Toogood Family/Simon Toogood

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Simon was raised in Askelion, Pian En Luries, but journeyed north, to Averoth, to seek his fortune. There he served as a knight of Averoth, under the King, Theodred. He served as a knight for a time, distinguishing himself in battle only once, in an almost suicidal charge off of the Valkyrian Palisade, accompanied by only a single man. The man was torn to pieces by the monsters below, while Simon escaped with only a light wound. Despite this, he was commended for his bravery, and a statue was comissioned.

However, he did not stay to see it built, instead setting off to his homeland, to fetch his family, and his fortune, north, to Averoth, sneaking through many regions of bandits and foreign empires alone. On the return journey, he was accosted by slavers, and though he made his escape, he felt a distinct hatred of the creatures, and rallied local peasants against them. He eventually returned to Averoth some time later, weary and with a small unit of men, who wished to join him.

Upon his return, he found a new Averoth has risen up in his absence, throwing down the old king, and the former Duke of Valkyrja, Sextus Severus rising up as dictator in his place. Simon was uneasy about this new regime, but was swiftly granted a knighthood, this time under Terok Infernum Serpherix, Judge of Averoth.

He served without distinction in the New Averoth, participating in the defense of Thulsoma, and raids on Astrum. His only military action of note was his refusal to fight in the left-handed style, as the 'Kommandant' demanded. He preferred to fight in the style he had always known, favouring his Right hand, and taught his men the same. His unit became known as the 'Right-handers' because of this.

Simon was a long time member of the Averothian underground, an undercurrent of nobility, opposed to the Kommandant. When his liege, Terok Serpherix declared a rebellion, Simon was swift to sign on, hoping for the downfall of the Kommandant. However, it soon became clear that the Terok could not deliver the support promised, and despite his rallying of local militia, Simon's forces were quickly crushed by Averothian military. Terok was nowhere to be seen, and apparently suicidally charged his cavalry into enemy lines, though the reasoning behind it is unclear.

With the failure of the rebellion, Simon fled Valkyrja, and is currently on the run from Averothian forces.


Simon is a stickler for honour, and many of his grievances with the New Averoth stemmed from it's willingness to participate in sordid acts and torture if necessary. Simon refused to conduct raids on peasants, and often quoted his family motto.

He was also a harsh drillmaster, training his troops mercilessly. However, his obsession with discipline showed, and his troops were immaculately drilled, a beacon of order amoung chaos. Sadly, the entire unit was lost in Terok's ill-fated rebellion.

Simon tended to wear little armour, even in battle, tending towards simple dark trousers and a shirt, with leather armour hidden below the noble clothing. He fought with a long, slim sword, and no shield, using speed to strike at the enemy. He performed well in the Third Averoth Tourney of Sword, placing 3rd out of 86 fighters.