Saxon Harbinger

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The Saxon Harbinger: bringing you news from the tempestuous north of Dwilight! Note: Articles are logged in reverse chronological order.

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Editor: Halleria Feyonis
January 1011
SummerIcon.PNG Relations Deteriorate
Written by Haruka Vanimdle, on January 31, 1011
In a less than surprising move, the neighbouring Kingdom of Summerdale moved to take Storms End, with the region being successfully taken overm only a day before, this comes only recently after Summerdale, on two occasions took over Torrents Breath, and summarily fled when Liberonite forces came past, resulting in the region revolting out of their control twice; this move came as King Joash Hamarson of Summerdale, tried to offer terms and enter diplomatic talks with Thulsoma. The Summerdalian nobles in Storms End, soon took it upon themselves to adopt an air of superiority and moral highground against the Saxon nobles present in Storms End, while also trying to convince them to join their Kingdom, through much talking between varying nobles, the Dalian's cast many insults and aspersions upon Saxon nobles and our honour, which, while bad for diplomacy, did not truly endanger it, however many Saxons soon proclaimed their strong desire to protect their honour in duels with the Dalian nobles.

What followed however, truly cemented the breaking of relations between the Holy Kingdom of Thulsoma, and the Kingdom of Summerdale, the armies of Summerdale entered Storms Keep under arms, with no forewarning to the Saxons, nor any correspondances outlining that they would do so, without asking for the permission and grace of Thulsoma. This, while the terms offered by Summerdale were under consideration by Thulsoma, Summerdale then quickly lowered relations, making their intentions clear. In response, the ForÞwíf Heofon signed a new treaty "Asseveration of the Dismissal, Removal and Expatriation of all Dalian Foreign Nationals".

"In response to the repeated trespassing of our rightful and sacred lands, conducted both in forces of hostile nobles, and soldiers in arms, and also the misconduct and craven activities undertaken while in the lawful lands of Thulsoma, this treaty declares any and all intrusion and infringement of our sovereign lands and borders by Dalians, to be both illegal, and unwarranted, under the punishment of imprisonment and confinement to the Ministry of Torture, to be dealt with at the pleasure and discretion of the ForÞwíf Heofon, and her instrument, the Master of Torture."
Letter from Haruka Vanimedle
Message sent to King Joash Hamarson, Duke Of Nifelheim
King Joash Hamarson, Duke of Nifelheim.

While you had offered me diplomatic terms between our realms, in the same day you took over one of Thulsoma's, rightful and sovereign regions, Storms End, whilst also doing nothing to impede the great acrimony and virulence of your nobles, and of your government officials and representatives, while yourself displaying nothing but an aversion to my nobles, my lands, except for that which you could utilise for your own ends, all things brought into due consideration, talks could easily have continued between our realms irregardless of such things.

But, as I resigned myself to private rumination over all matters, also taking the counsel of my nobles; your armies have entered Storms Keep under arms, and upon our demand that they cast aside arms and leave peaceably, they refused and instead have made a military encampment in our capital, and as they did so, you have lowered relations with Thulsoma further. Therefore, the only reasonable deduction I can make, is that you do not desire any sort of agreement between our realms, your nobles possess a deep enmity and aversion of my nobles, and in your intense haste and greed to scavenge all you can from this war, you will not wait even a day for due deliberation to be undertaken by Thulsoma in regards to your offer. It is the heartfelt opinion of both myself, the Witenagamot, the Convocation of Saxon's and also the Priests of Hrēdmōnath, that we must decline your offer.

To support this stance now taken, I have signed a "Closed Borders" treaty under the title and name of "Asseveration of the Dismissal, Removal and Expatriation of all Dalian Foreign Nationals".
Haruka Vanimedle (Lady Haruka Vanimedle' ForÞwíf Heofon of Thulsoma, Duchess of Storms Keep, Marshal of the Knights Of Holy Iron Chains)

SummerIcon.PNG Federation Deterioration
Written by Halleria Feylonis, on January 31, 1011
In a surprising turn of events, the realm of Caerwyn declared its desire to break its federation with the realm of Astrum due to the treaty of the Brotherhood of Astrocracies.

The Brotherhood is a union of the theocracies of the Church of Sanguis Astroism. Currently, it is composed of the realms of Morek Empire, Corsanctum, and Astrum. The exact copy of the treaty signed by the three realms is thus:

Morek, Astrum and Corsanctum, being theocracies of Sanguis Astroism, solemnly swear:

to aid each other in battle, each and every time an enemy appears;

to support each other, over and above any other contract they may have signed;

to uphold each other against pagan forces;

and to forever remain friends.

Evidently this means that, in the even of a war against one of the Astrocractic realms, all others are bound to support that one realm against "pagan realms" (read: realms which do not hold Sanguis Astroism as a primary religion). This concerned Caerwyn that their federation with Astrum will be put aside in favor of Astrum's union with the Astrocracies. As such, Archon Baal Zephon Beldragos of Caerwyn decided to nullify its former relations with Astrum.

Almost immediately semantics were called upon as messages were exchanged between the leaders. Astrum accused Caerwyn of having a hidden agenda, and stated that it has only ever been a friend and good neighbor. Caerwyn, on the other hand, declared that Astrum effectively made their federation void by signing an overlapping treaty, and that the said treaty named all pagan realms as enemies. Caerwyn is a "pagan realm", as it does not have Sanguis Astroism as its state religion.

