Tandaros Family/Southern League

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The Southern League

  • Fissoa, D'hara, Barca (for now)
  • led by an Assembly
  • military and economic alliance of realms to check Lurian imperialism
  • the leaders of each realm have limited veto power over the Assembly


The Assembly

  • Each realm is represented by five members of the nobility chosen from that realm, not counting the ruler of that realm which has an automatic membership on the Assembly. Each realm may choose how these representatives are picked.
  • The leader of each realm has veto power over the Assembly, but may only use this veto power once every year (OOC: Battlemaster year, assuming that year is based on seasonal rotation: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.)
  • The Assembly votes on diplomatic directives, military excursions, and receives the petition of new members to the Southern League.
The First Assembly of the Southern League
Realms Leaders Assemblymen
Fissoa King Waldor Duke Skyndarbau, ...
D'Hara PM Ismail Duke Rynn, ...
Barca Suffete Julius Lord Frodo, ...

Authority and Jurisdiction


  • In order to go to war with an outside realm, a realm within the Southern League must have a majority vote in the Assembly supporting the notion if the entire Southern League is to be involved in the conflict. If on the offense, other realms within the Southern League may decline to offer military aid and may instead offer economic aid to warring members of the Southern League, or offer to place economic or diplomatic sanctions against the realm being attacked by other members of the Southern League.
  • If a realm in the Southern League is attacked, the entire Southern League goes to war against this aggressor realm.
  • Should two realms within the Southern League wish to go to war, the Assembly should be used first to resolve conflict. If a diplomatic solution cannot be reached, then each realm in the Southern League may choose a champion, and there may be a duel to determine the victors. The specifics of the duel must be determined beforehand. If the duel is disputed, as a last resort, actual war may be broached, but only after terms and rules are set out beforehand in the Assembly. Realms found to break these agreements willfully and dishonorably will be brought before the Assembly to be tried for Crimes Against Nobility. Guilt could mean expulsion from the Southern League.

Diplomacy and Economic Privilege

  • Members of the Assembly may vote to decide on any alliances that may impact the Southern League - such as requiring approval of an alliance by one Southern League realm to an outside realm who has been in the past an enemy of another realm in the Southern League.
  • Food will be sold freely to all members of the Southern League. The Assembly may vote to set prices on grain sold within the Southern League.
  • The Assembly may also vote on which outsiders to sell surplus grain to, and at what prices. If we aren't competing against each other to sell surplus, we can drive prices up and everyone profits, etc.