Island Chronicle/2011/January

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War! January 2, 1011
After a prolonged period of aggression and sabotage against the island folk, the Arcaeans have finally made their intentions clear, declaring war on the Islanders. Not a week ago, they sent their "traders", lead by the thief, Selenay, to the Isle, who misappropriated food meant for a festival in honor of Omorthion. Sir Ryuutarou Bakos, one of their saboteurs, then began the mass slaughter of militia stationed on the Isle. In retaliation, Sir Herunumen attempted to keep Selenay from disposing her ill-gotten food, yet failed. Then, their assassin, Faust Cryfdwr Kabrinski was caught red handed trying to murder Sir Gwailor of Arcachon. Their game exposed, Arcaea demanded the expulsion of Sir Herunumen who had defended Arcachonian integrity, threatening war against the Isle. Yet Arcachon did not bow to their will, and on the second of January, the Imperialists of Arcaea declared war on our people.
Comment on this story. by Melehan Lefanis, Duke of Enlod