South Island Sentinel/Issue 2: June1014

From BattleMaster Wiki
Printed In Taselak
June 1014 Edition
Editors: Amrod von Ulthuan

TaselakIcon.gifThe Arch-Marshal is dead!
Earlier this week in an astounding turn of events the Arch-Marshal Woelfen was critically wounded from a brutal papercut slashing during an event some observers are now calling the "Rellue Wedding". The Arch-Marshal succumbed to his grievous injury whilst attempting to sign the marriage license paper at the royal wedding with Queen Sorach in a twist that dismayed few. The Queen's Own Life Guard's acted swiftly in executing the paper responsible whilst the dying General was dragged away to his quarters; in a delirium caused by the agony of his wounds and the suffering from his lifelong ailment of hysteria he dramatically declared Queen Sorach to have poisoned him, something neither confirmed nor denied at this point by a spokesperson for the Royal Family.

The news of the death of the Arch-Marshal was received with mixed reactions, incredulity was foremost amongst them whilst some took to heartily congratulating the Queen on his death should the rumours of assassination be true. His body was later dig up, beheaded and hung in chains over the gates of Taselak when it became apparent the Arch-Marshal had taken to writing poison quill letters in his last act.
- Anonymous,25/06/1014
Sandalak-shield-icon.pngVictory in Cave of Guilt
After two fierce battle in Cave of Guilt, Sandalak emerged as victors. Sandalak attacked the region with 1k less CS than Taselak but due to Taselak's disorganized formations, Sandalak managed to win a close victory. The following battle was even more disastrous for Taselak as Sandalak was already well dug in for the battle leading to an easy victory for Sandalak. After the battle, both armies withdrew for a full refit. However, due to not having any prisoner agreements, both realms did not exchange their prisoners.
- Kurlock Lapallanch,25/06/1014
Page 3
This month's model is the Bedwin of Astin. He is a patron of the musical arts who follows the brave men and women of Taselak's armies and sings songs of victory to raise their spirits.

- Gavin de Monssue,29/05/1014
TaselakIcon.gifVictory in Moeth
After days of troops in Moeth and Cave of Guilt holding their ground, it was Sandalak who completed their take over first and assaulted Taselak forces in Moeth. The take over attempt was ceased, but Taselak forces won the battle. Having not taken any regions thus far however could prove costly for Taselak who are not yet self sufficient. Sandalak must now scramble to refit having lost the first two battles of the war. Ikalak and Taselak are well placed to turn the screws on their unfortunate neighbour, or look to each other in the hope of becoming the dominant force on the island.
- Amrod von Ulthuan,10/06/1014
Take Overs
Sandalak took control of Cave of Guilt and 12 hours later Ikalak took control of Riakond and Aboal.
- Amrod von Ulthuan,10/06/1014
Huge Battle in Triewa
Ikalak have defeated Sandalak in a battle in Triewa. Vastly outnumbered the Sandalak forces were routed and forced to fall back.
- Amrod von Ulthuan,08/06/1014
With the declaration of war the gears of the Taselak war machine have begun to roll. However many are still without an army and orders are not reaching them. It is hoped that the new lands taken will support these nobles and allow them to be deployed more readily in the field.
- Amrod von Ulthuan,03/06/1014
War has erupted on the thus far quiet lands of the South Islands. Who will be victorious? Only time will tell.
- Amrod von Ulthuan,03/06/1014
TaselakIcon.gifNobody Home on Tax Day.
Peasants throughout the realm have locked their doors and pretended not to be in on tax day yesterday resulting in no taxes being collected. Pressure is mounting on the Chancellor of the Exchequer to act before the realm defaults and infrastructure closures and militia disbandment begin to take place to counter the deficit. In a statement today Chancellor Amrod von Ulthuan is claiming reforms to the department responsible for tax collections, with increased staffing and laws to be rushed to give tax collectors a mandate to take people to court, revoke their work and trade permits and repossess belongings equivalent to the tax owed. It is unknown if events are mirrored Sandalak and Ikalak.
- Amrod von Ulthuan,03/06/1014
Staff Wanted.
The South Island Sentinel is open to anyone wishing to contribute, just write to us at the following address. We are also looking for editors to help out, interested parties should write to the same address below:

Sentinel Print Works,Exchequer District, Taselak

- Amrod von Ulthuan,03/06/1014