Mercury Family/Marion/A Women, a Letter and an Apologise

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A Women, A Letter and an Apologise

She was reading Ryu's letter on her way to Sir Temple.

"Wise, wise Marshall. We all need your advice...I would like Eilien to meet him, so she will know the good storys of times times of war...Well, her father can do that too." She is no longer upset. The wild creature inside of her is quiet now. Everything is extrangely on its place, because she is going to take the next step. Talking to Rugina. Having some good advice about how not to be least not everytime. Talking about their daughters and their father. Not fathers, but father. His women are getting togheter to finally meet eachother.

"I supose that I should send him a letter. To ask him how everything worked with Eilien..."

Marion stops in a small town, just a few houses and a tinny place to the travellers to eat. Her men stops with her, hopping for a good beer after that good battle against the monsters. They know that they have more hard work in Sir Temple...they can't wait for it. Wile the unit rest for a couple of minutes, she asks for some paper and writes a letter to the elf.

Dear Erik: I supouse that I own you an apologise. Even If I thougt that I had a good reason, I had no right to keep Eilien away from you. She had the right to know her father from day one. I was just trying to protect her. Not from you...but from everything. Now she knows who she is. I am not going to ask you to be nice with her, because I know you will... She has your eyes, hasn't she? I can see some of your arrogance in her eyes since she was a child. I haven't talked to her since that night, but she wrote a letter to me. She doesn't say it, but I can see that she is happy. You are not the bloddy Elf anymore. I am going to visit Rugina, to meet her finally, and to meet your daughter. It is something that I have to do to keep everything in the right place.

So, this is it. Everything is in the right place now. I hope you enjoided your visits in Avamar. I hope you are well. Take care of you.


The letter is delivered with a squire who has explisit orders to watch himself not to be followed by a crappy hooded man.