Ironheart Family/Joseph

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Joseph son of John Ironheart
Status: Alive and active
Continent: East Continent
Realm: Sultanate of Asena
Previous Realms: Tara
Current Titles: Ambassador of Sultanate of Asena, Knight of Pedrera
Titles Held: Knight of Kazakh, Knight of Obando, Knight of Caqueta, Knight of Pucallpa, Knight of Mapo, Knight of Chuca
Class: Courtier/Ambassador
Honor: 56
Prestige: 15
Age: 35
Eyes: Black
Hair: Dark Brown
Sword skills:
Jousting skills:
Leadership skills:
Infiltration skills:
Bureaucratic skills: >90%
Preaching skills:
Unique Items:
Unique Items Held: None

His Story so far

Like many generations of the Ironhearts. Joseph was born and raised at the family's mansion at Aigaling in Atamara. His father initially wanted him to stay to help him with the estate and to take care of the family. However, Joseph insisted at leaving, especially since most of his younger brothers have done that already.

It is because of this that he joined Tara at a rather older age (25). He didn't have much faith in his home realm from the start, unlike his younger sibling Solomon. Together with his younger brother Solomon he served Tara, participating in the battles against Falasan and Minas Ithil. He joined the service of the miser Lord of Chuca, for twenty gold per week. The young knight found himself unable to cope with the situation, considering the large warfare to the north, and how his unit was routinely masacared. It is because of that he offered his services to the Duchess of Tucha Erica Kazan, who had already announced her need for knights. For one reason or another, the Duchess refused his service and instead directed him to the Baroness of Mapo, Lady Windflower.

Joseph thus joined the ranks of Mapo, he was pretty much satisfied as his weekly share doubled under the his new liege. However, his contentment was not to last forever...

The Courtier:

Tara was now at peace, the sweat and dust of marching to war is no more. Realizing that his services as a warrior are no longer essential, Joseph decided to try his hand at courtier work. As a courtier, his administrative duties were concentrated mainly around the Duchy of Tucha. His efforts were soon recognized and he was added to Tara's administrative council.

It has been a year and a half now since he joined Tara. Joseph was still feeling empty, Tara was a huge realm, with nobles entrenched at the top of the heirarchy for decades, he felt himself an ant compared to these still present dinosaurs. He came to the conclusion, that he has no chance for advancement in Tara. It was not clear why he came to these conclusion, and whether younger knights were able to advance in Tara was indeed subject to debate. The young Ironheart thus went to his region for a last time, performing civil service in Mapo until he was ready to travel.

As soon as he gathered enough fund, Joseph packed his bagage and headed south, his brotherSolomon tried to dissuade him from leaving, but to no avail. He arrived at Ser'quea in Carelia, and from there he boarded the first ship to the east continent, where his other sibling David lives.

Upon his arrival, Joseph was surprised to learn that his brother has already become a lord in these foreign lands. A mixed feeling of pride and jealousy overwhelmed the elder sibling. David offered his brother a generous oath at his region. The region, which was called Pucallpa was at bad shape, and it was evident to Joseph that his soft hearted brother was not able to control the rebellious populace. Using his skills as a courtier, and with the help of his police unit, Joseph was able to bring the region back under control in no time.

Feeling full of himself and proud of his achivements at Pucallpa, Joseph requested to be transfered to the newly acquired Obando. Joseph did all he could to restore the region, this time the job was proving extremely difficult. He was not used to the intense destructions caused by the wars of the east continent, the peasants at Obando were extremely rebellious and showed no sign of co-operation. In addition to all this, Sirion (the sultanate's enemy) was constantly sending her priests to undo all the work done by the lord of Obando Sielo and his knights. This led to a fateful encounter with their priests and a bunch of religious fanatics...

Sirion's priests have been spotted preaching in Obando for some time, but could not be arrested due to lack of military forces garrisoning the region. It appeared however, that they were intent on taking over the region. Once day Priest Janus and group of zealots of the white tree attempted to storm the lord's mansion at Obando. They were quickly repelled by Lord Sielo and his knight Joseph with the help of handful of guards, the Sirionite priest was also quickly captured and thrown in jail. Weakness in the religious area was becoming more apparent in Asena, after the death of the last priest of the Path of Asena. Leaders of the flow of balance promised aid.

Months later, things continued as they were, without much progress. Obando as despondent as ever, The priests didn't come, as they were constantly ambushed by infiltrators as usual. The military was busy campaigning around Osslamar, no one to be spared for maintainance work etc. It was during that time that Sirion made another attempt to take over Obando. This time a horde of peasants were marching behind the priest of Sirion. It proved too much for the lord of Obando who was deposed by the rebels. The beuracrats of Obando during the chaos surrendered everything, and wrote in the official documents that Joseph and the others are knights of Obando, and since Obando is no longer part of the Sultanate, then they are also knights of Sirion!

He wasn't sure how he managed it, but perhaps because they have too many nobles to notice? or perhaps deliberately? or they simply didn't care. Joseph was able to read the correspondence between the nobles of Sirion. He and other former Asenians in Sirion, were reporting back everything that was going on. Every word, every solider, locations of militia, their number, locations of sirion troops, their size etc. He was planning to return to Asena, but having access to all this information about the enemy seemed so much fun. However, he couldn't keep his mouth tight for long...

...To be continued