Serpentis Family/Henrich/End of the Night

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End of the Night

Henrich entered the temple and followed the first instructions. He was young and suspicious. His father was a very rigid and because of that, unlike other branches of his family, Henrich had little inclination towards occultism. As High Magistrate he had done some research by himself and had a lot of expectations. A servent brings him the vial with a strange "juice". The recommendations were clear: he should drink, sleep and dream. He chose to stay at the temple and so her ordered them to prepare a small room. There he settled down and experimented the strange drink in long sips.

Take the road to the end of the night

End of the night...

Take a journey to the bright midnight

End of the night...

The young Lord waited and waited. The anxiety was killing him. Maybe that's why he couldn't sleep. Sometimes he fell into a kind of trance with soft voices whispering in his ears, but he thought it was just subconscious, a natural friend of dreams. That was probably the natural way, but Henrich was very impatient and when the sounds grew, he stood up and began to walk through the dark corridors with his hands touching the walls. He felt like he would be swallowed by the darkness around him. His forehead was sweating.

Henrich Eyolf: "I cannot sleep... give me some more!"

The cultist tried to explain that this was the natural process and it wouldn't be wise to give him more without supervision, without any a knowledgeable Priest present there at that moment. He was interrupted when Henrich brought his sword to the light, hissing as the silver tongue of a great serpent.

Henrich Eyolf: "I ordered you to give me more!!! Now!"

He followed the cultist and pulled the mantle, taking the vial, swallowing it all at once. That shouldn't be a lure. His eyes were clouded by the darkness and he staggered through the corridors until he found the moon over his head in a sky dotted with stars. He didn't know whether he was dreaming or awake. But his first impressions were the wraith surrounding him with fiery eyes and malicious smiles. Henrich tried to cut them with his sword, twirling like a drunk warrior. Then he saw the demons, as he saw under the volcano's malignant shadow. He felt drowning himself in sulfur, coughing, choking on his own madness.

Realms of bliss

Realms of light

Some are born to sweet delight

Some are born to the endless night

End of the night...

Fallen on his knees, the young Magistrate opened his eyes and saw a blood-red sky where a serpent was crowned in a bloody moon, with blood dripping on the ground, running in crimson rivers with hordes arming themselves for war. At the same time, looking to the east he saw the sun in its splendor and a warrior in silver armor, wielding a sword against hordes coming from the west trying to take his power. A silver dragon flying over his head, filling the earth with fire, screams and pain. He saw everything around him as in a spectral theater, trying to reach them with his sword when he got new strength in his legs. Tired, he whirled around and fell once again, diving into the darkness. It was like he plummeted from the sky and sank in a gentle sea. Suddenly the vastness was blue without horizon to divide ocean and sky. Henrich saw magnificent whales around him, leaping from the water to the sky, harmonious and light as a feather. He felt he could swim or fly with them and he did. He saw birds and mermaids floating together, singing to him.

This is the dawn of everything we want to see

Without cast a shadow at the better time of the sun

Lasting eternity with peace

Everyday new gods arise

Some greater and some smaller than you

Everyday new gods arise

Some better and some worse than you...

The cultists found Henrich sleeping in an alley, half naked, embraced with his sword. They covered him with a cloak and a hood. They figured that wouldn't be nice let the people see the High Magistrate in that kind of situation. Henrich had to wake up. He would need to hear many complaints about the lunatic that has terrified the dawn, brandishing a sword, singing crazy songs and talking with flying whales.
