Avalon/Roleplay Section/Soulreaver/Part Four

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Soulreaver got a third horse for master Gwydion and they rode of in the direction of Vale. After arriving there they went to Soulreaver’s house to rest before they went on to Pel Mark. Soulreaver put the horses in his stable and he bought food and supplies for the trip. The next day they left early in the morning and were ready to the entrance on top of the mountains.

They were half way on the mountain when Minsc had a few questions for master Gwydion: Crowmaster how is it possible that the city still exist under all that rock why didn’t the gods just destroy the city.

Master Gwydion was a little bit angry about how Minsc called him but he answered anyway: “”I don’t know exactly but I think it was because of the Items they stole. If the gods destroyed the place their treasures would be lost or they saw it as a good place to keep those treasures safe from mankind.”

Soulreaver turned to the two men and said that they were almost there.

And then they saw it a huge black gate and behind it was the cave that lead to the labyrinth. But how hard Minsc or Soulreaver tried they couldn’t get it open.

Master Gwydion turned to Soulreaver: “Why don’t you try using your blade on the lock it was a gift of the gods so it might work.”

Soulreaver touched the lock with his weapon and suddenly just like a little breeze did it the gate swung open.

“How did you know that master Gwydion. That the blade would open the lock?”

“I didn’t but this gate opens the way to something the gods locked up and you got that weapon from the gods so I followed my hunch.”

Minsc turned to Soulreaver and Gwydion and suggested to get inside. “The quicker we get going the quicker we find the mirror.”

The three of them went inside with Soulreaver taking the lead. They found a few torches and lit them. Suddenly Gwydion told Soulreaver to stop and he put his staff a few steps in front of Soulreaver and arrows came flying from both sides and would have killed anybody that would have stood there. Silently they continued their way into the maze. They came along a few more traps like a falling boulder, a bothemless pit, stakes coming from the ceiling and grounds and some other traps.

Minsc suddently noticed something: “Is it me or is the hallway getting bigger.”

Soulreaver took a good look around: “I thing we entered some kind of big room. What do you think master Gwydion.”

“I think that one of the passageways we need to go through is here but I thought it would be guarded.”

And then suddenly a loud voice came from the other end of the room: “Foolish humans coming here to try and steal the treasures of the gods. You will pay with your lives stupid humans.”

The demon came out of the shadows and they took a good look of him. He was 2 times as big a the brave warriors, he had spikes growing out of his back and upper arms and his face was so ugly that you could barely look at it. But the most dangerous thing was the huge axe he was holding. The demon attacked the two brave warriors, the demon might be strong but he was also very slow and that was something the two warriors used to their advantage. But the demon’s skin was as hard as rock, how hard both men tried they couldn’t pierce it. Gwydion said they should hit him on the back of his neck. While Minsc distracted the demon Soulreaver drove his blade through the neck of the demon. The demon fell and Minsc had to jump away not to be crushed. Soon after that they got back on the way.