A Review of the Military Standard of Askileon

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Please treat this as OOC unless given a copy with a direct link to my googledocs account. This is a preliminary review.

A Review on the Military Standard of Askileon

As reported by Count Ramiel Avis, Lord of Nid Tek, Marshal of the Eastern Sun.

Honourable Council Members, Lords and Ladies of the Land Administration,

For a long time we have used the Military Standard of Askileon as the basic guideline and principle of the armies of Pian en Luries. Whilst it has served us since before the Lurian Civil War between Pian en Luries and Giask and still serves us now, I cant help but feel that there are some improvements that could be made to slightly ease the burden upon our Knights and Rural Lords and Ladies.

At this moment, the Standard suggests that Troop Leaders recruit a unit of at least a combat strength of 500. Now whilst this is an easy objective, it does carry some points against it – especially when you work in the factors and circumstances of our Rural Lords and Ladies and the tax-share their Knights receive usually means they are out of pocket and have to go to their Duke more often that not. At the moment we have a large amount of Infantry Units which is a good thing, however Infantry is the most expensive unit to recruit and 'maintain numbers' of. The constant recruitment of Infantry is a hole in our pockets, yet it is a required one and, I would say, the most important one.

The current waves of invasions attacking Lupa Lapu and Ciarin Tut have effectively forced the realm as a whole to waste thousands of gold for little gain, especially where Lupa Lapu is concerned.

It is my fervent hope and wish that we can change this and implement a new system that will benefit the whole realm in terms of our military and defensive capabilities. It relies on each noble living within their means but with sustained help from the Dukes, Marquises and Banker.

For Rural Knights, I am suggesting that their tax-share be at least 50 gold. Now combined with the fact that we Rural Lords and Ladies need at least two Knights to keep our regions in good order, this will most likely be a combination that is very close to half a regions full tax, meaning that our Rural Lords and Ladies are now also dependant on our Dukes, Marquises and the Banker for recruitment costs. 50 gold a week will enable our Knights to have an average unit of Infantry with 500 combat strength as well as paraphernalia to go with it. With units of Archers, which will be critical, it would pay for roughly half a 1000 Combat Strength unit. With Cavalry it should pay for a unit consisting of 40. Of-course these are all approximates. From this, it is only the Archers which will need additional funding from the Dukes, Marquises and the Banker, but since they will be crucial with the campaign plans for next year, it is imperative.

As Lords and Ladies ourselves, we should strive for a unit double that of our Knights. Either in terms of quality or quantity. Myself, I have found the Silver Pikemen of Askileon to be a very good infantry force to hold the line with, and ideally would wish for a unit of 50 with 100% training and cohesion which should equal them to two units from Knights, if not more. Now with the funds I have left from the tax should this idea be implemented, I can afford it except in the case of initial recruitment and after heavy losses.

Now ideally, depending on which Town we are talking about, the Marquess/Marquis – if a troop leader – should be able to pay for their Knights and their own unit independently, releasing more funds for the Rural Knights and Lords and Ladies from the Dukes and Banker. And if not a troop leader, should be able to help the Duke and Banker with additional funds. The Banker, in our case also being a Rural Lord, should be able to be independent himself and with luck help out on one of his Knights, if not the second too, should he not need the money for Banker Duties.

The Dukes, being the most paid therefore are the ones with the most money to be channelled into the military and should consider carefully the best way to do this whilst keeping their own unit and their Knights units as sufficient as possible.

Now the reason for these changes, apart from what I have already stated, is also so that for the upcoming mid-Autumn Campaign to wipe out the rousing abominations – should the council find it agreeable – means that I plan to divide the army into different groups, dependent on the unit type.

Currently the plan is for a two-part archer rotation and a four-part infantry and cavalry rotation. Ideally the front line army will consist of around a force of archers with a combat strength of around 2000 and a force of infantry/cavalry with a combat strength of around 1000, or at least using that ratio depending on available troop leaders and so on. Details are still to be fully drawn up.

This leaves a refitting force that will when fully refitted be the same strength as the front line force. That leaves two infantry forces, one travelling home to refit and one having refitted going out to the front. Since we go through infantry more than we do archers, this should provide a good balance and the second archer force since even archers need to repair eventually. It allows a constant aggressive/defensive action – dependant on what we are currently doing, and should keep the campaign in full flow. Of course details will be given in the campaign proposal at a later date.

However what this means is that the following units will be expected to be of the correlating combat strength in relations to Knights:

Infantry: 500cs Archers: 1000cs Cavalry: 500cs

For Lords and Ladies: Infantry: 750-1000cs Archers: 1500-2000cs Cavalry: 500-1000cs

With regards to paraphernalia I would also suggest that we use the following ratio's in regards to unit: support unit.

Troop Leaders Discretion: Scouts: At least one. Three is good. More is better. Banners: One per twenty men for Infantry. One per fifteen if a Lord. Healers for Infantry/Calvary: One per fifteen men for Knights. One per ten if a Lord Healers for Archers: One per twenty-five men. Carts: Two or three when on campaign only.

Marshal's Discretion: Siege Engines: As many as possible but only when attacking a defended city. Caravans: Only on extended campaigns in hostile territory.

Thank you for reading.