Our spears are long Our arrows are swift Our arms are strong Brave is the heart that looks upon home We will kill the bandits wherever they roam!

If you come for war, know that We do not bend and We do not break. If you come for wine, speak to Wine Trader Tharan

New Comer's Notice

(Est. 12-16-15: Xavax pronounced: Zah-VAX or Zah-VICKS)

Welcome to the Imperium of Greater Xavax: governed by the guiding hands of the Phoenix Lords, commanded in war by Imperial High Command lead by the Talon, and reigned over by our elected absolute monarch, the Xerarch. Most of us were migrants; refugees or thrill seekers who arrived after the sinking of Atamara. The ideals of martial honor reign triumphant. We use the heraldry of the Phoenix of Xavax to symbolize our rebirth from ice and ash.

The Xavax are a proud, martial people, a warrior-caste society that delight in boldness and wine. Nearly every noble family of the Phoenix Court can trace its lineage to a Crown. And while the Xavax prefer isolation, they now believe their manifest destiny is to rule the 4 corners of the Southeast: Xavax, Isadril, Itorunt, and Ibladesh.

Greetings from the Xerarch

I bid you welcome to the Phoenix Court of Xavax. Yours is one of the few-but-growing number of noble houses that are native to this land. The territories of this realm were previously covered in ice and snow, miraculously melting upon our arrival. The majority of us were migrants, either thrill-seekers or refugees, who came here during the sinking of the ancient continent of Atamara. Now, the Xavax are a strong warrior-caste people.

I am Xerarch Selenia JeVondair, and by the Grace of those here assembled, the elected ruler of the Imperium of Greater Xavax. If you seek to follow the way of the sword, then we have great need of your skills. If the battlefield is not your place, then a place will be made for you.

In Jan. 2016, We declared war on an insidious neighbor once known as Alara, and now by Royal Decree only referred to as the Bandits of the Black City of Itorunt for their habit of pillaging, raping, and murdering. Either out of fear or sensing an opportunity for gains, we were set upon by four other realms (Minas Nova, Perleone, Vix Temora, Perdan) who joined the bandits against us, prompting our stalwart northern ally Fallangard to march to war with us. For four years, we have weathered the assault and even though we are battered, we are unbroken.

As your liege, I will see to it that you are added to the Phoenix of Xavax, a Royal Army with a growing list of victories that rival and even surpass many of the older realms on this continent. We are the Power of the South, perceived as a continental threat thanks to the size and effectiveness of our military. Even so, we are dwarfed by the might arranged against us. Dwarfed, but not daunted.

If you have any questions, ask.

Xavax Endures,

Selenia JeVondair

New Player Primer

One basic principle of BattleMaster is that it is both realtime and turn-based. While many game actions are resolved immediately, major events such as travel or combat occur during turns only. The game is also realtime in so far as one day in the game takes 24 hours of actual time. While many events are accelerated, especially food harvests and tax collections, one day is one day in both our world and the game world. Sunrise and Sunset happen at 6 am and 6 pm GMT+1 (1:00 AM and 1:00 PM EST, 10:00 PM and 10:00 AM PST), for you new players who happen to be in the US.