Avalon/Roleplay Section/Hector/The Battle of Norjke

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Previous: The Battle of Henhower

The Battle of Norjke, part I

Norjke is a mountainous region. The winds here carry the smell of rotten meat. That foul oder that causes one to turn away and cover one's mouth. This oder has been on the winds for about a day or so.

Hector turns to Revan. "The undead come, friend".

"Ahh, I thought perhaps the paraganthe was in blume."

"This time, it'll be a lot different, Revan, we have many more men." He pauses and looks down. "You know, I actually had some doubt you'd make it through our last battle of Henhower."

Revan turns, with his eyes opened a bit wider than his normal squint, and his mouth opened just a little. "What? Are you serious old friend?"

"Yeah, I am." Hector looks up, meeting Revan's gaze.

"Ah come on, are you serious?" Revan says almost as if he suddenly doesn't know the man next to him.

"You know, Revan, had I not found that church, me and my men would have been part of this undead horde coming now."

"Hector, when have we ever failed in a mission... or when was the last time someone or something killed you?"

Hector's shoulders bounce a bit as he laughs once. "Ah, comeon Revan, I knew if it could be done, you'd do it. But still, it made me think a lot."

"Bah, don't get sentimental on me now, Hector. I can't go on being a hero, if you're going to keep crying when you see me bump my knee.... dad."

Hector laughs. "You're righ! Forget it. It's just, I think about her too much now, and it makes me look closer at what I value!"

Suddenly, a loud horn sounds.

"They're coming..." Both men break from each other, running in opposite directions to their camps.

"To arms, to arms!!!" Hector, shouts...

"Come on men, get up, it's time to fight..." Revan says to his 5 men.

Suddenly, before Revan can get his horse saddled, a creature comes bounding from the woods. The armies are starting to form in the center of the battle field, just in the clearing about a 100 yards away. But Revan and his men are just getting out of there camp.

Before he knew it, one of his men was consumed by two giant creatures, about 10 feet tall, and just as wide.

Revan brings out his bow, and aims right between the eyes. All the while, leaning on his horses hind quarters, using it as a shield and to stablize his balance.

Swwwoooosshhh... the arrow flies perfectly between the eyes of the first monster. He teeters for a moment, then falls backwards, crushing an underling. The second monster sees him and starts towards him. Meanwhile, in the center of the battlefield, the armies are forming... But Revan's men are being attacked. Another man is crushed by a large tree trunk that was widdled down in the shape of a mace and cluched in the hands of a giant monster.

Revan turns, and a skiny, but tall monster is in full swing, aiming right for Revan's head. The horse Revan is leaning against bucks and throws Revan back.. Suddenly, Hector is there. Slicing the head clean off. The monster drops to his knees, then colapses, a lifeless mound of grey parts.

Hector grabs Revan and helps him to his feet... "come Revan, let's not dilly dally, there is a giant monster between us and the battle field, you flank his left, I'll flank his right..."

Hector's men are already moving with the other armies, forming a line in the clearing, and heading straight at the majority of the monsters gathered there.

Revan and Hector confuse the large Monster. This is too easy. Hector thinks to himself... Suddenly, he feels a sharp pain and feels his body collasping and sees a flash of bright light. Then nothing.

Revan looks and sees an underling swinging a mace and hitting Hector from the side, he never even saw it coming.

Revan has to make a choice, risk his life for his friend or not... Well, what's a hero for. Revan slides on his knees, between the legs of the giant monster, as the monster swings his huge tree trunk wildly missing Revan. Revan continues to slide under the creature as he lifts his sword and slices up, cutting a major artery in the monsters right leg. The creature stumbles and collapses.

Revan bolts towards the underling, who is raising his mace to smash Hector's skull. He's at least 25 feet away, and he won't reach Hector in time. So, Revan pulls back his sword and throws it with all his might... I was never any good at throwing my sword.

As the sword slices through the underling, it looks at Revan in astonishment and then collapses, lifeless to the ground. Revan, lifts Hector up a bit and smacks him hard, in the face.

Hector jerks loose and stands, "What the hell is wrong with you?" As he grabs the side of his bloody head.

"An underling snuck up on you and was able to get you from the side"

I am getting too old for this.

"OK, I'm all right... LOOK OUT!"

Revan turns to see the large Monster in mid swing with his mace... Revan grabs Hector with both hands, swings both feet up to Hector's chest and shoves off as hard as he can.. Sending himself and Hector tumbling in opposite directions, just narrowly avoiding the Monsters' swing.

