Tarvitz Family/Saul

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< Tarvitz Family
Revision as of 22:44, 12 January 2012 by Malevolent (talk | contribs) (Page now rewritten)
This page is still under construction and until the removal of this notice, no information is pertained to, or can be used, in game.

Error while fetching data from URL https://battlemaster.org/data/character.php?World=8&Name=Saul: $2.
There was a problem during the HTTP request: 400 Bad Request
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Error: no local variable "name" has been set. Error: no local variable "family" has been set.
Class [[Error: no local variable "mainclass" has been set.]] / [[Error: no local variable "subclass" has been set.]]
Error: no local variable "age" has been set.
Error: no local variable "honour" has been set.
Error: no local variable "prestige" has been set.
Liege Error: no local variable "regionlord" has been set. Error: no local variable "regionlordfamily" has been set.
Positions Noble of [[Error: no local variable "region" has been set.]]
Error: no local variable "region" has been set.Property "Member of" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "region" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Error: no local variable "regionlord" has been set. Error: no local variable "regionlordfamily" has been set.
[[Error: no local variable "duchy" has been set.]]
Error: no local variable "duchylord" has been set. Error: no local variable "duchylordfamily" has been set.
Error: no local variable "realm" has been set.
Error: no local variable "rulername" has been set. Error: no local variable "rulerfamily" has been set.
Continent [[Error: no local variable "continent" has been set.]]

Property "Member of" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "region" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process. Property "Member of" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "family" has been set. Family" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

Could not get URL https://battlemaster.org/data/character.php?World=8&Name=Saul after 3 tries. Could not get URL https://battlemaster.org/data/region.php?World=8&Name=%3Cspan+class%3D%22error%22%3EError%3A+no+local+variable+%22region%22+has+been+set.%3C%2Fspan%3E after 3 tries. Could not get URL https://battlemaster.org/data/character.php?World=8&Name=%3Cspan+class%3D%22error%22%3EError%3A+no+local+variable+%22regionlord%22+has+been+set.%3C%2Fspan%3E after 3 tries. Could not get URL https://battlemaster.org/data/region.php?World=8&Name=%3Cspan+class%3D%22error%22%3EError%3A+no+local+variable+%22duchy%22+has+been+set.%3C%2Fspan%3E after 3 tries. Could not get URL https://battlemaster.org/data/character.php?World=8&Name=%3Cspan+class%3D%22error%22%3EError%3A+no+local+variable+%22duchylord%22+has+been+set.%3C%2Fspan%3E after 3 tries. Could not get URL https://battlemaster.org/data/realm.php?World=8&Name=%3Cspan+class%3D%22error%22%3EError%3A+no+local+variable+%22realm%22+has+been+set.%3C%2Fspan%3E after 3 tries. Could not get URL https://battlemaster.org/data/character.php?World=8&Name=%3Cspan+class%3D%22error%22%3EError%3A+no+local+variable+%22rulername%22+has+been+set.%3C%2Fspan%3E after 3 tries. Error: no local variable "name" has been set. Error: no local variable "family" has been set. is a [[error: no local variable "mainclass" has been set.]]-[[error: no local variable "subclass" has been set.]] in the realm of Error: no local variable "realm" has been set. on the [[Error: no local variable "continent" has been set.]] continent. She is Error: no local variable "age" has been set. years old, is a Noble of [[Error: no local variable "region" has been set.]] and has Error: no local variable "honour" has been set. honour and Error: no local variable "prestige" has been set. prestige. Her liege is Error: no local variable "regionlord" has been set. Error: no local variable "regionlordfamily" has been set..Property "Member of" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "region" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process. Property "Member of" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "family" has been set. Family" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.


Growing Up

Being the eldest member of the family, a lot was expected of Saul. Although he arrived on Dwilight only at a young age of 12 there was still a lot that was expected of him. Arriving at his Aunt and Uncles estate, the place he would call home for the next 5 years, they wasted no time in preparing him for the responsibilities and duties that were expected of a noble.

He was given a day to settle into the estate and learn his way around; the day after, his training began. To begin with he was instructed on etiquette, how to speak like a noble, walk like a noble and most importantly how to act like a noble. Following this, penmanship lessens were given, for although Saul had the ability to write reasonably well, his Aunt and Uncle thought it scribbles, no better than a noble aged 7 from one of the more, upstanding, noble families.

Within a week swordsmanship lessons begun, this was one thing that Saul was good at, for although his reading was a little slow, and his writing not very neat, he knew how to wield a weapon. Training in the yard became a daily occurrence for Saul, although it was not always with a sword that he practiced. Lances, maces, spears and bows all became a part of his sessions on top of the sword fighting.

This régime continued for a few years, and Saul saw a great improvement in his penmanship. On top of this, he was being given lessons in politics. It was important that he not only concerned himself with what was happening on the field, but also off it. For the honour of a noble may be made in the field of battle, only for it to be destroyed in the forums of the lords and ladies.