The cause for war against Averoth also came into question. The Astrocracies maintained that since Averoth defended Storms Keep when their armies came to attack it, Averoth effectively declared war. Thulsoma and Averoth, however, say that it was a mere act of an ally defending an ally, and that the true reason for the war in the peninsula was not so much a religious campaign than an expansionist propaganda by the hegemony.

The Great Northern War may not be as over as people may think - on the contrary, it may just spread as more and more realms are alerted by the conflict. Asylon in the west and even the Republic of Madina in the far south have also expressed concern over the seemingly endless greed of the Church of Sanguis Astroism. Again, dear readers - time will tell.

SummerIcon.PNG Bare and Broken!
Written by Halleria Feylonis, on January 25, 1011
The once-formidable Level 7 walls of Storms Keep have been completely destroyed by the combined forces of Libero and Morek. Meanwhile, missives are being sent back and forth between the opposing parties concerning issues such as the true reason for the war.
SummerIcon.PNG Storms Keep Further Damaged!
Written by Halleria Feylonis, on January 8, 1011
Ever since their arrival at Storms Keep, the armies of the Empires of Libero and Morek have been damaging the fabled walls of the aforementioned citadel. From being the most formidable defensive structure on the entire continent (once boasting a Level 7 Citadel), the Keep now only has a Level 4 Stronghold.

Time will tell if the Saxons can repulse their enemies long enough to rebuild their city.

SummerIcon.PNG Siege! Siege!
Written by Halleria Feylonis, on January 15, 1011
Another siege by the Sanguis Astroism Crusade against the Holy Kingdom of Thulsoma began. A small army from the Libero Empire and a considerably larger army from the Morek Empire launched themselves against the fortress of Storms Keep, scattering the defending army of Thulsoma. Queen Haruka Vanimedle' of Thulsoma was captured by the Morek Empire during the battle. Since then missives have been exchanged between the opposing parties, mainly concerning the nature of the Crusade.

We know exactly what happened.

I remember the day quite clearly. I was amused by a statement from Haruka about how the peasants of Thulsoma were so loyal to her that they pretended to worship the Bloodstars and lied to the rest of Sanguis Astroism about it. Priestess Elsebeth was then sent to Storms Keep to teach Duchess Haruka a small lesson. Haruka not only failed to learn from that lesson she proceeded to make many more mistakes along the way by torturing priests and priestesses. Sanguis Astroism then asked Libero Empire to take care of the problem quietly. It became clear that other realms were supporting you clandestinely. It was then that the church declared an official Crusade. We succeeded in flushing out your allies. The Church of Hredmonath will be destroyed. Thulsoma will be destroyed. Averoth will be destroyed. You will be scattered to the four winds and Sanguis Astroism will flourish once again in the north. Each side will have their views. You may not like mine or call it a bunch of lies it matters not to me.

What matters to me is that I can soon look at a map of northern Dwilight and smile. All the vermin from Mt Black to Valkyrja will soon be cleared out.

Lady Allison Kabrinski

And was it not true? Despite all the attempts to unseat ForÞwíf Heofonþrym Haruka, the people of Storms Keep still remained loyal to the Kingdom of Thulsoma. Again and again the priests of Sanguis Astroism threw themselves at the city like lemmings. Again and again they failed to take the Keep.

It was then that the Libero Empire declared war against the Kingdom of Thulsoma, as they say, for "purely secular reasons". Being an Empire, Libero understandably wanted to expand its borders. In this they failed, too. The supposed might of the Libero Empire crumbled again and again against the walls of the city of Thulsoma.

When it became clear that Libero would not be able to take Thulsoma alone (despite being a far richer realm, with many more nobles and soldiers), the theocracies and realms of Sanguis Astroism decided it was time to save the face of their ally. Only then did Thulsoma showed signs of defeat; only when four far larger and far richer realms decided to intervene did the proud Kingdom started its descent.

We may lose this war, for death and defeat is inevitable for all. Yet we will carry on the legend and the glory: of the Saxon people, of the Hredmonath, of the magnificent Kingdom of Thulsoma which was toppled by greed and wrath. When the end comes, o nobles of Morek and Libero, of Astrum and Corsanctum, look around in awe at the valiant people of Storms Keep.


Halleria Feylonis (Lord)

One thing is clear: this war will be part of the legends of Dwilight unto the end of the age of humanity.

SummerIcon.PNG The Saxon Harbinger Opens!
Written by Halleria Feylonis, on January 9, 1011
Today, the Saxon Harbinger has opened for business. Printed in the northerly fortress of Storms Keep, the Harbinger is set to deliver the latest news of Dwilight through the perspective of the Saxons.

Positions for writers are open. Please send all applications to Halleria Feylonis.

A new treaty signed
A new treaty called "Asseveration of the Dismissal, Removal and Expatriation of all Dalian Foreign Nationals" has received all required signatures and has now gone into effect.
Diplomatic News
The King of Summerdale has lowered the relations to Neutral.
Region Takeover
Summerdale has taken control of Storms End , a former rogue region. Summerdale now controls 6 regions.
Region Takeover
(rogue) has taken control of Mountain of Woe (formerly part of Astrum). (rogue) now controls 102 regions.
Region Revolts
The people of Torrents Breath have revolted and declared independence from Libero Empire!
Diplomatic News
The realms of Madina and Thulsoma have signed a peace treaty.
Ruler Elected
The realm of D'Hara has elected Marche Telrunya as its Dragon King.

He received 52% of the valid votes cast.

Fall of Ordenstaat
With the fall of the city and capital Rettleville to rogue forces, the realm of Ordenstaat is no more.