Decimus Family

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Revision as of 01:31, 19 December 2008 by Decimus Family (talk | contribs)

The Decimus family is originally from Atamara, however over time they have spread to different parts of the world. The Decimus brothers have over time emigrated to different worlds, where each could prosper and focus on each of their respective agendas.

Some argue that it is odd that brothers so close and loyal to each other as youngsters could become such different characters over time. Over the years despite their different traits and loyalties, the Decimus family has always come first and if in need, all would not hesitate to drop everything and come to the aid of the other.

Original Home: Amriel, Atamara Current Home: Westmoor, East Continent

Decimus Family Line

Knight Phobos Decimus (Deceased - Executed in the Colonies)

Lord Axim Decimus

Lord Basilius Decimus

Freeman Straktos Decimus

Viscount Phonos Decimus