Hector, draws his sword and so does Revan. They both attack, viciously at the same time. Cutting the limbs from the monster. As it staggers and falls, both Revan and Hector look up to see the Monsters on the battlefield falling by the swords of the Avalonians...

"You know, Revan, this is our first real victory over the Monsters..."

"You're right, Hector, we should celebrate."

Hector puts his sword back in it's sheath, and grabs his head while putting his arm around Revan. "We have to stop meeting like this." Both men laugh as they walk off towards the battlefield to see if their men are still alive.

The Battle of Norjke, part II

As Hector's 2 wounded men recover the rest of his men mingle with the other Troop Leaders gathered in the courtyard of the camp. Fires blaze in holes as the men gather around.

"General, my men were able to help today, but I appologize for my absence. We were, um, cutoff from the fight..." Hector says.

Revan quickly interjects, "Ah yes, General, I too was delayed. See, Hector here got in over his head, and, well, I had to come help him..."

The men start to laugh, Storm pipes up... "Revan, from what I could see, it was two giant monsters who, well... were over your head!"

All the TL's burst out in laughter. "Of course, it was Hector who was sideswiped by that wimpy little underling..." Everyone laughs louder, and men jeer at Hector, one man smacks his shoulder as he laughs...

"Well, let's just say, he was too skiny to see..." Hector says, with a large smile on his face, and blood stains in his hair.

The leaders roar wildly as they all sit around the camp fire. Minsc and Michael both mock Hector... And re-inact Hector being hit by the skinny underling.

Grim-Reaper stands up... "That is completely inaccurate." The men all go silent... "It was more like this.." And Grim-Reaper grabs the side of his head, and falls to the ground.

Everyone breaks into laughter again. So loudly, they didn't even hear the monsters enter the camp.

Suddenly, there was a disturbance, and all the TL's rise to their feet...

"To arms, to arms..." Michael screams.

All the TL's split up and run to their men's camps. In the distance, you can hear spuratic skirmishes, horns blowing, men screaming and the horrible screetch of the huge, loud lumbering monsters.

One man, one of Revan's, jumps from a tree and lands on the back of one of these huge creatures. The creature bucks wildly, swinging his large, hand-made mace at the soldier. But, it hits itself hard, in the head, causing it to stammer. The hero soldier, destined for greatnes raises his sword to end it's life. But, as he does, the monster falls, and roles to the left, causing the soldier to lose his balance and come crashing to the ground with tramendous force. He crashes so hard he is totally disoriented. Then, a large monster runs up, raising it's mace high in the air and crushes him.

Hector sees this and thinks to himself. That could just have easily been me.

He darts away, running to join his men and the rest of the Avalonian army gathered now in a much smaller clearing in the woods. Forming up lines they advance on the 4 stong monsters, and the one, dizzy monster who hit himself in the head earlier.

Revan is there, with his 4 men. Grim-Reaper, Michael, Storm and Minsc all meet up. "Fall in, men...formation!" Michael screams.

Hector is last to join, his 16 men, 2 who are clutching gapping wounds have fallen in. They advance slowly towards the monsters.

Revan is gathered in the center with his 4 men. As they approach, A monster crashes down with his mace, cruching 1 of Revan's men and sending the rest flying, each with large wounds. They stammer to their feat and push their way back through the ranks, running for cover.

Hector and Michael's men strike next, sending one monster to his knees.

Grim Reaper and Michael's men attack the right flank distracting two monsters while Minsc, Hector, Storm and Revan (who is alone now) attack the center. Another monster falls to his death from the center attack. As Hector and the rest turn to look right, another monster crashes to the ground, yet still alive. The rest of the monsters attack, wounding several soldiers in their wake.

The battle rages on for an hour. Finally, at the end, the human's prevail again. As they start to wander away, back to their respective camps, Grim Reaper and Michael approach the rest of the TL's...

"Well fought... But, what were we talking about earlier?" Michael says as he looks at Minsc.

Minsc replys, "Oh, yeah! We were just trying to picture Hector going down like a little girl at the hands of a skinny underling!"

The men roar into laughter, and walk back to their fire, that has now died down to just glowing coals. "Scribe! Come bring some more wood and get this fire blazing again!" Grim Reaper yells.

They all take their places around the fire again and pick up the conversation right were it last left off. The soldiers of these TL's smile, as they hear their leaders laughter well into the night.

Next: Hector returns to Cteduul