Murequa Family

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The Murequa Family

Home: Ashmoor, Eston
Active members: Blade, Sadat

Chapter one

The Murequa Family has a history of viking warriors. However these warriors where no nobles. The story begins with two young warriors during the viking War, Utricht and Faladon. They lived at a training school in Barony of Makar. From young age they where trained in the fighting art there father was a warrior they almost never saw him and there mother died with the birth of Faladon. One day a scribe from there fathers Noble master came. The scribe told that the Noble lost all his man because of the Eston cav. The brother where shocked about there fathers dead but they knew it had to happen one day. The scribe also told them there father was the comander of the unit and the Noble decided to offer them this position in his new unit. The boys would get paid good and the Noble had imported Eston horses from Ashmoor after seeing there power. In a few years they became feared by the enemy when they drove at front the Battle was already won. They stayed alive and healthy longer as anybody could imagine and there bonds saving where getting even high for some Nobles. Utricht got married with the daughter of a trader this trader was pretty rich to. Faladon who always been the smartest of the two, came up with a idea together with the trader they would buy them self Nobility. After counting there bonds they noticed they needed 100 gold more, one last battle. On the day of the battle more troops then ever before gathered and when the command came the boys drove forwards to a army of thousands. they crushed enemy line but in a few minutes there horses where killed and of the large unit just a few where left. Utricht was fighting like never before but then a rain of arrows came down on them. faladon knew just in time to get his shield above him and Utricht. Utricht was only hit in the leg but because of the arrow rain there was a open place and Faladon got them bolt out the Battle, they fled. Hiding for the enemy the saw how warriors from bolth sides where killing each other and the peasants. When it was save thet stole two horses and went to heal and collect there prize, they where nobles.

Chapter two

Utricht and his wife had got two children the first one was Sadat. When Sadat was borne the war was over and they moved together with Faladon to Ashmoor. Faladon had build a mention close to the mountains Moramroth Border, the family house it became. Utricht lived with his wife and baby son in the village so Sadat could grow up playing with other children and going to a close by private school. Utricht had troubles forgetting the war he could never leave his sword behind. He was being tortured by nightmares. When his second son was born, junior called after his father. Utricht got addicted to the liquor. He became everyday more aggressive and started to beat up his wife. One day she was gone and only left a letter behind Utricht threw it in the fire and only he knew what was on it. Junior was to young to remember his mom but Sadat misted her everyday. One night Utricht came back from drinking again, he saw his son Junior playing with his old armour and lost it. Nobody could know what he would have done with the 6 year old if Sadat wasn't there. Sadat jumped out of a other room grabbing his hunter dagger from his belt. Utricht responded to grap his sword but without training Sadat fought with great skill. Sadat unarmed his Father and threw his fathers beloved sword into the fire. After that the old warrior Utricht knew to get his son unarmed aswell and beated him in full fury. The morning after the fight Sadat sneaked outside taking a horse. When climbed his horse his little Junior came out side.

Junior: Sadat where are you going?
Sadat: i'm leaving little brother. I can't stay with father one day longer.
Junior: where are you going?<br. Sadat: As far away as i can. Here you can have this.

Sadat gave his little brother a dagger. The handgrip was hand made of antlers from deer which Sadat killed during hunting. Handgrip also had put in some stones Sadat found in the mountains. (later they seemed to be ruby's)

Junior: i don't got anything for you ......... wait here

Junior ran inside and came out with a rare white mountain flower. He had found it yesterday and now he gave it to Sadat. With out any more words Sadat drove of.

He stopped at his uncle's house leaving a message.
Dear uncle

i can't stay here any longer. One day i'll return but only
after my fathers dead. I'm to weak to protect Junior please
make sure father won't harm him.


A few day's later Faladon had persuaded Utricht to move in with him. Actually it was only Junior who lived with his Uncle, Utricht stayed in the town what was closer to the tavarn.