Leon's Roar/Issue v2i3

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Cost: 7 silver Volume II Issue III Editor: Lazlo Lemont II
The Editor's Roar:
News Briefs

February 1st - In a stunning episode of betrayal, Stephan Rousseau stole away Crahandan from Minas Leon and carried the region to Tara.
February 4th - The traitor Rousseau was found skulking about the tents of Earl Loki McEntire's tents. He was promptly captured and brought before Justiciar Richard to face the King's justice.
February 6th - The realm of Eston and the Cagilan Empire formed an alliance on this day.
February 7th - Following the news of their former Lord's treasonous and dishonorable actions, the people of Crahandan revolted against the Tarans and pledged their allegiance to Minas Leon.
- In Celebration of the Peasant's Revolt in Crahandan, the traitor Rousseau was executed for his crimes. Let this be a lesson to all who besmirch their feudal duties in Minas Leon!
- No doubt fleeing the fate of other traitors, Sir Lukas Stenna betrayed his realm to join the convulsing horde of filthy non-nobles, Silnaria. A fitting cesspit for his like.
February 8th - The joint forces of Carelia and Caergoth attacked Suville in Matakonis, but found their offensive repulsed.
- Eston asserted their control over the peasants of Melias.

Ruler Updates

Barony of Makar - Carystus Scarysbrig
Cagilan Empire - Susan Maxwell
Rieleston - Christofer II Kane (incumbent)
Talerium - Aldarion Tezokian (incumbent)

Original Format Modified from Roxas Sypher's Excellent Work on the York Journal. The Leon's Roar is Printed by Lemont Printers & Co., Located in York Just Off the Market Road Past The Cage Pub.