The Study of Magic

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The Study of Magic

A firsthand account of learning magic

By: Vice-Marshal Amara Angelo, Battlemage-Prospect

Entry 1: The Discovery

Day 1:

When did I discover I had the Gift? I don't exactly remember. I think I was around 15. I was walking through the forest and came upon a deer. Instead of running from me, it came forward and let me pet it. I thought I was crazy, that that would never happen again, but then birds started coming into my window when I was sad. It, without fail, cheered me up. I told my parents, but they didn't believe me. So, one day, I decided to show them. I was upset that day, so, naturally, the beautiful birds came to visit. I captured one, a robin, and took it downstairs hidden in my hand. My parents were in the dining room. As I arrived there, I told them I had something to show them. They were curious, so I opened my hand. There was the robin. Instead of trying to fly away, like most birds would, he just stood there, looking at me. I nodded once, and the bird flew off and out the window.

My parents were thrilled that I was telling them the truth. But they were also scared about what the peasants would do to me. So they sent me away from my home in Freezefist, sending me to Beluaterra. When I arrived, I joined the realm of Thalmarkin. I am finally among people that accept me for who I am, not what I can do.

I have discovered others of my kind! There are mages here. I also know that what I have is not a curse, but a Gift, our birthright. There are rumors of a guild surrounding this Gift. Should I apply for membership? Or am I not powerful enough for them to take notice of.