Leon's Roar/Issue v2i4

From BattleMaster Wiki
Cost: 7 silver Volume II Issue IV Editor: Lazlo Lemont II
News Articles
News Briefs

March 1st - Darka claimed the region of Loratil, taking it back from rogue forces.
March 3rd - Disgraceful! The maleficent marauders of Silnaria took advantage of our Royal Army's mission to assist the people of the North and attacked our Southern region of Lyton. The brigands managed to defeat the token forces there.
March 4th - Plunging deep into Minas Leon lands, the Silnarian looters found themselves outmatched in Crahandan, where they were pushed back by Minas Leon forces.
March 5th - The armies of Suville and Carelia met in Ambermel on this day, with the Suville force taking the field.
- Darka conquered the region of Agnilar from the rogue armies which had controlled it.
March 6th - Silnaria once again assaulted our lands, attacking the Minas Leon forces in Cheltenborne. Despite being outnumbered, our brave armies persevered against the malignant menace and defeated the Silnarian horde.
- The Silnarian army split between the regions of Cheltenborne and Lyton. In Lyton, the outnumbered forces of Minas Leon were defeated despite a gallant effort to defend our glorious realm. In Cheltenborne, meanwhile, Minas Leon rightfully routed the irreverent raiders of Silnaria.
March 7th - Silnaria's forces condensed into Lyton, pressing their earlier victory for a second against the beleaguered forces stationed there.
March 11th - After a period of cat and mouse, the combined forces of Tara and Minas Leon defeated a portion of the fleeing Silnarian raiding party in Anfalas. Minas Leon forces in Elroth cleaned up the rest of the raiding party successfully.
- A second battle in Elroth further solidified Minas Leon superiority over Silnarian forces.
March 13th - Despite being outnumbered, the Minas Leon expedition led by Marshal Kanuni successfully routed the Silnarian force in Beleriel, pledging further glory to Minas Leon!
- Marshal Acquinas Burep led Minas Leon forces to a second victory over Silnaria in Beleriel on this day, successfully wounding the Hooting King Drizzle Softspeare. [Editor's Note: I believe it is "Owl King Drizztle Sharpspeare," but I think the steward's mistake is fitting]
March 14th - Despite taking a beating, Silnarian marauders continued their assault on the poor people of Lyton, successfully taking the day against the sparse Minas Leon forces stationed there.
- Marshal Burep led the Legion of Minas Leon into a successful engagement against Silnaria in Beleriel, while Baroness Lisa Seraphen found herself captured while trying to protect Lyton inhabitants from the clutching claws of Silnaria's horde.
March 15th - Marshal Burep and the Minas Leon forces in Beleriel continued their hot streak, defeating the larger rallied force under the Silnarian "king."
- Once again, despite being outnumbered nearly two to one, Marshal Burep led Minas Leon to a glorious victory against the Silnarian horde in Beleriel.
March 16th - A third victory in Beleriel for Minas Leon against the shadow forces of Silnaria. It is a wonder that the impotent realm has yet to capitulate, but if they wish to continue losing Minas Leon has proven willing to allow them their wish.
- The remaining peasants of Yule, fearful of the encroaching ice, threw away the good will of our King and declared independence! What good such anarchy will do them, as the Snow beasts surround them.
March 17th - Upper Tell, following the wayward example of the peasants in Yule, joined in the revolt against the steadfastly just hand of our King. The sole shame is that, in no time at all, their hedonistic orgies of anarchy will be encased in ice for all to see.
- Silnaria overwhelmed the rear guard of Minas Leon in Beleriel on this day, as was expected by those brave souls who volunteered to stay behind and guard the flank.
- Darka conquered Slantrax from Rogue forces on this day.
- Icegate, Bitana, and Makar found themselves entombed in Ice.
March 19th - Suville defeated the combined forces of Tara and the Carelian Empire in Upperfell.

By Lazlo Lemont II Editor's Roar

By Lazlo Lemont II State of the Realm

By Lazlo Lemont II Foreign News Update
By Lazlo Lemont II
Ruler Updates

Cagilan Empire - Susan Maxwell (incumbent)
Darka - Nadina Vasata
Lyonesse - Piro Killer
Rieleston - Christofer II Kane (incumbent)
Talerium - Aldarion Tezokian (incumbent)

Original Format Modified from Roxas Sypher's Excellent Work on the York Journal. The Leon's Roar is Printed by Lemont Printers & Co., Located in York Just Off the Market Road Past The Cage Pub.