Tournament at Giblot

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Revision as of 03:31, 16 February 2016 by Chamberlain (talk | contribs)


Welcome to the tournament in Giblot. 21 nobles from 8 realms paid their 0 gold entrance fee and visit the tournament grounds today to claim the winner's honours and 250 (gold) for swordfighting (100 for second place swordfighting) and 250 (gold) for jousting (100 for second place jousting).

This is a tournament of both, jousting and swordfight. Let's begin with the swords:

Round 1, 21 participants:

Maskallad from Aren -beats- Aamon from Aren

Goriad II from Oritolon -beats- Cassandra from Aren

Raziella I Himoura from Oritolon -beats- James from Oritolon

Taylin from Assassins -beats- Terrance from Lukon

Sigan from Wetham -beats- Darius from Outer Tilog

Mathias from Assassins -beats- Durzo from Oritolon

Angus from The Electorate of Minas Thalion -beats- Elrond from Outer Tilog

Red from Assassins -beats- Cataryna from Assassins

Elros from Inner Tilog -beats- Grant from Outer Tilog

Tomas from Inner Tilog -beats- Inalla from Inner Tilog

Alain - wildcard Round 2, 11 participants:

Maskallad from Aren -beats- Red from Assassins

Raziella I Himoura from Oritolon -beats- Goriad II from Oritolon

Elros from Inner Tilog -beats- Tomas from Inner Tilog

Sigan from Wetham -beats- Alain from Aren

Taylin from Assassins -beats- Mathias from Assassins

Angus - wildcard

Round 3, 6 participants:

Elros from Inner Tilog -beats- Maskallad from Aren

Angus from The Electorate of Minas Thalion -beats- Raziella I Himoura from Oritolon

Sigan from Wetham -beats- Taylin from Assassins

Semifinal round:

Angus from The Electorate of Minas Thalion -beats- Elros from Inner Tilog

Sigan - wildcard

Final Round:

Angus from The Electorate of Minas Thalion -beats- Sigan from Wetham

Winner: Angus